Monday, January 28, 2008

The Kiss of Relief and Rage

Aaah, Big Playful Cats, since somehow the 'objectionable' warning seems to have been least the Kougaress hopes so. She did send a spark-contained e-mail to the only available contact she could find. All those in blogger land, how does moi make a formal yowling complaint against those who have complained against her?
Relief! Since the Kougar put claw to keyboard in a hunt to discover the lair of the culprit(s). No satisfaction in that foray into Google land. However, she did discover that her blog on Title Magic, The Magic of the Superheroine is featured on a few other websites devoted to fandom of the comic and graphic novel superheroine. Moi can say it was strangely gratifying. And she hopes all who read her blog enjoy! the most luscious cream to their lips enjoy.
So, her mad obsessive hunt was not in vain. No, not with such a satisfying snack provided by the great Divine. Bast must be all smiles at her little trick to illuminate the Kougaress about her web presence.
Red Lioness Tamed, the punctuation edits await the Kougar's fanged intensity, while the winds moan and stroke an unthawed prairie. That is if the file program will nicely cooperate. The Kougar shakes her mane as her human self would shrug a shoulder...meow! who knows?

My favorite Big Kitties, saunter on over to Title Magic. Savor The Call. Antira, Title Magician buddy has signed with a premier agent. Read all about it and celebrate with her. Moi's comment below:
Anitra, that is so incredible! It is magic the way it's all working out for you.
Nope, I've never gotten The Call, only e-mails to offer contracts for e-publishing. I did recently get an e-mail with a suggestion that I add 14,000 words to When a Good Angel Falls, so it could be published in print. I wish I could say I dashed my fingers over the keyboard writing furiously, but I have too many other projects going on with All Shades of Blue Paradise and Red Lioness Tamed coming out. Plus, I have to work on Book II and I will be signing a second contract with Siren Publishing.
I know Virgin Harvest will find just the right publishing home! We can have a big Title Magic debut and celebration.

A kiss of relief, and a raging kiss from the Kougar...

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