Thursday, April 3, 2008

David Burton ~ The Queen & The Red Lioness

David Burton ~ The Queen & The Red Lioness, Good Kitties all, that is moi's exciting blog topic on this chill-gray spring day. Especially fond of fantasy art, Big Cats, don't hesitate, claw-click over to admire David's Queen ~ she is mesmerizing, ancient-exotic and gloriously nude.
The Kougar has always purred, meow-yes, been caught in the weaving euphoric spell of fantasy art, her gaze captured by the exquisite enchantments before her. Or enthralled by the savage rapture of raw color transmuted to OtherWorld beings and creatures.
The roaring question: How can it be that not everyone is as entranced by the phantasm-sorcery of the artist's imagination? The fantastical world of the imagination trapped for a moment, that magic-wondrous moment to live for a generation and beyond as a drawing or painting. For, the Kougaress has always imagination-drooled over her fave fantasy works of art, wishing she could enter those worlds, since earliest cubhood.
Yowling-yes, every world, from fairy-delicate ethereal to god-barbarians challenging the stark gates of hell.
Thus, the pure thrill of seeing her lioness shifter heroine come to life on the cover of her e-novel, Red Lioness Tamed (Liquid Silver Books) was a dream realized, thanks to cover artist, David Burton.
David was wonderful and exacting to work with ~ much, meow-much appreciated by the Kougar. For more of David's cover art (moi's cover included) check out his website ~ ~ and his Published Covers Page: ~

David Burton’s bio ~
For nearly 20 years, Northwood artist David Burton has been providing high quality and creative images for a wide diversity of clients. His paintings and illustrations have appeared as covers and interiors for hardcover and paperback books, magazines, comic books, character design for movies and advertising art. His work resides in collections all over the world and is highly sought after by publishers, studios, and collectors.
Burton's take on Burroughs' famous characters is unique and has been hailed by some of the top writers and artists working in the field of science fiction today for being perhaps the most realistic attempt yet to capture this alien world and its inhabitants. After seeing Burton's work on the project, Ray Bradbury (author of such SF classics as "The Martian Chronicles" and "Fahrenheit 451") immediately commissioned Burton for a painting of King Kong.
Unlike some artists who embed themselves in one area or genre, David enjoys the challenges encountered by illustrating a diversity of job types and subject matters. As such, he is just as comfortable painting a domestic scene of young adults as he is in painting a film noir detective or a fantasy scene with a dragon.
Born 1960 in Manchester, New Hampshire, his earliest artistic influences were comic books. David is a mostly self-taught artist. He also teaches a free art class for anyone willing to participate at the Chesley Memorial Library every Monday night.

What are a writer's favorite tools to create that next story? Lightly spring on over to Title Magic where Anitra blogs about her faves, and asks the question answered my moi's enthusiastic mews below.
A few of my fave things? Anything that works -- pens, hard surfaces. My IBM electric typewriter, that now does not get used -- but I adored it when I worked after graduation at Park College.
The bells and whistles are great on my computer, when they work, which is most of the time. When they don't! Flashfires of upset abound -- if only I were a fire-shooting goddess.Okay, copy, paste and cut are my fav features, and the fact that my fingies can move much quicker than on a typewriter. It means I can write and re-arrange sentences, paragraphs without having to re-type a whole page. Now, that's real progress to me.
One of my old faves, and still is -- My old poor Thesaurus is in brown-piece pages, held together by clips. And my crossword puzzle dictionary, if I could find it.
Also! Paper, I'm crazed over paper, any color practically, as long as I can write on it, and create on it.
Fantasy art kiss from the Kougar...

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