Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pleasures of Blue Paragraphs

Big Kitties, yesterday the Kougar's blog, Fantasy Escape, was featured on the Romance Junkies blog, what a sweet sizzle of a kick to the smiling bone, to see it up there. Thank you to Kim and Jenn. And thanks to Jeanne Barrack, Liquid Silver author, and Lexie, my Title Magician buddy, for stopping by.
Today the Kougar is actually cleaning (an amazing miracle) a tiny bit, and penning Pleasures of Blue Lotus Oil. Offered for your feline perusal are moi's last two unedited paragraphs:
Zag smiled, his gaze following her like a hungry predator. When his Sher decided to taunt him, she was always flame sultry sex. His whip’s slight mark on her gorgeous ass satisfied him fiercely.
The sight of her dungarees and her evening top caused Sheridan halt in her steps, her breath to burst inward. Was he actually...hope soared in her as she quickly pulled up the dungarees, then slid on her top. "Goddess," she whispered, her breaths swift and shallow. The delicious torment of her nipples against the snug fabric, the press of her dungarees' crotch...sweet, sweet sensual torture.
World of the Blue Pearl Moon, Book II ~ Pleasures of Blue Lotus Oil, contracted by Siren Publishing.

Back to claw-hitting the keyboard, my Big Beautiful Cats.
Languid-trot on over to Title Magic where Mai presents a case of the missing hero. Mews below.
Mai, I find that fascinating about the secondary character being the hero of the hour. Why can't both of them save your heroine? The hero would be even more of a hero in my eyes if he helped the secondary character out with the bad guy.
I've made tons o' missteps, will probably make lots more. I can honestly say this one never crossed my mind. Not that secondary characters don't play a role. Often they do in my stories.
Lexie, I think bloodlust sells these days. With all the serial killers and such stalking romance novels. Yeah, turn the ex bad, and knock him off -- only in the bloodiest way, of course.
Sorry, it's tongue-in-cheek day for me.
No, Lexie, you should follow whatever your truest writer instincts are, whether to turn bad or not to turn bad, that is the question.

Passionate Blue kisses from the Kougar...

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