Thursday, January 31, 2008

Big Smooches to the Title Magicians

Beautiful Big Cats, snow coats the brown grass-flattened prairie. When the Kougar journeyed down to her mailbox, she enjoyed the snowflake flurry driven parallell to her windshield, instead of floaty falling down to the ground.
The crisis of sadness is over, thank the Divine. Her Title Magician buddies have rallied round. Yes, moi is sometime over-sensitive and has done her fierce best to overcome. However, she has been raked over the proverbial hot coals since her tiny cub-hood. Abuse, in whatever form it takes, always leaves scars, always leaves it's horror residue. No meowing-excuses, there it is, and the horror still takes it toll at times -- leaves chinks in the Kougar's emotional armor -- despite the real healing the Kougaress has accomplished, and has received as pure Grace.
On a happy-swishing tail note! The rough draft of the heroine's lioness-human face in Red Lioness Tamed came today. It's beautiful! Loud purring ensues...and a lithe Kougar dance of joy.
On a note of accomplishment, the Kougar posted her 'introduction' at Liquid Silver Books...yes, just for her legions of kitty shifter lovers of the genre.
On a note of frustration, the Kougaress, tail-slashing vigorously, wishes she knew how to post the image of Siren Publishing's Best Book Publisher award from Preditors and Editors Reading Poll on this blog site, and on other web pages. Just how it's done the way she wants it done, eludes her kitty un-tech brain currently.

Meow-yowling complaint!

Take a sleek stroll over to Title Magic, Big Cats. Enjoy Holli's blog about the first lines in our favorite novels. Moi's comments below on Holli's blog and on the Kougar's New Atlantis blog.

As a reader I never really paid attention to the first sentence, except how it pulled me into the story and created the mood. Truthfully, first lines have never stuck with me. However, with the American Title IV, it became a whole new ballgame. I luv, to paraphrase, 'he didn't know he was a werewolf'. That's just too kool for some reason. Here's to the great first line in our novels.
Mel, thanks. Glad your back with us. Missed you.

Holli, have you ever thought of using and exploring your connection to that place in France for a novel? Could be a great story in the making.
Anitra, thanks! I'm so excited for you. Yeah, I had to put all that life experience into something.
Helen, that shapeshifter chihuahua sure made himself known in my imagination. What better dececption than a cute shivering chihuahua to get into someone's home?
A personal thank you note. Thanks, Title Magicians, for the support.

Tail-flicking kisses from the Kougar...

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