Today, the Seasonal Celebration at the Siren-BookStrand loop continued, with delightful results, especially the conversations which go beyond promo, exploring all of us as authors and readers of romance.
Also, today, was Flash Fiction day at the Liquid Silver SEx blog, with the incomparable RJ hosting. The Kougar did not get to participate, having slept a major part of the day away because she didn’t make it to her slumbers until about 8 am. Meow-wow talk about a massive flash-ing party, though...there were well over 300 comments!!!
However, the Kougar KitKat did follow the Flash theme, turning the first one hundred words of her current WIP into a flashie...
This is the beginning of a new story I'm working on ~
Stallion of Ash and Flame
Trail rapped his knuckles on the splintery wood of the old ranch house’s front door, and made a mental note to replace it. As soon as the woman inside moved to answer, he gathered her fragrance into his nostrils. Suppressing his urge to snuffle in her scent more fully, he let the blaze of rose and gingery spice course through him. He’d admired her from afar, mainly at the Saturday night dances in town.
Knowing she was not a woman to give a man a one-night tumble, he’d respected her aloofness toward him, despite the raging bulge of his cock.
Alert !!!
Issue #10, my Big Beautiful Kittens, of The Romance Studio’s Twelve Days of Holiday Cheer ~ there it was, the Kougar’s greeting.
My KitKats ~ this is a post on the Aspen Mountain Press loop from Maura Anderson. The Kougar appreciates how she explains, in a simple way, the ancient tradition of celebrating the Winter Solstice ~
Some of you probably know I'm a pagan - a wiccan high priestess - and I wanted to point out that tomorrow is Yule, the Winter Solstice. This is traditionally the shortest day of the year (in terms of time from sunrise to sunset) and the tipping point of the year. After tomorrow, the year will slowly start to have more daylight hours until the Summer Solstice.
There is a lot of mythology based around Yule and a lot of traditions - one of the most famous is the battle between the Oak King and the Holly King. Traditionally the Holly King is the consort of the goddess and rules from Summer Solstice to Winter Solstice (the waning) and then the Oak King and Holly King battle on the Winter Solstice where the Oak King takes over as consort and ruler.
The Holly is sacred as it bears green leaves and red berries in the death of winter. Lots of symbolism in these traditions.
Some of that is melded into my story, Gift of the Holly King, that has re-released as a single-title ebook!
Maura Anderson - Author of Sensual, Magical, Unconventional Tales
Gift of the Holly King -- Available NOW from Aspen Mountain Press
~ http://www.realmsoftheraven.com ~
Now, Just for the Big Cool Cats ~
Santa Baby, Waitin’ Just for You...
Ten Lords A-Leaping...
Part Fifteen ~
Once she could, Kaily dared one eye open, just a crack. Ignoring the embers that now seemed to have taken up permanent residence in her belly...and ignoring his yule tide log of joy still filling her completely, she asked, “What are you? Some kind of sex guru on your world?”
“Guru?” He appeared puzzled. Placing her hand on the side of his face, he nuzzled a kiss into the center of her palm.
Good heavens, how was it everything the man did to her felt so tingly erotic? “Mystical wise man,” she explained, her breaths already out of control.
He pressed another kiss, and Kaily let her eyes close, basking in the way he made her feel. Why not? This might be the only time in her life she was with a ‘sex guru’. Unless...his past words penetrated...joining...the way of his forefathers.
She snapped both eyes open, staring...well, staring as hard she could while being ravished. He seductively swept his palm down her arm, covering her other hand with his. At the same time, he cradled her head, leaving her hand to attach itself, as if the granite-like planes of his face were made of Velcro.
“Like the three Wise Men?” His golden gaze blistered into her. Slowly, he brought her other hand toward his cheek.
“Could be,” she mused, thinking it did make sense. “But not exactly.”
He rubbed the side of his face against her palm, a sensual act which had her insides scintillating like a summer heat wave on pavement.
“Hold my face, Kaily.”
His deep raw tone compelled her, even though her hands weren’t about to detach themselves. Sliding his arms beneath her shoulders, he tenderly cupped her head with both hands. “Kaily, my beautiful gift, dance your fingers on my face.” His head dipped, and he gently drew her thumb into his mouth.
“Nine ladies dancing,” she murmured. As if bewitched, her fingers caressed, lightly stroking over his handsome regal features. Her thumb bathed in the hot cavern of his mouth, massaged by his large tongue, while an intense core of pleasure established itself in the middle of her body, emanating from the bold shove of his cock.
“Oh, god,” she moaned. “Dillon...what are you doing to me?”
He didn’t answer, of course. He just kept doing it, his tongue and mouth conquering her thumb, and her senses with sweltering ecstasy. She writhed her hips slowly, barely rocking his enormous cock.
His groan of pleasure vibrated her thumb, and sent a cascade of ecstatic ripples though her loins, twitching her clit. She whimpered, the sharp flow of her orgasm shooting upwards.
Gradually he dragged his mouth up her thumb. “Kaily.” He tensed, a mighty presence above her and against her flesh. Consumed by his orgasm, he strained upwards, finally bellowing a growl that coursed through her fingers first, then through her. Her hands had never left his face, glued to him by extreme passion.
“Ten Lords a-leaping,” he rasped.
Part One ~ see Holiday Flash in Five Hundred
Part Two ~ see Celebrating with Santa Baby
Part Three ~ see Santa Baby... Part Three ~
Part Four ~ see Baby, it’s cold outside... Holiday Flash
Part Five ~ see The Magic of Mistletoe...unrealized...
Part Six ~ see Snow Kiss and Snow Cloud, the truth is out there...
Part Seven ~ see Santa’s Two Turtle Doves...
Part Eight ~ see The Pleasures of Three French Hens...
Part Nine ~ see The Passions of Four Calling Birds...
Part Ten ~ see Black Cat Beauty & Five Golden Rings...
Part Eleven ~ see American Title V & Six Geese A-Laying...
Part Twelve ~ see Liquid Silver's Stocking Stuffer Giveaway!
Part Thirteen ~ see Smiling for the Holidays
Part Fourteen ~ see Nine Ladies Dancing... & the Grand Gift Winner
Winter Solstice smooch from the Kougar...
1 comment:
Thanks for the mention, Savannah! Yule is a terrific time of year with a ton of traditions around the world. I'm glad my brief explanations resonated with you.
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