Friday, April 17, 2009

Yay! For Pat...

Guess what? My Big Loveliest Cats, the Kougar’s ATIV Title Magician buddy, Pat Cunningham, is joining the Siren-BookStrand team as a newly published author. Pat has promised to write a blog for Title Magic at a future time, and perhaps share an excerpt from the book that is in the process of being contracted.
Oh cool curled tosies...

And meowing-of... the Kougar is headed toward the finish line with her edits for HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES, due on the 17th. Tail-flicking hopefully, the one major issue is resolved by her prologue and the other fleshing out of what is occurring... clawsies crossed. Or, moi will have to put on her magical thinking cap again...
Then, it’s time for the revisions to STALLION OF ASH AND FLAME.... and submission. Next, onto BRANDED BY THE TEXANS. The Kougar is feeling tingly excited, ready to continue penning her alternate timeline story... the Ponderosa meets the secession movement sweeping through many states currently... of course, it’s really Kylie’s ultra-passionate love story with her rough and tumble cowboys.

Omygosh, darling Kittens, now moi is writing in her dreams more and more often, seeing line after line... and rewriting paragraphs in her dreams. Imagine a whole dream which is written out in the dream itself, instead of being like a movie. Of course, the story or scene makes sense as the dream is occurring... sadly, when the Kougaress arises, it dissolves away... which is okay for the stories that aren’t that interesting. For the ones that are... maooow! Huge frustration!
Ever experience something like that?

Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~

Happy Courtship on another Earth

X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...

Part 110 ~

Sylva knew Royce was reluctant, however he led her up the stairway, positioning them along the rail for a good view. Straining forward as much as she could, Sylva saw Zeke’s back as he stood before Whip Woman. The fleeting thought *so that’s the kind of woman he was screwing* entered her mind. Annoyed with herself, Sylva cocked her ear as if she could hear what they said to each other. “Who’s that?” she whispered, catching a glimpse of a tall angular man who reminded her the actor, Sam Shepherd. “Barnabas. He’s been after Merlinda’s special favors for years now.”

Zeke steadied his gaze, tempted to steal a peek at Barnabas. “Ridin’ into town,” he began. “It appeared like she’d fallen into a street puddle. Later surmised she’d been portalled to our world from another Earth. Same date and time as here. You know what that means...” Zeke hesitated. Merlinda’s eyes were riling up something fierce. “Goddammit,” she spat and shrieked at the same time. Zeke resisted the urge to step back. “I can’t even blame you.” Suddenly her arm raised and she cracked the whip’s lash brutally beside her boot. “Fate!” she screamed. “I despise fate! I loathe fate!”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 109 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the
Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~
Monday ~ Bekki posted about her the anniversary of her First Book Baby.
Friday ~ Lindsay presented a look at how history is successfully used in romance novels... this is a great bloggie!
Wednesday ~ the Kougar’s blog is titled: Western Erotic Romance ~ Or, Lasso Me, Cowboy.
Tuesday ~ Koko ranted about ebook piracy.
For the next part of the Never-Ending story ~
RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~
Siren-BookStrand blog ~

No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...

Happy Aquarian Age
May your most romantic dreams come true...

Dreaming smooches from the Kougar...

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