Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Smooch for Debra Gaynor ~ 5-Stars

From out of the blue ~ It's Big Kitty smile-on-my-squinchy face day for the Kougar. Yep, moi is thrilled over the moon, and body-shaky...and reclining on a lovely floating cloud.
And, she does have a huge ole' paw on the ground...finish current WIP...finish...finish...
However, with further meowing-adieu:
All Shades of Blue Paradise
World of the Blue Pearl Moon
Savanna Kougar
Siren Publishing, 2008
ISBN: 1-60601-013-1
5 Stars
Reviewed by Debra Gaynor for, 3/08
Gryphiz is a world two dimensions from Earth. The people evolved differently from those on Earth. Their stamina and sexual ability increased.

When Lady Sheridan saw her betrothed, Baron Zaggry, betray her, she ended the relationship without ever telling anyone why. Ten years later her brother, Brad, begged her help. He owed money to the Baron and needed more time. Regardless of her feelings she agreed to approach him on the subject of the loan. Zag agreed to forgive the debt if she would be his slave lover for one year. He would also help her with her project of a riding stable for children. She agreed. He needed her help to stop a corporation from possessing the Vettura lands and destroying the world as they knew it. Zag hoped to win back her love during that year.
All Shades of Blue Paradise: World of the Blue Pearl Moon is part one of this series. Savanna Kougar is a talented author. The plot is extremely steamy. I would not mind being a slave lover for a year or maybe 20. Kougar has created a completely new world and culture. The characters are well-matched. Sheridan is a strong and very sensual. Zag is incredibly sexy, dominating, and loving. Fans of erotic romance will enjoy All Shades of Blue Paradise: World of the Blue Pearl Moon.
Psssst...any of your Coast Cats out was the night of Project Blue Light.
Lazy bed kitties, check out Mel's fab post on Title Magic about e-book or print book. Long purrs below:
Illuminating, even backlit post, Mel. Adobe PDF works fine for me. Although, you can't beat the feel and smell of a paper book! Especially curled up in bed, if you don't have a light sensitive spouse.
I think both 'e' and print will be around for a long, long time to come.We humans like texture, the feel and look of print. We like the design, the moods evoked.
Whereas, e-publishing is a different experience, yet wonderful in convenience and it's own digital artistic expression, IMH.
Personally, I believe there's a lot of room for both. Look at the growth of graphic novels on the side of print. At the same time it could go digital, almost a video version of the story.There's a lot of exciting possibilities, which I hope will serve the preferences of all readers and authors.
I have to say, it is exciting to see my novels go digital. I think as exciting as it would be see them in print. Who knows, though? Until I actually hold one, the paper book in my hot little ole' hand.
Smile-cat smooches from the Kougar...

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