Purple Silk Books

 February 21, 2012 

UPDATE: It is with truly sad regret that this author announces Bookstrand will NO LONGER be a venue for Indie-published books. Being an author with Siren-Bookstrand, this cuts deep for several reasons. This author wished to have her all her books available for readers in one venue that was not necessarily Amazon. Since Siren does not accept short stories and/or does not always re-publish rights-back books, this places this author in a bind as far as now having to go with another strategy that is not exciting nor compelling, and only increases the chance for a retailer monopoly. It is also particularly disappointing that Paypal can be bullied by the big credit card companies into picking on book retailers who are doing nothing wrong, or will take the necessary steps to correct any problem.

December 17, 2011

Santa Baby, Several Stars Away 

by Savanna Kougar 

Now available at ~ AllRomanceEbooks 


December 14, 2011 

Due to circumstances beyond the Kougar's control, PURPLE SILK BOOKS is now launched... sort of... 

Explanation: To sign up for Indie publishing at BOOKSTRAND, the Kougar needed a different name and another email addy... thus... 

She is now the proud of owner of this publisher name.