Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Journey Tree Obstacles

Journeying down to her mailbox after the torrential Spring rains ~ thank you, weather goddesses and gods ~ first a gorgeous adorable cardinal lands in front of the Kougar, then *blast the eye* a major humongous dead limb across most of moi's gravel drive, branches scattered everywhere. Most sacred fortunately, the limb was dried and dead, therefore not as heavy, and the Kougaress could leverage it out of the way. Quite a large undertaking to clear away all the limbs and branches, meow-moi can tell you. So now, the weariness has taken over for the day.
The good rumbling news, on the trip back the Kougar saw another large-girth tree had fallen into the neighbor's pasture from water saturation and the winds. Roaring-yay! It would have been too large for moi to manhandle out of the way. And no guilt required since Dead Tree is on their side of the fence, and no damage caused.
Journey tree obstacles ~ a sacred message? All other obstacles in the Kougar's life path may be removed with this level of effort? Wish, wish...hope, hope...yowling-please, please...
More mewing-smiling news, the Kougar's horse drawing has been incorporated into the cover art of Pleasures of Blue Lotus Oil, as a small silhouette ~ so tingly cool, Big Cats. And the candle-erotic scene continues with our heroine and hero's turn for extreme pleasures...
Lovely Big Cats take a swift stroll over to Title Magic. Renee Knowles, fellow Siren author, is our guest blogger. With a background in small business, she offers great tips for networking. Purrs below.
Renee, it is kinda strange in a way, always forming stories in your head as you're grocery shopping, etc. and trying to keep aware enough while paying, so you don't end up losing a credit card.
Thanks for joining us today. I so luv that your career is taking off!
Journey kisses from the Kougar...

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