Sunday, April 6, 2008

Aries New Moon

Today the moon hides from Earth, from our eyes, Big Kitties, the Aries new moon, while the afternoon sun masquerades as the moon, the flowing clouds disguising Sol. The juicy winds of Spring warmth blow over the tame prairie. And the froggies raucously sing.
Sun and new moon, Warrior Aries rises, demands the right to live and fights for freedom, battling against every injustice. Explosions blast over the globe in every domain, from the emotional psyche to the horrible destruction of bombs. Explosions rule our current world.
Watch out, hang on, Keen-eyed Kitties, we're in for a bumpy ride.
Flash and dash, Big Cats. Below is moi's offering for flash fiction Sunday at Liquid Silver Blog ~ ~ Some intriguing and inspirational pictures taken in Memphis, Home of the Blues.
"Imprisoned in stone," Shevra muttered derisively, flipping back her long tresses. She planted one hand on her defiantly thrust hip. Impatience and boredom had been her only companions for the several sun spins she and her well-hearted parents had arrived for an educational tour of this backwards mud-slow world.
Shevra stepped closer studying the magnificent woman draped in the hiding folds of her robe. Sensing the sparkle-flow of life inside, she glanced all around her. On fiery impulse, she touched her fingertip to the statue’s knee.
"Freed...where do I go?" the stunned woman whispered.
"It’s a big universe. Your choice."

Aries New Moon smooch from the Kougar...

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