Kitty time out! For a dandelion-sniffing moment. Although most of moi's yellow bright dandelions have become ephemeral white globes waving in the breezes and among the giant mounds of green grass, which will not know the discipline of a mower for quite some time. A feline smug smile of celebration. Mother Nature wins!
Tangerine Dreams? Whoopee! Great-purring actually, that's Tangerine Carnal Dreams, moi's sci fi stallion shifter novella contracted by Aspen Mountain Press. Tail-twitching happily, the Kougar's editor has been in contact. And! If all goes editing-well, there could be a July release date...*hope, hope*. Rolling-enthusiastically yay. Forget the celebratory caviar, where is the Kougar's champagne and marmalade kisses?
And the Kougar's wolfie shifter novella has been submitted, awaiting approval or non-approval. Prayers to Bast and the Great Wolfen Goddess.
And....shhhhh...big kitties, this is on the downlow until the names have been sorted out -- but Siren-BookStrand has just begun a blog for authors, which is wonderfully cool and where hep-hip-hop romance cats can learn all sorts of juicy meaty tidbits. Psssst...the Kougaress has already posted twice. An Author Intro and a Paranormal entry.
For a sumptuous taste of magic and mist and stone circles, swiftly race on over to Title Magic, where Evonne has brought us a most fabulous peek at the stone circles on her part of the planet, Wales and Great Britain. Mew-sings below:
What a fantastic blog, Evonne. I so wish I could visit those stone circles and those areas of Europe. They feel so compelling to me.
You should use your ending paragraph of the blog for your Stone Circle story. It's beautifully descriptive, IMHO.
Have you considered on one of your visits to the stone circles, doing a bit of daydreaming. I think your story would emerge from the mists.
You should use your ending paragraph of the blog for your Stone Circle story. It's beautifully descriptive, IMHO.
Have you considered on one of your visits to the stone circles, doing a bit of daydreaming. I think your story would emerge from the mists.
Sticky marmalade kisses from the Kougar...
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