It's paw-hot to trot! over at Title Magic (titlemagic.blogspot.com). Today, my Beautiful Big Cats. If you're an aspiring author you'll want to join in this conversation after reading Mary Buckham's and Diana Love Snell's guest blog. Tons o' practical info and lots of inspiration. Here's a comment snippet:
Dianna Love Snell has left a new comment on the post "Break Into Fiction –Why Some Writers get THE CALL ...": HI Connie - Connie is one of my GRW sisters and a GH finalist this year. I think the writing comes first no matter what because you can't sell what you don't have. While someone is cold reading or critiquing your full, then spend time on query letters and such. I have a pretty hectic lifestyle with no real schedule so I have to be very diligent to write, which sometimes means not going out to dinner or doing something I'd like to share with my husband or friends if I need to get done. It's a tough balance no matter what, but write the book first.A query is so much like a live pitch. You have a very short space to intrigue the agent or editor. It's hard to really encapsulate your story that much, but that's why many queries get no replies - the story just didn't come through in the query or lacked a true conflict even though the actual pages are great. It's a good idea to get several outside readers (who you feel have a grasp of what it should say) to read it for you. I'm thinking your story is great and it's just not coming through in the query. See you in SF on Saturday night at the awards event! Thanks for coming out today. Dianna
On another author front today, Blue Kool Kats, the Kougar penned For the Love of Cover Art ~ When a Good Angel Falls. Claw-check it out on the Siren-BookStrand's Author blog (sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com). Of course, the blog features moi's magical and mood-lyrical cover art created by Jinger Heaston for her 2012 futuristic ~ Sedona and Volcano's love sizzle story during the end of the Mayan Calendar.
Meow-and! The cover art for Pleasures of Blue Lotus Oil has been approved! Roar-yippeee!
Winning blue paradise kisses from the Kougar...
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