Those of you who are familiar with Art Bell and may not be currently listening to Coast to Coast am, may want to know this breaking news. His wife has been denied US citizenship ~ for not one good reason, actually for no stated reason whatsoever. I’ll let all of the ultra-smart big cats out there fill in the BLANKS.
Hang onto your clawsies and flatten your whiskers, good kittens all, the world is about to shift into hyper-speed, and not the fun space-opera kind.
Just for the cowboy lovin’ big cats ~ a sneaky peekie X-snippet from BRANDED BY THE TEXANS...
The scalding heat of her flesh escalated. “Damn you,” she whispered, letting her eyelids drop closed.
“Kylie, touch those pretty flaming curls of yours.” His voice urged, probably the same way he convinced his horse.
What female of any species could resist? Still, she demanded, “So you can shoot your wad?” Crap, her tone sounded like mere mist to her ears.
“That’s a sayin’ I haven’t heard for a decade.”
“You don’t say that here?” Her hand inched toward her mound.
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 161 ~
Sylva smiled at the song rising like cream to the top of her thoughts. “Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys,” she crooned, then let her fingertips glide along his cheekbone. “That’s a song from my Earth. I think they got it wrong, though.” Her cowboy smiled wider than the brim of his Stetson, which hung near the back entrance. “I’m infected,” she whispered. “Infected?” he asked. “Uh hu,” she nodded once, “I just thought about your grin being wider than your hat.” His palms hugged her head briefly. “It’s workin’,” he teased, “my Earth’s secret mojo.”
Zeke hungered for more of his of wife’s way with him. Yet, it would slowly emerge over time as they came to know one another, as their intimacy grew high as the blue-purple mountain peaks on the eastern border of his family ranch. “Are you sure that ‘secret mojo’ isn’t in all those nutritional drinks and foods you’ve given me?” she asked. “Mmmm... I wish.” Zeke planted a quick smooch on her lips. “Speaking of, darlin’, try the Cherry Rootbeer.” Turning, he wrapped an arm around her delectable shoulders. “It’s said, here, cherry is particularly good for sweetening a woman’s disposition.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 160 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ http://passionateink.org/forum ~
Friday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Romantic Paranormal Radio
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ The Romance of Prince Zrejovv
Monday ~ Linda Blanche blogs ~ I love libraries
CLASSIC REVIVAL ROMANCE, a Carnival, going on now.
POETRY WEEK COMING UP! Near the end of June.
Saturday ~ Paris blogged on the shifting obstacles to shapeshifter love.
Friday ~ Serena ~ How do your fave shapeshifters find their Mate?
Wednesday ~ Crystal regales us with a clone tale she's considering.
Tuesday ~ The Kougar - There’s a New Bull in Town
Monday ~ Francesca blogs about her latest release, a medieval erotic romance.
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Happy Summer...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Sultry slow kiss from the Kougar...
~Me-ow~ And the Lady Kougar brings it with her Branded sneaky peekie of the X-rated variety! Hot, Hot, Hot!!
Kylie seems a little mesmerized by lust...yes?
And Sylva and Zeke have settled into a married couple on Earth II. Courtship keeps me trailing behind, ready for the next installment of their story.
Kylie is definitely responding to her cowboy, Dillon...! Lust is steam-pouring out of the hut.
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