It’s that contest time of year, my lusciously lovely KitKats... 33 authors have joined together to hand out 33 prizes!!! Simply find the Sexy Summer Reading button on each of their sites and paste it into the entry form found at ~ http://contestlove.com/ssreadingentry ~
More details, links to the authors home pages and rules for the contest are all listed at ~ http://contestlove.com/ssreadingentry ~
So go on the prowl and pounce on some Sexy Summer Reading!
Today, my ultra-sexy Big Kittens, Lisa Andel hosted Flash Fiction Sunday at the Liquid Silver SEx blog. Her theme was time, any way you wanted to stretch it.
Here’s the Kougar’s flashie ~
My eyes blink rapidly awakening me. I ask the question I always ask now. Is this another dream? Or have I truly woken up this time? Sensations I vaguely remember flood my body with a vigor that makes me want to run at flash-speed. Startled, I sit up grasping the high rounded edges of my sleep chamber. Nothing looks familiar. In fact, nothing makes sense. Have I entered another dream? Still, my flesh hums, feeling vibrant and beautiful. Carefully I swivel my head, then recall my instructions. “What time is it?” I ask. Wow, my mouth works. Words are coming out.
“The time is 026489,” a generated feminine voice answers. Damn space hole, that tells me nothing.... unless the voice continues answering. “Where am I?” My attention is caught by an embedded dome, ruby-colored and flashing subtly. I hear a long lithe tread. “You are inside my home.” The deep baritone voice of a male addresses me. I still inside, my breaths shallow. I’m not supposed to be here, but on Trilleus where my fiancee waits. “Why am I here?” I dare. “I purchased you at auction. I need your memories. You are 251 universal years in the future, little woman.”

Dreams of Adrian Paul ~
As the Kougaress has mentioned, she has dreams that star the incomparable Adrian Paul every so often. Recently, Mr. Sexy himself showed up as a powerful werewolf or wolf shifter battling an evil werewolf, who was viciously coming after me, the heroine, and her doggies. In the dream I kept changing the location of my doggie babes to save them from being torn apart and eaten. Adrian Paul showed up in all black, wearing a duster. He had his Highlander blade poised and ready. Like my champion he took on the evil werewolf to save me and my doggies... sadly, I woke up before the wicked werewolf was vanquished.
But, meow oh-so-cool... and frightening.
Purrs of thought... couldn’t we all use champions like that right now?
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 169 ~
Sylva peered into the gold-blazing eyes of her cowboy. No doubt about it, he was a warrior prepared to do battle, regardless of his reassurance. “I’m not used to being protected like this,” she murmured. He gave her a smile. “Let’s move on inside. I’m getting downright weary myself.” Looping his arm around her, he brought them onto the well-lit porch, then opened the door for her. Following her within, he swept her up into his arms, once the door was secured. “You’re tired,” she protested. Her arms automatically wrapped around his neck as he mounted the stairs. “So strong.”
Zeke glowed within at her words. In truth, she made him a stronger man in ways she didn’t understand. The people of her Earth must have lost their path in knowing the ways between a man and his woman. He doubted it was only her lack. Instinctively, she responded to him as a woman learning about her man. Careful with her, he moved inside the apartment and toward their bedroom, the illumination following his progress. Setting her down, he went to work unlacing her gown. He’d felt her exhaustion. As the gown dropped away, he lifted her onto the chair.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 168 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ http://passionateink.org/forum ~
Tuesday ~ A big congrats to Judah Raine on the release of her latest mainstream romance ~ A THICK BLACK LINE ~ from Siren-BookStrand.
Friday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Romantic Paranormal Radio
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ The Romance of Prince Zrejovv
CLASSIC REVIVAL ROMANCE, a Carnival, going on now.
POETRY WEEK COMING UP! Near the end of June.
Saturday ~ Paris blogged about THE SILVER BULLET.
Friday ~ Serena interviews her hero, Bastion, from her soon-to-be-released book. The Challenge.
Tuesday ~ The Kougar - “What the hell are you?”
Monday ~ Francesca blogs about what shifters to write about next.
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story the Kougar blogs ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Happy Summer...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Summer sexy smooch from the Kougar...
More details, links to the authors home pages and rules for the contest are all listed at ~ http://contestlove.com/ssreadingentry ~
So go on the prowl and pounce on some Sexy Summer Reading!
Today, my ultra-sexy Big Kittens, Lisa Andel hosted Flash Fiction Sunday at the Liquid Silver SEx blog. Her theme was time, any way you wanted to stretch it.
Here’s the Kougar’s flashie ~
My eyes blink rapidly awakening me. I ask the question I always ask now. Is this another dream? Or have I truly woken up this time? Sensations I vaguely remember flood my body with a vigor that makes me want to run at flash-speed. Startled, I sit up grasping the high rounded edges of my sleep chamber. Nothing looks familiar. In fact, nothing makes sense. Have I entered another dream? Still, my flesh hums, feeling vibrant and beautiful. Carefully I swivel my head, then recall my instructions. “What time is it?” I ask. Wow, my mouth works. Words are coming out.
“The time is 026489,” a generated feminine voice answers. Damn space hole, that tells me nothing.... unless the voice continues answering. “Where am I?” My attention is caught by an embedded dome, ruby-colored and flashing subtly. I hear a long lithe tread. “You are inside my home.” The deep baritone voice of a male addresses me. I still inside, my breaths shallow. I’m not supposed to be here, but on Trilleus where my fiancee waits. “Why am I here?” I dare. “I purchased you at auction. I need your memories. You are 251 universal years in the future, little woman.”

Dreams of Adrian Paul ~
As the Kougaress has mentioned, she has dreams that star the incomparable Adrian Paul every so often. Recently, Mr. Sexy himself showed up as a powerful werewolf or wolf shifter battling an evil werewolf, who was viciously coming after me, the heroine, and her doggies. In the dream I kept changing the location of my doggie babes to save them from being torn apart and eaten. Adrian Paul showed up in all black, wearing a duster. He had his Highlander blade poised and ready. Like my champion he took on the evil werewolf to save me and my doggies... sadly, I woke up before the wicked werewolf was vanquished.
But, meow oh-so-cool... and frightening.
Purrs of thought... couldn’t we all use champions like that right now?
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 169 ~
Sylva peered into the gold-blazing eyes of her cowboy. No doubt about it, he was a warrior prepared to do battle, regardless of his reassurance. “I’m not used to being protected like this,” she murmured. He gave her a smile. “Let’s move on inside. I’m getting downright weary myself.” Looping his arm around her, he brought them onto the well-lit porch, then opened the door for her. Following her within, he swept her up into his arms, once the door was secured. “You’re tired,” she protested. Her arms automatically wrapped around his neck as he mounted the stairs. “So strong.”
Zeke glowed within at her words. In truth, she made him a stronger man in ways she didn’t understand. The people of her Earth must have lost their path in knowing the ways between a man and his woman. He doubted it was only her lack. Instinctively, she responded to him as a woman learning about her man. Careful with her, he moved inside the apartment and toward their bedroom, the illumination following his progress. Setting her down, he went to work unlacing her gown. He’d felt her exhaustion. As the gown dropped away, he lifted her onto the chair.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 168 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ http://passionateink.org/forum ~
Tuesday ~ A big congrats to Judah Raine on the release of her latest mainstream romance ~ A THICK BLACK LINE ~ from Siren-BookStrand.
Friday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Romantic Paranormal Radio
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ The Romance of Prince Zrejovv
CLASSIC REVIVAL ROMANCE, a Carnival, going on now.
POETRY WEEK COMING UP! Near the end of June.
Saturday ~ Paris blogged about THE SILVER BULLET.
Friday ~ Serena interviews her hero, Bastion, from her soon-to-be-released book. The Challenge.
Tuesday ~ The Kougar - “What the hell are you?”
Monday ~ Francesca blogs about what shifters to write about next.
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story the Kougar blogs ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Happy Summer...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Summer sexy smooch from the Kougar...
As always, Zeke is the man every woman wants her man to be...
And Sylva is doing remarkably well for an abducted alien. :)
Cool dream!! You know this kitten would be puur-fectly happy to have sexy Mr. Paul come to her dream life too! He wouldn't have to do anything either, just sit there, with blade in hand ~sword Lady Kougar, sword ;-)~ and look cool... yep that would be perfect.
BTW...your serials are so freaking awesome! Have you seen this link? http://www.textnovel.com/contest.php
Gem ~ Yep, Sylva just can't resist her cowboy.
Lady Shay ~ hehe... blade in hand. Well, in this dream... no such naughtiness.
I'll check that link out! Thanks.
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