Sunday, April 13, 2008

Blue Water Flash

Synchronicity wins once again, Big Cats, moi's pinup featured in a past blog is winning popularity and artist friends -- for, it fate-seems, David Burton, moi's cover artist for Pleasures of Blue Lotus Oil was researching a project, and happened upon her.
Meow-Kougar, can only hope this is a good shaman omen. O Great and Wonderful Bast, please. And purring-thank you.
Since her writer's Muse beckons insistently, the Kougar will leave her sweet and ferocious kitties with this 150 word flash and dash created for the Liquid Silver blog, a short scene from Pleasures of Blue Lotus Oil before her battling ride in the Braverth. Already moi spots, no not leopard spots -- but corrections she would make.
"Warrioress fire surged through her flesh. Barefoot, Sheridan moved carefully between the small misshapen boulders. With light steps she negotiated the rocky shelf of ground toward the waterfall, hidden in the deepest-shadow forest of the Wyldeland. The melodic crash of water falling onto stone and splashing loudly into an enormous pool, beckoned her untamed spirit. Inside her loins, the blaze to compete, to win curled, savage and calm.
Once she stood atop the largest boulder, Sheridan speared her arms upward in supplication and reverence for the Blue War Goddess. Subtle, fierce, the white-blue lightning coursed through her veins.
Unhurried, as in the most ancient tradition, she disrobed.
Leaping down, she strode toward the diamond-magnificent sprays of water. Swiftly stepping beneath the waterfall’s fury, Sheridan slowly turned. Cold-sluicing water ripped away her breath as she sacred-cleansed herself. Soon she reveled in the pummeling sun-gleaming water, feeling her triumph in the Braverth."

Blue water flash kisses from the Kougar...

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