Saturday, May 31, 2008

Liquid Silver SExing with the Kougar

Big Beautiful Kitties ~ Beware! Fantasy Zone Ahead ~ Wait, that sign goes on the door of my writer’s office (or the bedroom door when thinking about Adrian Paul).
For another pic of Adrian Paul as Duncan MacLeod, the Highlander, and for the rare opportunity to enjoy one of moi's poems, my eager kitties ~ take a long-running stride over to the Kougar's Silver Expressions blog (, titled: One Kiss ~ There Can Be Only One in a Kilt

Kisses to all the kilt-adorned lions from the Kougar...

Friday, May 30, 2008

Three Turtles, One with an Attitude

Hey Kitties! Long food-gathering day for the Kougar, and her little cat eyes are sleepy. Moi did help two turtles on their way across the road on her journey. The first older turtle seemed fine, relaxed, keeping his head out as moi carried him to a nice landing spot. The second turtlie was young and oh so feisty. The Kougar has never seen such a fierce box turtle. That little guy took off in the opposite direction he was traveling, then did a u-ey, racing back the other way. When moi gently picked him up, talking to him, he hissed and scrabbled his legs, instead of closing himself up in his shell. He calmed down as the Kougar carried him, then was off like a shot -- that's a racing box turtle! I think the rabbits don't have any chance against this little guy. Turtle with an attitude. I guess moi will make certain he gets a character role sooner or later.
The third turtle had already crossed most of the way, and needed no assistance. Three, the magic Shaman number. Turtle Spirit must be speaking, and the Kougar lends an furry ear for the message, O Blessed Tortoise. Slow and steady wins the race? While being oh so feisty at times, and racing forward? And don't close up inside the Kougar lair like a turtle?
Fab exciting blog today on Title Magic, my Heavenly Big Cats. Shape transform to invisible and float on over! Mel's guest blogger, Mark Orr will give you a writing lesson on apparitional sex. Below is Mel's intro and moi's mew-sings.
Guest Blogger: Mark Orr
Posted by Mel Hiers
at 8:58 PM
Those of us who write fantasy/paranormal/horror often come up against some unique challenges in the course of a story. My friend and crit group partner Mark Orr, author of Howling in the Park, writes about Harvey Drago, intangible detective. Harvey has the power to move through just about anything solid - walls, floors, furniture. Cool, huh?
In a draft of the sequel to Howling, Harvey has a romantic encounter with a ghost. When he talked about it in group, I wondered how the heck that was going to work, being that one of them is intangible and the other insubstantial. Although the scene ended up not being right for this particular book, Mark pulled it off beautifully! So I invited him to come talk with us today about the art and logic of creating such a love scene.

Welcome, Mark! Thanks for being here!
Mark, your post made my day! Believe you me! I've always wondered how I would handle that kind of love/sex scene between the incorporeal.

Hey, the imagination is a great thing. And I thoroughly enjoyed the way you created and handled that scene. I think sometimes we authors forget, it's not just insert A into slot B -- it's sensation, feelings, the energy that's created -- whether in physical form or apparitional, or out of phase.
Thanks for sharing! Glad Mel talked you into it. I learned a lot.

Slow and steady kisses from the Kougar...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

WereWolfies in the Tall, Tall Grass

WereWolfies in the Tall, Tall Grass ~ meow-hello, my Blue Kool Kats, moi is thinking this blog title should become a title for one of her shapeshifter novels.
The tall, tall grass is the Kougar's pasture acreage, now a potential bountiful crop of hay, given the stems of seeding grasses, which now reach waist high in some places. Lots more rain this year, thank you, great and wonderful Bast. Purring-indeed, moi's tame cattle prairie is wild and wonderful...and there could be werewolfies about, quietly stealing through the tall waves of grass.
Last night, in the wee hours of Coast-to-Coastam, the coyotes paid a short yipping visit.
Hey! and by the way! If you're a werewolf or you know a werewolf, and your reading this post for some unknown and unfathomable reason, please leave a comment. This Kougar Kat adores canines, especially wolfies. And click on over to the Liquid Silver blog ~ ~ for Shara Lanel's blog ~ What do you like about Werewolves ~ cool wolfie pics and a great informational blog.
Meanwhile, the Kougar is clicking her claws many stories to write and edit, and so little time. Where's that ancient time expansion machine moi owned in another lifetime? It worked great and the Kougaress could certainly put it to good use currently.
Tall grass kisses from the Kougar...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Winner of All Shades of Blue Paradise

We have another winner! My Blue Kool Kats. Lillian Parkinson has won a PDF copy of the Kougar's All Shades of Blue Paradise in The Romance Studio's book-a-day giveaway! Congratulations, Lillian. I hope you enjoy Lady Sheridan and Baron Zaggry's story.

It's paw-hot to trot! over at Title Magic ( Today, my Beautiful Big Cats. If you're an aspiring author you'll want to join in this conversation after reading Mary Buckham's and Diana Love Snell's guest blog. Tons o' practical info and lots of inspiration. Here's a comment snippet:
Dianna Love Snell has left a new comment on the post "Break Into Fiction –Why Some Writers get THE CALL ...": HI Connie - Connie is one of my GRW sisters and a GH finalist this year. I think the writing comes first no matter what because you can't sell what you don't have. While someone is cold reading or critiquing your full, then spend time on query letters and such. I have a pretty hectic lifestyle with no real schedule so I have to be very diligent to write, which sometimes means not going out to dinner or doing something I'd like to share with my husband or friends if I need to get done. It's a tough balance no matter what, but write the book first.A query is so much like a live pitch. You have a very short space to intrigue the agent or editor. It's hard to really encapsulate your story that much, but that's why many queries get no replies - the story just didn't come through in the query or lacked a true conflict even though the actual pages are great. It's a good idea to get several outside readers (who you feel have a grasp of what it should say) to read it for you. I'm thinking your story is great and it's just not coming through in the query. See you in SF on Saturday night at the awards event! Thanks for coming out today. Dianna

On another author front today, Blue Kool Kats, the Kougar penned For the Love of Cover Art ~ When a Good Angel Falls. Claw-check it out on the Siren-BookStrand's Author blog ( Of course, the blog features moi's magical and mood-lyrical cover art created by Jinger Heaston for her 2012 futuristic ~ Sedona and Volcano's love sizzle story during the end of the Mayan Calendar.
Meow-and! The cover art for Pleasures of Blue Lotus Oil has been approved! Roar-yippeee!
Winning blue paradise kisses from the Kougar...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rites of Romance & the Century Plant

Ah, Big Kitties, today was chat day for Siren authors on the Rites of Romance chat loop. The Kougar thoroughly enjoyed being with Bekki ~ author of Psychic Hitch (getting rave reviews), Jenny ~ a new BookStrand author, Lindsay ~ author of Flavia's Secret (coming soon) -- and, also a meow shout-out to Luxie and Amber, and whoever else the brain-dizzied Kougar may have forgotten. Indeed, purring-apologies.
Roaring-fun, it was a lovely discussion about food, chefs, bread! oatmeal cookie-eating squirrels, chocolate marshmallows ~ and the marshallow herb plant before the puffy thingies popular as campfire fun fare. And so much, much, much more!
The Kougaress is darn worn out! from all this chatting. Never having been a Chatty Kathy kind of kitty girl.
Now, moi is tail-busily working on her current writing project. A shot of caffeine in moi's cocoa may be necessary, in very short order.
Meanwhile, Big Cats, please enjoy the Century plant pictured. !t was just e-sent from the Kougar's dear friend, who resides in Texas on her 45 acres with her horses, her goats, her chickens, also with her greenhouse and gardens. Moi's friend, along with her twin sis, has created a self-sufficient lifestyle, which is greatly admired by this Big Cat! Giant Texas-sized kudos to your accomplishment, my friend.
And yesterday...yesterday...through no mistake of the Kougar's, Shapeshifter Kisses, was created...but not launched...that is still pending on the moi's over-loaded plate. With the background story to be told later...
Oh, how does the Kougar get herself into this impossible situations?
Over and kisses out, my Beautiful Big Cats...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Salute to Freedom

Blessed Memorial day to all my Big Cats. The Kougar is eternally grateful to All who have served our right as Spiritual Beings to be free. The Kougar honors their individual sacrifice. Freedom is the nature of her heart and she is forever grateful for every warrior and peacemaker, who serves our right to live free and to think free. To live and have our every breath in freedom. To live, move and have our Being in freedom forever.
For, freedom is sacred. True freedom is always sacred. And originates from the Divine, a fiery force in our angelic natures not to be denied.
On this day, please, my Beautiful Big Cats, remember those, our founding fathers and mothers, who by their very dreams, their enduring visions and their terrible sacrifices, brought the opportunity to live free forth for all of us. We have the Constitution. We have our Bill of Rights.
We, as spiritual beings in this world, deserve freedom. More than deserve freedom, it is our right as daughters and sons of the Divine.

Take a lithe hop over to Title Magic today, my Lovely Big Kitties. Lexie talks about managing time ~ and just how do you get all your writing done while living that busy, busy life. Mew-sings below.
Lexie, my only basic goal is get done whatever I can get done -- between all the other stuff, life interruptions (always ongoing), crisis, etc.Folders? did someone say folders? I have plastic trunks full of folders, partially written, ideas out the wazoo, all my beloved characters. I have floppies also, and now CD's full of mss in every stage.Currently, I need to focus on completing the edits for Tangerine Carnal Dreams. Then the edits for When a Good Angel Falls. I need to complete Pleasures of Blue Lotus Oil. And I'm squeezing in attempting to finish Don't Bite the Fortune Teller, so I can submit it to Liquid Silver's Halloween Anthology. Which, BTW, is open to submissions, due in by June 30.I'm not complaining about what success I have achieved. Nor am I complaining about the hard work of it. I am complaining about not having enough time to get everything done!!!You are so right!!! Evonne!Life is hard.Lexie, I hope you find the time and energy you need to keep on writing and submitting. But, you know what, family first. Really.

Salute to freedom from the Kougar...may she wave forever...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Flash! Naughty Birthday Bash

Flash! My Beautiful Big Cats, attend the naughty birthday bash for Jeanne at SEx, Liquid Silver Expressions blog ~ ~
Not only is Jeanne, the Gemini birthday girl, hosting her own Flash Fiction day, but she's serving up a bit of astrological insight, and, best of *cake-and-icing* all, she's serving up her HAWT out-of-this-world flash fiction. And I yowling-mean HAWT!
Apologies, Big Kitties, the Kougar's eyes are droopy tired. So, without further meow-adieu moi's flash and birthday bash below ~
From the Kougar's WIP ~ Don't Bite the Fortune Teller ~ King of Spades
"Remember." The disembodied voice coaxed. "Remember the first time you met him...met Zhayme. That’s good. You’re’s only a dream, a harmless dream. How did it all begin? How did you meet him?...That’s it...
"Rosie," Solitaire answered her cell phone. "You’re lucky I have this thing on." Rosie coughed, then wheezed. "Hey, what’s wrong?"
"Cold...flu...something swelling my head to the size of a watermelon."
"Too sick for that special birthday party you’ve been bragging about the past of couple of weeks."
"I’d go. Read the Tarot. But I feel like – to go with the theme – bat crap."
"Bat crap? What is it, a fanged vampire dress up?"
"You remember Steve, my ex from about five years ago?"
"Yeah, yeah – tall, dark, dangerous and definitely unfaithful."
Rosie wheezed a chuckle. "Okay, I got Rick now. I don’t give a witch’s shit anymore about the past."
"Yep, your Rick is a dreamboat hunk and a sweetie with us gals. –You need me to go to this vampire elegante’ evening in your place – right, hon?"
Rosie hacked up phlegm like the best of ‘em. "Yeah, Rick is coming over, soon as he gets off work. Bringing the charmed chicken soup."
"Charmed chicken soup? I take it he stirred in his lovie dovie vibes." Solitaire grinned for her friend’s happiness.
"Add lots of get-well kisses."
"Great recipe name, sweetie. Can I steal it? Hey, do I have to dress like a vampiress? I don’t really like the fake fang thing. Hard to talk, you know, actually give readings."
"No fangs, sweets. They requested a gypsy fortune teller, the birthday guest of honor’s favorite. That’s why I called you."
"Sure." Solitaire sighed deeply. "I just hope they’re not expecting raven hair and sparkling dark eyes. Yeah, sure, I can do it. –What time?"

A naughty birthday smooch from the Kougar...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Torrid Two Lips Chat

Yep, Big Grownup Kitties, it was a torrid Two Lips Yahoo chat today with the Liquid Silver authors ~ the bonnie kilts were blowing in the wind, leaving the goodies exposed. And there were lots of other carnal-exotic happenings. Read all about it, if you dare to bare. And that didn't even yowling-include the blurbs or excerpts. And, guess what, my curious sex kittens, I'll bet the racy-wild and woolly, take no prisoners party is still going on. The Kougar had to bow out, not only to regain her reeling head and point it back toward steadier safer sailing waters ~ hey, watch out for that big fat Tuna ~ but to actually get her paw-penning done today.
Moi's proof below she is actually working and not felinine-lounging sunning, nor picnic-ing on prime fried chicken legs. Oh meow boo-hoo!
From the Kougar's WIP ~ Don't Bite the Fortune Teller
"Solitaire struggled to awaken. Bizarre mirror-distorted images of people she didn’t know surrounded her. Surfacing briefly, her dream grabbed hold of her again, as if she were it’s prisoner. Dragged down into the shroud-murky swirls, Solitaire willed herself to wake up. Strongly willing herself to ignore the people chasing her, she emerged into lucid thought, and remained in the twilight before full awareness.
Halloween...was it today? Had he returned? Goddess, wake up. Wake up. The celebration with his family, their traditional all-night celebration–it was her first. Had she ever been so utterly nervous in her entire life over any social event? And she’d been nail-chewing, hyperventilating nervous before.
But their costumes, so incredibly beautiful, were designs inspired by the high evening garments worn in pre-dynastic Egypt. Now, all the costumes they’d been shown inside his lounge area, flowed in front of her mind’s eye with the regal serenity of the Nile river. The one she’d chosen was last. Spun metallic gold, the shift had fallen in shimmering knife pleats around her figure, the back elegantly draping along the floor, as she gazed at her reflection in the tall half-circle mirror.
Yet, he’d insisted on the pale lilac costume. Dominant, yet with a gallant air, he’d kissed her palm. The pure sensual persuasion of his lips had caused her to give up without one argument, even though the sheer skimming layers of the lilac shift intimately revealed her body–too much for her liking. Still, the gown’s large decorative collar was stunning. It glistened with tiny round amethyst beads, woven together by royal purple thread, and dripped gold and silver beads shaped like raindrops."

Torrid smooch from the Kougar...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Happy Picnic-ing & Two Lips Chat

Happy Picnics, Big Cats all, if that's your meow-fun way to enjoy the holiday weekend. And blessings to all Those who serve and who have served, and to all Those who truly believe in and fight for freedom.
As a tiny cub the Kougar adored family picnics. The food ~ baked beans, deviled eggs, potato chips, chocolate cake, lemonade. Racing around a huge grassy area beneath the wide blue sky, swinging enthusiastically on the swingset, playing tag ~ just being with Mom and Dad, and moi's siblings. Simple family pleasures, and some of the absolute best.
Deep in her heart, the Kougar has always treasured family, the idea, and the reality, despite the dysfunctions, the ones we all face. In today's world, so much of that is simply gone. Sure, there's the ever-popular family values rhetoric and the *it's for the kids* rhetoric -- yet, roaring-truth, the deep down feeling of family, of truly cherishing each other, of actually living those values from the heart, from the soul...yowling! not so much. No, not so much.
If this doesn't apply to you, Big Cats, you are the lucky, the bluebird-lucky ones!
Today, when the Kougar ventured forth in her wilding yard, small butterflies danced around her. The red rose bush with fat buds got a whole bucket full of delicious gray water. And the horse weed around the sunning daffodil leaves got jerked out of the rain-saturated ground. For, moi has gained a bit of strength and is encouraging her body to continue healing with physical activity, as she can manage.
Okay, Big Kitties, the Kougaress did paw-complete posting her blog, The Fun of Writing Red Lioness Tamed on ~ ~ Since moi wasn't familiar with the posting format, the cover art pic was a bit of a problem. Purring-however, it looks bee-u-tiful! And, when moi has time...when is that? Krazed Kat, Crazy Cat! she plans to give her Red Lioness more a presence on the Liquid Silver forum.
And, for her next blog on Siren-BookStrand blog, the Kougar is considering a scene where her Lady Sheridan first enjoys music and dancing with Baron Zaggry ~ music being the theme. Of course, there is also the blog idea of the lover gifts from the Baron to his Sherfantasy.
Ah, my Beautiful Big Cats, the Kougar has resorted to dated lists of everything to be done and accomplished now. Wowza! and it seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. Perhaps, that's why moi encountered that sweet tortoise on her drive. Message: Slow down? Moi slammed on the brakes, praying her van tire would not strike or crunch turtlie! Thank Bast, the turtle was still about two feet away, and was gently place on patch of dry thatch amid the high prairie grasses.
Ah-Ha! Two Lips Yahoo Loop tomorrow! is Liquid Silver Author day. The Kougar almost forgot to meow and roar about it the event! Come on by, indulge in our raucous racy chats. There just might be that book you have to reading-savor!

X-Rated!!! No Kitty Kats under 18! Grrrr...the Kougar means it! Fangs bared.
Run, run, run! Over to Title Magic. Eden Bradley is our guest blogger. And she is absolutely extraordinary. Mew-sings below.
Hi Eden, so glad to have you here with us! Turquoise or purple? Being a purple fanatic, yet also loving turquoise...I dunno, if it were my tattoo, I'm not sure which color I'd go for. Like I said before, I adore your White Tara. And if I ever got a tattoo, I'd like a swirly heart design on the back of my right shoulder, or a fairy on a Pegasus on my leg, near my ankle, where I got brown spider bite, when I was thirteen. Actually, I really want a belly button ring.
Your neck tattoos are very sexy. In fact, I'm reminded of a woman I saw once who had one of the sexiest tattoo placements I ever saw. Her skin color was a beautiful deep olive, and she just had a symbol in black, on the back of her shoulder, close to the base of her neck. I've never forgotten how impressed I was.
'Sploshing'? There's my ignorance showing.
Eden, you are absolutely amazing in your writing and all you've accomplished, and what you are accomplishing.
And, better days ahead.
Again, thanks, for being with us.
Eden, thanks for the 'sploshing' explanation. That makes sense. I have to admit I would find it enjoyable to lick chocolate or honey or whipped cream off a man's body. Hey, just make him into a giant banana split -- okay, that didn't 'come' out right. Yeah, I'll go with the banana being a certain part of his anatomy -- which I wasn't thinking of -- 'cause I love banana splits.
Oh, well, if I go on, it will just get decidedly worse...or better from your point of view.
Anitra, I like those tribal armbands also. The primal throbbing juices take over...for sure!

Picnic fun kisses from the Kougar...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

First Kiss of Liquid Silver

The first kiss of liquid ever-charming Big Cats. On Friday the Kougar will be doing her first blog on the Liquid Silver blog, SEx, or Silver Expressions ~ ~
Yes and a big meow, the Kougar's blog is ready, all nice and paw-penned. Now if only the techie widget thingies will be cooperative??? Since moi hasn't used that format before, who knows in the Great Kitty Universe? Any yowling-bets out there? On how frustrated the Kougar Kat will clawing-feel?
Purr-continuing, moi's blog is titled ~ The Fun of Writing Red Lioness Tamed ~ because it was huge space adventuring fun. And what Big Cat wouldn't want to experience the future as a red lioness shifter with Kickassitude? Especially with a swashbuckling fierce-resourceful Captain, who desires her most savagely, and no matter what.
Yay! For fantasies!
Roaring dilemma, the Kougar bit the bullet, not the chicken leg, and contacted her editor for Tangerine Carnal Dreams about one issue which needs to be resolved. So, it's wait and watch the savanna until then. However, moi has definitely created a better story with the suggestions and corrections offered. And since the word limit no longer exists, that leaves room for more world building and more action added to the scenes. Yippee, ride that bad boy stud shifter. Which moi's heroine, Kattalonia, definitely does...naked.
Also, Big Beautiful Cats, more published novels are on the horizon for the Kougaress via today's e-mail. Yowie Zowie. And so work-swamped. But that's good thing, a real good catnip thing.
Take a lovely lazy stroll over to Title Magic, my wonderful Kitties. Today Evonne gave us another wonderful blog about how contests are done on the other side of the pond. Mew-sings below.
Evonne, I second what Lexie said. I love your posts. It is traveling where I don't get to -- thanks so much.That will be so cool when we get to hear from Helen on her experience of the awards.Hey, we need a report or a blog on astrologically building a character.

First silver kiss from the Kougar...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

When Heroines and Heroes Speak Beyond Their Story

Just for you, my exceptional Big Cats, the Kougar's Title Magic blog sans the first part of Baron Zaggry's interview ~
Is it Magical for You?
The question: How do you feel about interacting with a heroine and/or hero once you’ve read their story? Is it magical for you? Fun? Thrilling or satisfying? Do you gain more insights into them as characters? Or is it just a big ho-hum, and you’re not really interested? Of course, I assume, that partly depends on how much you resonated with the heroine/hero, and enjoyed their story.
To me, ‘interacting’, letting my heroines and heroes remain ‘alive’ so to speak, seems like an enchanting idea. Why not let my main characters speak, and answer the readers’ questions? However, this daydreamy twirling-around-my imagination idea is partially generated from the fact that I love my heroines and am always in love with my heroes. They are real to me. After all, they’ve been telling me their story. Or, more often showing me their story like a movie, and letting me feel what it is they are feeling for an x-amount of words.
For me, another appealing aspect of allowing my main characters to speak beyond their story, is that I enjoy acting, or playing a role. During my college years I had the opportunity to act in plays and take theater classes. To my ever-lasting prideful ego, I even had one major actor in my city, try to convince me to pursue an acting career. So, it’s a natural...can’t-change-my-leopard-spots natural...for me to ‘channel’ my heroines and heroes. And the villains. As if I’m playing a role.
Granted, I haven’t availed myself of the opportunity to interact, when it comes to the characters of other authors...yet. *Blush, blush* I have...*whispering now*...interacted with Lord Craven-Moore (, I must reinforce this for the sake of my reputation, interacted only in the most lady-like of ways. However, the Lord resides at the leisure and pleasure of the Lady Authors on their blog, not as a hero in any of their novels.
While I haven’t interacted, I have read a few hero ‘interviews’. One, as if the author herself interviewed her hero. Also, there are authors who devote a web page, a MySpace page, a blog page, or ~ you-tell-me pages ~ to keeping their heroine(s) and/or hero(s) alive. Sometimes, even the villains have their say. A lot of times this comes about as a clever fun way to promo a novel. Or often, by the demand of the author’s devoted readers. Personal note: Wouldn’t that be nice?
My first attempt at giving a voice to one of my main characters beyond his story...well, that dubious first honor goes to my hero in All Shades of Blue Paradise.
Wagering in the World of the Blue Pearl Moon ~ An Interview with Baron Zaggry Dhio Vettura ~ was written for my recent blog with Destiny Blaine ( Little did she realize what lieu of ‘mad scientist’...she loosed, when innocently asking, in the comment section of her blog with us Title Magicians...if betting took place on the horses featured in my story, the sport horses of the Braverth. Well, off-to-the-races absolutely. Plunk down the coins or discreetly place your wagers, ladies and gentlemen!
Currently, the Baron’s complete interview can be found on the shiny new Siren-BookStrand Author’s blog ( ~ under the topic, Hot Heroes.

Is this idea magical for you? Or should the spell-waving wand for this idea remain unused? Authors, aspiring authors, readers...what say you?

Was it a magical kiss for you ~ from the Kougar...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kiss for Baron Zaggry Dhio Vettura

Happy Spring day, my favorite Big Cats, the Kougar has just posted the Baron's interview on the Siren-BookStrand Author's blog ~ ~
Purring-however, for your bright kitty eyes only ~

Hot Heroes ~ Interview with Baron Zaggry Dhio Vettura

~ Wagering in the World of the Blue Pearl Moon
Wagering is a way of life in Baron Vettura’s aristocratic world, especially on any horse sport. And with the revival of the war horse sport of Braverth, all bets are definitely on, amid the swirling dangers of plots and constant intrigues.
Today, I thought I’d let my hero in All Shades of Blue Paradise, Book I & Pleasures of Blue Lotus Oil, Book II ~ speak for himself on the subject of wagering in the World of the Blue Pearl Moon.

An interview with Baron Vettura ~ Wagering in the World of the Blue Pearl Moon
Baron Zaggry Dhio Vettura entered the Regent’s extravagantly appointed reception chamber. Immediately he strode toward the woman comfortably seated on an elegant chair designed for her small, curve-flowing body. The Emissary from the green-water world of Vhesphia, the planet residing in the inner orbit next to his world, had arrived requesting to interview him.
Bowing over her slender four-fingered hand, Baron Zaggry briefly pressed his lips upon her dolphin-like skin. Rising, he offered her the warmth of his grin, and the admiring flash of his gaze. "Emissary Gjylish, may I compliment your slim loveliness and the jade-sheen beauty of your complexion?"
"Baron Vettura, you may...of course." Her natural throat-deep voice held feminine giggles, surfacing like bubbles. "And may I compliment the promptness of your appearance. My request to interview you must have caused your personal schedule some strain. I can only apologize, however, the people of my world have been devouring news of the Braverth, and are particularly fascinated with the idea of wagering on sport events. A cultural way we do not possess. Please..." She floated her delicate arm toward the chair facing her.
Pivoting, Baron Zaggry seated himself. Lounging back like the golden cougar his Sheridan called him, he steepled his fingers and focused his full attention on the bright-eyed Vhesphian. "Your command of our formal language is most superior, Emissary Gjylish. What question would you ask first?"
"In our culture wagering occurs on games of chance and intuitive skill. Certainly not with the level of zeal your culture displays. How did high-coin wagering become such a passionate past time?"
Zag smiled suavely, lacing his fingers. "I believe high-coin wagering was born of idleness in the beginning. Once a generation was born in our history, where diligent work was no longer required, and wealth was available, the fierce boundless energy of youth demanded a past time which would excite them, and consume their passionate restlessness. Wagering, gambling...swiftly became a manner of sport, along with the various sporting games, which also originated as entertainment at that time. This new breed of sporting entertainments alleviated boredom, and brought about pleasure-vigorous ways of socializing with each other, of meeting one’s future husband or wife, especially for the most elite of the aristocracy."
"Indeed, the ways of your aristocratic society continue to fascinate the people of my world. Yet, why the avid and frenzied level of wagering on a horse sport? Wouldn’t the pleasure and excitement of watching the Braverth be excitement-fulfilling enough?"
"Truth to your ear, Emissary Gjylish," Baron Zaggry charmed, "the Braverth, indeed, all horse events, fulfill my requirement for excitement and entertainment. Without any need for wagering. However, coin-fortunes or other invaluable favors are to be gained by successful wagering."
"Yes, one of the differences between us. Our society remains more communal, all to be shared. Our wagering is more for the tiny joys of winning a prized gem or a collection of gems. Whereas, your people thrive on the chaotic rise and fall of winning fortunes or favors by gambling on the swiftness and skill of a rider upon a horse. Is that not so?"
"Yes, many in our world do pursue what we call the ‘bliss-rush’ of the win, similar to the natural high of winning a sporting event. Still, there are many other dynamics at play. Often gains in coin are used in productive ways, to improve one’s land and home, to support an enterprise, which maintains the richness of our overall economy. Although, certainly, there are those who squander their gains in a juvenile and irresponsible manner."
"Is not wagering also used as a method to possess power or take away an individual’s power?" With eel-like fluidity, the Vhesphian woman leaned forward, slightly adjusting her media recording globe.
Alert to the interview trap she set, Baron Zaggry languidly adjusted his posture, to one where he appeared more relaxed, and more in mastery of the situation. "True, Emissary Gjylish. The ebb and flow of power is, at times, influenced by wagering. A simple example would be, if I win a large purse, and use it to my advantage by growing one of my business enterprises, I gain in power and in notice, therefore my words carry greater weight."
"Baron Vettura, there is a bold curiosity about how wagering is used in what your society calls ‘intrigues’, or what we would view as hidden deceits practiced to gain an unfair advantage. Could you provide an example for our understanding?"
Lazy as a hunger-satiated cougar, Baron Zaggry allowed his lips to curve in a smile. "Perhaps," he teased, pausing for a moment. "As you, and the good people of your realm, must realize, our ‘intrigues’ have evolved along with the complexity of our culture, and have become multi-entangled layered webs used for a variety of reasons and purposes. For love, for carnal appetite, for the gain of coin, as a way to broker power and favor. Indeed, for any impassioned motivation. Of course, that would include revenge and spying. And sun-obviously, and too often, greed."
Baron Zaggry shifted, propping his booted foot on top of the resting stool with a feral elegant ease. "However, I have not provided an example, have I? Perhaps, you will further define what you wish to know, Emissary Gjylish." Friendly as a cougar expecting dinner, he smiled once again.
"Of course, Baron Vettura, I will define what I and my people wish to know." Her eyes glowed, tiny bolts of emerald lightning streaking toward the pupils of her eyes. "There are updates several times each day on your media venues about the immense amount of wagering in the gambling entertainment salons. There is also speculation about the intrigues which are playing out. Why do so many gamble on who will triumph in the Braverth. Will it be your slave lover, Lady Sheridan. Or, will Lord Gawaith prevail? And what manner of intrigue do you play out?"
Baron Zaggry allowed his steepled fingers to lace and unlace leisurely before he answered. "My slave lover, Lady Sheridan, rides to victory in the Braverth, to win the security of our horse lands. And to triumph as warrioress. It is that simple, and that complicated in our world. Certainly, various intrigues swirl around us like the lavish gown skirts of our women swirl, as they splendidly and gracefully dance during our evening entertainments.
"Lord Gawaith has been my slave lover’s devoted adversary in the horse sports where they compete, for several riding seasons now. He carries an obsession of spirit, the prideful need to defeat Lady Sheridan by his superior skill and by his personal mastery of the horse war game, Braverth
"There are many who believe my slave lover suffers a depletion of her physical prowess...given my carnal appetite for her. They would also believe she could not be as warrioress-determined in her ability to triumph, since she has yielded to me as her master.
Baron Zaggry raised one dark auburn brow, then continued, "Your example follows, Emissary Gjylish of the esteemed Vhesphia World. Is my interview with you part of an intrigue I deftly play against my enemies? Are my words, concerning my slave lover, mere deception? Or are they the truth as some would observe and believe?
"What is intrigue?" Baron Zaggry brought the fierce intensity of his gaze to bear on the Emissary, who leaned forward as if she was about to learn the end of a media-novel mystery. "What is not? Shadow or the mirror reflection upon a blue crystalline lake...and would I wager against Lady Sheridan’s victory in the Braverth, simply to gain another high-coin sum?" Baron Zaggry smiled like a hunt-triumphant cougar, who rested after dining on meaty succulent flesh. "There are some who believe my nature to be so ruthless toward collecting a fortune, I would use my slave lover in such a betraying manner."
Baron Zaggry slowly leaned forward, the lithe power of a cougar. "What do you believe?" He casually un-propped his foot." What is deception? What is not? What wager would you lay down, Emissary Gjylish?"

Stretch your lithe limbs, Beautiful Cats, and head on over to Title Magic. Helen speaks poetically about the season of Spring. Mew-sings below.
Oh Helen, what a beautiful post. I'm mostly a spring person. The breezes feel delicious, the sun warm yet not boiling. The little birdies are flitting about. Nature is busy. Growing. Thriving. My doggies run and play, sniff the banquet of smells and lay in the sun.However, I have to say I love the other seasons for different reasons, as you've already mentioned. Your lean gorgeous man of goodness, I never thought of it that way.'re right! Fantasy time.

Happy Spring kisses of the Kougar...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Droopy Loopy Kat

Droopy loopy Kat, the syndrome, Yahoo chat loop exhaustion (YCLE syndrome), Big Kitties ~ is there a remedy? The Kougar is squinching and blinking, but she's not seeing straight yet. Over at Just Another Paranormal Monday it was a rockin' hoppin' big day of questions, excepts, including about shapeshifter relations while partially shifted. Destiny Blaine and Ann Cory do a marvelous job of keeping the party going. Now, if the Kougar just had the claw and smarts' finesse to understand how to promo her novels???
And on the Siren-BookStrand loop it was launch day for Looks Are Deceiving by Michele Hart, which hit #1 in sales on the Siren site. Michele, Woweee!
Meow-okay, with the Baron's constant urging, the Kougar put together his debut interview for the Siren-BookStrand blog. This is moi's promo effort on Just Another Paranormal Monday.
An Interview with Baron Zaggry Dhio Vettura ~
Wagering is way of life in Baron Vettura’s aristocratic world, especially on any horse sport. And with the revival of the war horse sport of Braverth, all bets are definitely on, amid the swirling dangers of plots and constant intrigues.
At his gentle prodding, I thought I’d let my hero in All Shades of Blue Paradise, Book I & Pleasures of Blue Lotus Oil, Book II ~ speak for himself on the subject of wagering in the World of the Blue Pearl Moon.
Available in a few days at ~ An interview with Baron Vettura ~ Wagering in the World of the Blue Pearl Moon ~
The Baron will also be answering questions.

Now bleary-eyed moi will have to post the Baron's interview...sometime soon. Actually a fun thought, were it not for the Kougar's droopy tail.
Yowl! Wiggling like a trapped fishy, is that feeling the Kougaress is missing some opportunity, somewhere. An important one...???
Hop on over to Title Magic, my Lovely Big Cats, for more insights into the world of RWA sponsored romance writing contests by our own Title Magician, Anitra. Mew-sings below.
Anitra, I know what you mean about becoming 'addicted'. I have a competitive nature, especially when I've played sports. And I noticed toward the end of my contesting year, there was this niggling large urge to write what would win contests. Just to win them. However, since my goal was to be published, I just let it go, and concentrated on writing my stories. That was not a trail I wanted to travel down. Contests can be great, but that's not the ultimate goal.

Droopy kitty smooch from the Kougar...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Flash! And Burn the Brain Bio

Meow about burning the Kougar's brain cells, my Big Beautiful Cats ~ However, moi has been a good little kitty girl and written her bio...and! her question portion for her Siren-BookStrand Author's page. Then she claw-sent it winging into the cyber ethers. Will it need revisions, the Kougaress doesn't own a tuna salad sandwich clue.
Her squinchy eyes bleary, the Kougaress yawns like she would after a day of time traveling and hunting on the vast ancient savannas. A brief rest, and it's back to the editing cave.
Flash! and the lash of time, moi did manage to add her flash fiction contribution on the Liquid Silver blog ~ ~
From my current WIP ~ Don’t Bite the Fortune Teller ~ Chapter One: King of Hearts ~
Solitaire struggled to awaken. Her head nastily throbbed, muzzy – as if she suffered from a bad case of the flu. She wasn’t in bed, his four poster magnificent, so-soft bed. She lay on a surface hard as concrete that felt slick as polished stone, with her head resting on her partially numb arm. Something was horribly wrong.
Not moving and not opening her eyes, Solitaire listened for any sound. Only quiet, the kind of quiet she’d known in an underground facilities. Dead quiet. The air didn’t move.
God...she moaned inside. God...I must be locked in...wherever this is...oh no.
Calming herself, Solitaire didn’t move. She focused on any smell around her. First, the faint whiff of an expensive cigar. Human odors, traces of two males – a woman, mid thirties – her perfume floral, delicate.
There was nothing else she could detect.
If he was here...God, God, where is he safe? Help me.
Her head clearing to hazy, Solitaire concentrated on scanning her body, searching for drugs, any substance foreign to her. As he had taught her.
She found a mild nerve toxin, probably plant-based instead of synthetic. Obviously a toxin that had rendered her helpless and unconscious.
Solitaire groaned inside, wanting to scream – wanting to shake the walls with her screams. She moved slightly, as if she merely stirred to wakefulness – anything to relieve her log-numb arm.
Cautiously she opened one eye. Black. Blackness. The deepest darkest part of the jungle sang through her mind.
"We know you’re awake." The words blasted through her, a giant megaphone shouting into her body.
Solitaire deepened her breaths, stared into fathomless blackness.
"So," she challenged.
"Where is he?"
She sucked in two swift breaths, raised her head. "Disney World. Yeah, that’s it, I remember. He’s playing Prince Charming this week."

Good kitty girl smooch from the Kougar...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dreamy Clouds

Dreamy clouds today, my Beautiful Big Cats, floating past the Kougar's window, above her tame emerald-prairie world. There have been several days of those lovely small puff-round clouds high in the deep blue azure sky, which the Kougar has not seen forever...and a day. Certainly not last spring or summer, or autumn or winter. Or during previous years.
The Kougar has sorely missed her sweet marshmallow clouds.
Clouds are magical beings. Clouds are for dreaming. And often as a cub, the Kougaress gazed up at the sky, lost in the mystical realms of cloud land. To walk on clouds would be exqusite. Surely, the angels must enjoy.
Landing on her four paws, back on dear Mother Earth ~ the kitty kougar struggles to write a bio for her Siren Publishing author's page. She has not even tackled the questions yet. Meow-why? Writing a bio is NOT moi's thing. Not for herself. Roar-however, on the Siren-BookStrand growing-front, a new newsletter is being planned. From the outline, it will be dizzyingly chock-full of goodies. And add to the Kougar's creative outlets and penning-expressions. Now, if moi only had time to accomplish those wonderful opportunities. A dry drink of a cream martini, please.
Me-meow thinks, the Baron waits patiently, yet with a subtle impatience, for his chance to speak on the Siren-BookStrand blog. At least, moi did announce his impending arrival on the Fallen Angels Review Yahoo chat for Siren authors today. Every step, no matter if it's one paw at a time, must count...platitudes, platitudes...purrs and platitudes...
Marshmallow cloud kisses from the Kougar...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Bluebird and Butterfly of Happiness?

Greetings, Big Cats...blink, blink...meow-maaoow, a long day of editing. And the Kougaress is a bit blinky dizzy. Purring-however, one of her rewards is the Strawberry Rhubarb Pie recipe she discovered on ~ ~ Cindy Jacks is an author with Lyrical Press, a new e-publisher, who officially opened their doors on May 5.
Another reward? Before the Kougar snuggled up in her sheets very early this morning, just as the sun had risen, moi gazed out her fave west-facing window...spying the most gorgeous little bluebird critter. Tiny radiantly blue darling, with his black-feathered tail, perched on one tiny limb of the branch the Kougar should have moved by now, and after looking around diligently, began feeding on dandelion seeds. No hurry, blue birdie fed for a long while, not a sign of fear present in his feathers.
The Kougar's blue bird of happiness?
Then, another reward. Just before noon, the Kougaress had the occasion to once again gaze out her fave window...and! A beautiful jet black butterfly with orange-yellow dashes at the bottom of his wings dined on the lone bright yellow dandelion blossom. Where was moi's camera?
Was this more-than-lovely pollinator the Kougar's butterfly of happiness?
Or could it be shaman-interpreted as the blue bird of happiness winging the Kougaress's way?
Wish..wish...and realistically...well, the Kougar will not bore you with the endless wish-for-happiness details of her life.
One happy event! However, moi was successful in registering for Liquid Silver's Silver Expressions blog ~ so she can actually blog on May 23 when it's her turn. Will miracles never cease? That the Kougar is somewhat successful in negotiating this cyber space world ~ at least, her tiny piece of it.
Take a spin on over to Title Magic, my Lovely Big Kitties. Today's guest blogger, Lee R. Duncan, is the master coordinator of the writing contest, Launching a Star, for her RWA chapter. Moi always learns a lot, and Lee's informative blog is no exception. And it's just fun! Mew-sings below.
Hi Lee, long ago, about 1999, I spent a year entering contests. That experience has definitely helped me now as a newly published e-author.
If I had more time...which is like gold now...I would enter contests for feedback, or as an author.
I have to say, when one of my manuscripts received a personal glowing letter of how much the judge loved my entry, and it was the best thing she'd ever read, I must have cried for an hour, and I was trying to run around doing chores. Driving and tears don't really work that well together.
Sad to say, that particular completed mss, Risk-Fierce Ravishing Pilot, may never get published because of the unusual style of writing I used.
Thanks for being with us today. And thanks for what you do.
An exciting day! Here at Title Magic. You are knocking them out of the park, Lee.
Savanna, who taking a little breaky from edits...argh!

Bluebird and butterfly kisses from the Kougar...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

If You're Going to Fall...

Meow-hello, Big Beautiful Cats, the Kougar is peeking out from her writing lair. Not for long. The sun and a lovely blue sky with sweet plump floating clouds, greet her. Busy with business of feeding, the birdies and butterflies flit about, completely unhindered by the Kougar's gone-wild lawn.
If you're going to fall, this is the way to do it...
Moi's major laughing fit ensues. For a long and belly-clasping time. Brow-raised why, my curious cats?
Picture it, Big Kitties, you're working diligently, concentrating on your edits -- you're blinking your dry eyeballs, attempting to create the best story possible...when...during a scene on the tangerine pleasure planet of Yemisque, your editor comments: If you're going to fall, this is the way to do it.
Now, the Kougar can't reveal her scene. No fair for those who read Tangerine Carnal Dreams (Aspen Mountain Press), since it would spoil the slippery surprise.
Yes, dear big cat authors and aspiring authors, the editing process can be fun, even hilarity-yowling inspiring.
Okay, synchronicity, or not? On the the word FALL. Today, the Kougaress received her edits for When a Good Angel Falls (Siren-BookStrand). Most tail-swishing happily, the due date for return does not interfere with her current edits. Thank you, a sleek bow to Bast.
Freebie book! On Title Magic today, Mel, our Super Librarian, is giving away a book. And! her topic is how trends are studied on all the different genres out there. Hey, those Tall, Dark and Dead vampires are featured. Prance on over, Big Kitties. Mew-sings below.
Mel, TM's own Super Library Gal or is that Woman? Gee, what you learn. I didn't know that. But it makes sense, in order, to keep track of trends, what's new, what's hot, what's old, what's fading into the far distance of fad.
What I absolutely luv about Vampire novels, other than tall dark and handsome -- are the titles -- like Tall, Dark and Dead. Cracks up my funny bone every time. I'd luv to write a wacky vampire romp one of these days -- maybe in the style of Just One Bite with over-tanned George -- can't think of his last name. He also played a fruit loop Zorro. It was parody hoot!

Quick smooch from the Kougar...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pow! Bam! Smack it...

Hello, my darling Big Kitties, the Kougar did some paw-improvements to her blog. Now the covers of moi's novels actually link to Siren Publishing, Liquid Silver Books and Siren-BookStrand. A big rolling rumbling purr of satisfaction. For now.
Meow-sigh hopefully, the Kougaress will gain enough time to include the new Siren-BookStrand blog ~ ~ and Aspen Mountain Press soon. Moi is tail-twitching working hard on her edits for Tangerine Carnal Dreams. Oh where yowling-where is the Kougar's very own handsome hero, who is a tech wizard, a handy man extraordinaire, who can bring home the will bake him brownies, and other tasty goodies...if he could only install snafu-free editing program...wish, wish...oh a huge heart wish...
Plus ~ no, not the plus size of fashion ~ the Kougar would adore designing a snazzy razzy feline header for her blog...ideas are only in the fuzzy stage of the moi's dreaming mind, however. Perhaps, as Helen suggests in her Title Magic blog today, the Kougaress should be on the prowl for that eye-delicious hunk of man to virile-grace her blog with his sexy I-want-you picture. Cat-woman purring yum - Clark Gable. Does Rhett want Scarlett or what?
Also, happy-roaring news, the Kougar will be participating in Celia Kyle's summer scavenger hunt, which begins the first of June. Pssst...hint, the treasure link for winning a whole bunch o' books is below...way below...
And! All Shades of Blue Paradise, Siren Publishing, will be offered by The Romance Studio as the book giveaway on May 24, 2008. If any Big Cat wants a novel-taste of the Kougar's writing. And an escape into the World of Blue Pearl Moon.
Pow! Bam! Smack it into the next dimension, Big Kitties ~ lope rapidly over to Title Magic. Helen's blog today ~ what the American Title V finalists should know ~ is chock full of vote-getting strategies. And is also a titillating insight into how Helen won with her entry, The Magic Knot ~ sorta like a behind-the-scenes of American Idol for romance writers. Mew-sings below.
Wowza, what you learn! Thanks, everyone, since the advice can be carried over to 'hopefully' a career as an author. And should assist the American Title V finalists.
Now, I'm even definitely more glad I didn't fully know what I was up against. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, or, at least, it keeps you going despite the odds.
Hey, I know I got ONE vote. 'Cause I voted for myself. Who knows? Maybe my entry was the lowest vote getter ever?
I can laugh now, which I'm

Tangerine smooches from the Kougar...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Saucer-Huge Kat Eyes

Greetings, Big Kitties, the Kougar is running on fumes, no, actually moi is sitting, attempting to keep her squinchy eyes open. The trek to hunt down life-needed supplies and driveway repair took it's energy-toll on the Kougaress. Thank the MightyCat Goddess for safe travels and organic chocolate.
Early this morning, before the light of dawn, the Kougar placed a What's New announcement on The Romance Studio Blue ~ as follows ~ Wagering in the World of the Blue Pearl Moon
For an interview with Baron Zaggry Dhio Vettura on the intrigue complexities of wagering in the World of the Blue Pearl Moon, check out Destiny Blaine's blog ~ ~ Baron Vettura, hero of All Shades of Blue Paradise, Siren Publishing, will be available in the comment section to answer your questions.

Gosh and meow! The Kougar likes to have fun, and moi thought it would be an interesting experiment. So far, no takers on asking Baron Vettura questions, but yowling who knows? Certainly, for everyone who has commented on Destiny Blaine's blog, a roaring thanks of kitty-rubbing appreciation. And roaring-purring thanks to Destiny!
Saucer-huge kat eyes! my Beautiful Big Cats ~ what the Kougar didn't realize as a finalist in American Title IV.
For the inside scoop, and if you're planning on entering American Title V, and especially if you're one of the ten finalists ~ race at your most rapid run over to Title Magic for Mai's blog on how she gained tons o' votes for her entry, Prince of Darkness. Also, Helen, our esteemed winner with The Magic Knot will be blogging later on strategies she used, as well as how we all played the voting game.
Let the Kougar comment here, she was woefully inadequate in her get-out-the-vote skills!
Mew-sings below ~
Mai, what a spectacular campaign and fantastic suggestions. I'm in downright awe! Hey, I never had a shot against you. Actually, that makes me feel better, strange as that sounds.
What's next for you?

Mai, gee, I'm glad I didn't realize what I was truly up against. I had a good idea, and knew I was out-classed, which was one reason I decided on a different route. Hey, if you're not a race horse, maybe you're hunter.
But, really, it's a big relief to know what occurred in more concrete terms! I mean, I gave it my absolute best, but most first graders don't do algebra. Crummy analogy, but that's all I could think of...
Yeah, just take it easy as you can. Take care of your life. And when the right time comes, you'll be ready to write/submit your manuscripts.
Are you submitting? If you don't want to say, don't. Just thought I'd lend some support. Like a yippee!

Yay! Mel!
I know what you mean, about working as hard. I'm glad I did as much as I could, 'cause then I know I gave it my best. If nothing else.
I think, the fact, that you haven't been in the romance community could work to your advantage. A new voice. And I think the market is expanding to include all sorts of genres and voices.

Wide-eyed smooch from the Kougar...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Wagering in the World of the Blue Pearl Moon

Hey! Big Kitties, today the Kougar is a guest blogger with Destiny Blaine, fellow terrific Siren author, and a wonderful all-around good gal ~ who recently blogged on Title Magic ~ titlemagic, Meow-wow! did moi have a rollickin' good time that day.
Okay, Beautiful Big Cats, the Kougar put an adventuresome paw into the blue ray waters writing her blog with Destiny.
An Interview with Baron Vettura ~ Wagering in the World of the Blue Pearl Moon ~ was moi's first attempt to write as if she is the hero of All Shades of Blue Paradise (Siren Publishing). Baron Zaggry Dhio Vettura allows himself to be interviewed by an Emissary from the planet-world next to his own. The Emissary and her people wish to learn more about why there is such a high level of gambling and betting in the Baron's aristocratic realm.
Indeed, wagering is a complex strategy-enjoyment-business in the Gryhiz, World of the Blue Pearl Moon ~ which Baron Zaggry speaks about in his own self-assured, turn-the-blue marble table style. It's all about the right win in his world, and knowing how to bring that win forth.
Lovely Big Cats, you are going to relish Lexie's blog ~ Flying into the Fog. Prance and dance on over to Title Magic. Moi's mew-sings below.
Lexie, so luved your blog. I'm a sucker for flying through fog and over clouds, in my imagination and for real.
I'd have to say I'm a combo of pantser and plotter -- mostly, I just let it fly, except when I get stuck, that's when the plotting takes over, or usually the inspiration. Thanks to my Muse.
Hope you get back on track.

Flying fog kisses from the Kougar...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Flash! then Crash...

Happy Meow Mother's Day to every Big Cat Mama, to every mother. What was the Kougar's gift to her mommy? A totally from scratch, partially organic, made with no recipe Pineapple Upside Down cake. Yummy for the tummy, and one of her mommy's favorite foods. Completed with Breyer's French Vanilla Ice Cream.

Flash! then Crash! into beddie bye ~ the Kougar posted her first Sunday Flash Fiction on the Liquid Silver blog ~ ~ before she rolled in the sheets this morning around five in the morning. Once again, it was a lovely international day of flashing. And if you never thought libraries were fun...well, shuckey-dern, Roscoe James, Liquid Silver author, just might change your mind, or convince you never to have a late library book???
Without further purring-adieu, the Kougar's fiction-flashing...

From my WIP ~ Don’t Bite the Fortune Teller
Her hands still shaking slightly, she fanned the cards. And desperately wished she didn’t look like an unprofessional klutz. "Choose a card, Birthday Man."
"You should know, my Solitaire...I have the ability to choose whichever card I desire."
Ohmygawd, his hand...impossibly beautiful and powerful, with tapered fingers. Solitaire swallowed down her passion, now threatening to steam out her ears.
"Prove it," she murmured the challenge, ridiculously breathless.
"King of hearts," he low purred. Selecting one card with the grace of a magician, he presented it to her.
The King of Hearts – the card’s face seized her entire being.

She tore her gaze away from the betraying card. "Is that a statement?" she inanely crooned.
"Soon to be ‘truth’." His voice grazed over every inch of her flesh.
"Is that so?" She flung up her chin, having knife-flung the question at him.
He smiled, trip-tripping her heart.
"I do have a question for the fortune teller who can see our newest project beneath the ocean."
"What? The manner of my disappearance?"
"We will have to ‘disappear’ for a short time, to view the city."
"View the city...?"
"My question..." he honed in on her eyes with his eyes, darkly intense.

"Who seeks to destroy me? By sabotaging our restoration?" The importance of her answer shone in his eyes.
"The invisible man," she blurted out, the words pulled from her.
"Make him visible, my your mind’s eye."
His command was hypnotic. Not to be refused. She wondered at her compliance as the image quickly formed. An office of wealth and power. Expensive subdued furnishings. The seal of the United States, a flag...the politician’s face...the elder politician she easily recognized behind his huge resplendent desk...
Solitaire squeezed her eyelids tightly.
"No need to speak his name, my Solitaire."

Kiss of the Fortune Teller from the Kougar...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Kougar's Wild Turkey

Yesterday, during the late morning hours, Big Beautiful Cats, the Kougar noticed through her back window, this giant dark-colored bird standing on her un-mowed lawn. At first, moi could not determine despite her stalking scrutiny if it was a hawk or a wild turkey. When she grabbed her driving spectacles and the bird finally moved -- a great rejoicing occurred inside the Kougaress's breast. A single wild turkey, not more than thirty feet away. Either a hen or a young male. In prior blogs moi has waxed long and poetic over her love for these incredible majestic birds roaming around her cattle country neighborhood.
Fascinated for far longer than moi would have believed...because the turkey didn't leave quickly as the Kougar would have, Turkle hung out for close to an hour, leisurely and carefully moving about. Always close to the cover of a tree, Turkle checked the surroundings for any sign of a predator, then took a time of peacking, feeding on the ground and stripping off the dandelion seeds. Turkle also preened quite a bit. Let me meow, that long neck comes in handy when cleaning back and breast feathers, and the feathers beneath those large, large wings. Once, Turkle spread those wings, absolutely delighting moi.
It was the most amazing experience, Big Kitties. The Kougar hopes Turkle will return soon for eye-devouring only.
The shaman message? If there is one? Certainly, Turkle was an absolute gift to the Kougaress's soul. Thank you, Divine Bast.
Today was Siren author chat day on the Two Lips Review chat loop. What moi learns about her fellow authors ~ enough to scorch the whiskers off her scrunchy face! Meow-wow! One mew-sing below, Big Kitties.
To answer one of Tina's questions, my current release with Siren, All Shades of Blue Paradise, began as a semi-dream I had of the heroine, Lady Sheridan, as she sultry-walked to the meet with the hero, Baron Zaggry, her fiancee' from ten years past. I knew he was still in love with her and had never discovered why she ended their engagement. I also knew he intended to punish her with pleasure, given his dominant ruling nature.
Smooch to the wild turkey from the Kougar...

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Talgorian Prophecy ~ Ariana Dupre'

For the jeweled slant of your eyes only, Big Kitties...
Hi Title Magicians all. Today we have an amazing lady and author with us. I first heard her, yes, ‘heard’ because I listened to her blog radio show. There was a link on the Passionate Ink forum, and being a radio fan (not to mention curious) I tuned in. Impressively, Ariana Dupre’/Melissa Alvarez interviewed authors and publishers. She also gave a ‘psychic’ reading or two, which, personally, I find even more impressive. Having dabbled in that arena myself and listened to several outstanding psychics over the years, I kinda know what rings true.
Ms. Dupre’ also rings true as a superb author. She is a paranormal author with Cerridwen, and her current novel, the Talgorian Prophecy, is receiving outstanding reviews. One after another! So many it makes my head spin. And, nope, I’m not possessed by an earthbound spirit! Contrary to popular opinion.
Without further adieu...

To Be Or Not To Be…..
That really is the question isn’t it? As authors we can be ourselves or we can be someone else and use a pen name. Since I write under a pen name I thought this would be interesting topic for today but before I start I’d like to thank ya’ll (yep, I’m a Southerner) for having me here today. I thoroughly enjoy your blog and am honored that Savanna asked me to participate as a guest blogger.
I saw that Mai posted about pen names not too long ago (so go check the archives because it’s a great post) and I’d like to add my experience to the mix. Why would an author decide to use a pen name? Well, there are a couple of reasons that I know of:
A) They want to protect their privacy.
B) They don’t want anyone to know what they write because it could adversely affect their day jobs.
C) They are so prolific that no one would believe they could write that many books in a year.
D) They write in multiple genres and don’t want the two confused.
E) And this list could go on and on and on and on like that little pink bunny.
I decided to use a pen name for several reasons. First, I’d worked as the guide to for over a year and a half and I knew a lot of people in the industry. I was also the owner of a publishing company. I wanted my work to stand on its own – to either fail miserably or do well – based solely on the writing and not on my name. As in every industry some people may like you and some may not and I didn’t want the book to be given great reviews because someone liked me or poor reviews because they didn’t so I used a pen name that I’d come up with years earlier. I was fortunate in that the book received rave reviews and won awards – all without anyone knowing my identity. But having a secret pen name is crazy hard! Here’s an example. In 2004 with the original release of Night Visions, I was invited to the Cataromance Reviewer’s Choice Awards chat where they revealed all of the winners. Since I have quite a few authors with New Age Dimensions, I was pretty sure that one of our books was going to receive an award – I just didn’t know which one. So here I am sitting in the chat as Melissa Alvarez, owner of and publisher at New Age Dimensions, when they announced the winner of the Winner of the Reviewer's Choice Award for Best Single Title Paranormal Romance 2004 – it was Night Visions by Ariana Dupré. I was so shocked that I couldn’t even type for a minute and then when I was able to answer I had to accept on Ariana’s behalf because she wasn’t there. But I really was! LOL Can you imagine – accepting a book of the year award on for yourself and not being able to tell everyone? After that I decided that it was just too hard having a secret identity so I held a contest (which was tons of fun) to reveal Ariana’s true identity. If you decide to go with a secret pen name you have to be prepared to celebrate successes by yourself unless everyone knows you only by that name.
I also write in multiple genres so that was another consideration for me to write under a pen name. I actually have a few. I write paranormal romantic suspense as Ariana Dupre, nonfiction as Melissa Alvarez and am self publishing two children’s books as Jara Jordan. By having multiple pen names people know exactly what they can expect from each of my names (engaging romantic suspense, eye opening nonfiction or fun and educational children’s books) even though it’s not a secret they all of those names belong to me.
When you’re thinking about the pen name that you’d like to use consider why you need one to begin with. Then take advice from Mai’s post and look at the importance of the type of name you choose and it’s marketability. Keeping a pen name secret is hard but it can be done.
Thanks again for having me here today! It’s been great fun.
Melissa Alvarez/Ariana Dupre
Talgorian Prophecy On Sale Now ,

What would you do if you were a famous psychic and your son was just kidnapped by a ruthless serial killer? Go the police? I think not, especially when they don’t believe a word you say. You head off to find him, and that’s just what Megan Cassidy does in Talgorian Prophecy.
No one believes she can find her son but she knows she can, her visions become more and more haunting and she has no choice but to ask for the help of her ex-fiancé Brody Phelps. She has never stopped loving him but he has never forgiven her for the loss of his parents seven years ago.
But Megan has a secret she’s kept from Brody and when he finds out and agrees to help her find Robbie they learn even more unbelievable truths as they hike through the mountains of Virginia.
What is the Talgorian Prophecy? Well you’ll have to read this fast paced, hold on to the edge of your chair book by Ariana Dupré to find out. I’m not going to spoil one word of this excellent story. Can you say "what a twist?" You will and more as you hike along with Megan and Brody on their desperate search for Robbie before time runs out.
I really loved this book, it had a couple of really great surprises and it was never slow. The characters were well rounded from the obnoxious police officer (I swear I wanted to kick his butt myself) to Megan, our heroine, who loved her son so deeply nothing not even the threat of death would keep her from rescuing him. One warning, make sure when you start Talgorian Prophecy you have plenty of time to read because you won’t want to put it down until you have turned the last page. I can’t wait to read more by this very talented author. ~Reviewed by Lynda

For horse lovers check out Melissa's website ~

Prophecy kisses from the Kougar...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Tangerine Dreams and Marmalade Kisses

Hi, my Big Beautiful Cats, it's spin a cat by the tail day. Once again. Promo demands and opportunities out the ole' kitty wazoo. Meow-Yowl! Which ones work the best? Then, Roar and some time to snore! What about all the missed opportunities? Saturday is Siren Publishing chat day at Two Lips ~ ~ And tomorrow! Ariana Dupre', Cerridwen Author, will be the Kougar's guest blogger on Title Magic.
Kitty time out! For a dandelion-sniffing moment. Although most of moi's yellow bright dandelions have become ephemeral white globes waving in the breezes and among the giant mounds of green grass, which will not know the discipline of a mower for quite some time. A feline smug smile of celebration. Mother Nature wins!
Tangerine Dreams? Whoopee! Great-purring actually, that's Tangerine Carnal Dreams, moi's sci fi stallion shifter novella contracted by Aspen Mountain Press. Tail-twitching happily, the Kougar's editor has been in contact. And! If all goes editing-well, there could be a July release date...*hope, hope*. Rolling-enthusiastically yay. Forget the celebratory caviar, where is the Kougar's champagne and marmalade kisses?
And the Kougar's wolfie shifter novella has been submitted, awaiting approval or non-approval. Prayers to Bast and the Great Wolfen Goddess.
And....shhhhh...big kitties, this is on the downlow until the names have been sorted out -- but Siren-BookStrand has just begun a blog for authors, which is wonderfully cool and where hep-hip-hop romance cats can learn all sorts of juicy meaty tidbits. Psssst...the Kougaress has already posted twice. An Author Intro and a Paranormal entry.
For a sumptuous taste of magic and mist and stone circles, swiftly race on over to Title Magic, where Evonne has brought us a most fabulous peek at the stone circles on her part of the planet, Wales and Great Britain. Mew-sings below:
What a fantastic blog, Evonne. I so wish I could visit those stone circles and those areas of Europe. They feel so compelling to me.
You should use your ending paragraph of the blog for your Stone Circle story. It's beautifully descriptive, IMHO.
Have you considered on one of your visits to the stone circles, doing a bit of daydreaming. I think your story would emerge from the mists.

Sticky marmalade kisses from the Kougar...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mooncusser Cove ~ Darragha Foster

Hi Big Cats, cover art magic continues. Now that moi can claw her way to blogger. Today, my guest blogger on Title Magic, Darragha Foster, Liquid Silver author, couldn't be with us. Family always comes first! So, the Kougar thought she would present one of her covers because, for one thing it's entered in the Cover Cafe's cover art contest ~ ~ and for another thing moi think it's absolutely dreamy beautiful. And yes, the Kougar spent time voting in all the different categories, which was a purring-blast. Especially the Worst Cover entries.

Beware before you read the blurbage of this story. And unglue those eyeballs if you're under 18.
Mooncusser Cove
~ available from Liquid Silver Books ~ ~
Darragha Foster
ISBN 978-1-59578-383-7
Born in 1864 to a wealthy coastal family, Vesper Highgate-Adaire was well on her way to becoming a first-rate stripper just like her mother. A stripper of boots and brass off the bodies of wrecked sailors, in accordance with family traditions—the traditions of the Mooncusser clan. Traditions that changed after the wrecking of a ship befouled by an accursed sea captain—who in his twisted rage, shared his curse with the clan.
They became Shadow Lovers, the lot of them, for all time, cursed to feed upon those energies best expended only between husband and wife. Or upon blood. And only on the dark of the moon.
Forced to leave their beloved beach so as not to saturate the land with their poison, only Vesper remained behind to care for the family estate, and wait for the unholy captain’s return.
But time and tide and the feverish nightmares left behind in her victims after her embrace do not wait for dark nights to move in their unstoppable, mysterious ways. A juggernaut of hellish proportions is coming to the beach—and there’s only one way to stop it. Hard-headed and proud, Vesper won’t accept that fact. She’d rather die fighting than flee and live. Good thing the only person alive able to control a Mooncusser’s daughter has returned to the cove. And his blood-ties to the beach are just as thick as hers.
Mooncusser Cove -- a modern day retelling of Frankenstein with a Brigadoon twist. Ghost ships! Curses! Land pirates! Vampires who feed on sexual energy! The persecution of witches! Just another day at Vespers by the Sea bed-and-breakfast at Mooncusser Cove.

Dreamy moon kisses from the Kougar...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

When a Good Angel Falls ~ Cover Art

The Magical Invitation of Cover Art

Just for your Big Cat shiny eyes from the Kougar...
One of the best things about walking into a bookstore for me, besides all of those fantastic books just begging to be read, is the magical invitation of cover art. Yes, there’s also the wonderful smell of all those books, tempting and teasing all of us bookaholics. There they sit on their shelves and endcaps, in the bargain bins, waiting to find their right homes, ready to be ensconced in our shopping bags.
But before I choose which ones to buy, whether it’s an adventurous escape into romance or my eclectic appetite for non-fiction, anything from travel to building that next deck, I look at the pictures, those amazing displays of graphic art.
I saunter around the shrine of reading and indulge in all those rows of cover art. Today, more than ever, it’s a kaleidoscopic feast of styles, meant to tempt you to pick up that book and buy, buy, buy. Usually, I don’t unless the accompanying blurb and a quick peek inside convince me...yep, this read is for me. Once in awhile, I’ll succumb and purchase just for the cover art, if it resonates at such a deep level I can’t resist.
Yup, even as a kidlet before kindergarten I wanted the irresistible eye candy of those big picture books as much as I wanted to hear my mom or dad read the story. What could be better than living the tale and seeing it unfold as the artist imagined the story? All at the same time? That has never changed or me. Growing up, I was usually as excited over the cover art and pictures as I was eager to read the story waiting for me, the one that would wisk me away to another time, another place.
Now, in the age of cyber cover art, I’m in a beautiful-color paradise of images designed to catch my eye and lure me to the click-buy button. From the lovely sensual romance cover art of our Friday guest blogger, Sarah Mallory – to the exquisite sizzling beauty of the vampire slayer on Colleen Gleason’s cover art – or the more traditional oh-be-still-my-beating-heart covers on Anna Campbell’s novels (I always feel like swooning into the hero’s hard, but tender embrace) – to our Helen’s cover art for The Magic Knot. Which, I swear, grabs me more each time I look at it. Perhaps, it’s the celtic lyrical magic of the images combined with the realism of the entwined couple. That feel of mythos brought forward into modern times, which has an enchantment-appeal all its own to our psyches, where archetypes live and constantly weave their spells inside us. Hey, think Xena, Warrior Princess or Hercules with Kevin Sorbo, where the gods and goddesses were on their worst behavior and their best behavior.
Okay, why a blog about cover art? Gee, I dunno...could it be? Could it?
Yeah, big surprise, I’m showing off my cover art for When a Good Angel Falls, coming from Siren-BookStrand late in 2008, and currently featured on the new BookStrand site. Jinger Heaston is the cover artist and I think she beautifully captured my story. I couldn’t be happier. Kudos, Jinger!
Blurb for When a Good Angel Falls ~ 2012 futuristic ~
A world-weary, worn-out, incarnated angel who believes she is merely human has three choices: let the Nazerazzi of the North American Union capture her, walk out into the desert night and let the wildlife have a meal, or trust a mysterious stranger on a black motorcycle...More ~

Good angel kisses from the Kougar...