Moi's personal celebration first! Yowl, yes, it is Cinco de Mayo day ~ however, here the Kougaress reigns supreme. Roar, thusly, she is celebrating her first ever e-novel available on FictionWise. Happy, happy purr ~ here is how it looks, my Big Kitties!
All Shades of Blue Paradise [World of the Blue Pearl Moon 1]
eBook by Savanna Kougar
eBook Price: $3.99
eBook Category: Erotica/Romance
eBook Description: Destiny and love can be denied for only so long...Except for her daring equestrienne competitions, Lady Sheridan lives a quiet life caring for her family's estate, staving off financial ruin and keeping her brother's misdeeds from ruining his marriage and the life of her beloved nieces. Despite all his desperate efforts, Baron Zaggry has never discovered why his Sherfantasy broke their engagement. Now, his ruse successful, Sheridan is finally his, his slave lover. He has ten years worth of denied pleasures to make up for, to savor however he erotic chooses.[Erotic Fantasy Romance,OtherWorld, Aristocratic Intrigue: Contains graphic sexual content and adult language.]
eBook Publisher: Siren Publishing, Inc., Published: 2008, 2008
All Other formats: Printing DISABLED, Read-aloud DISABLED
"5 Stars: Gryphiz is a world two dimensions from Earth. The people evolved differently from those on Earth. Their stamina and sexual ability increased. When Lady Sheridan saw her betrothed, Baron Zaggy, betray her, she ended the relationship without ever telling anyone why. Ten years later her brother, Brad, begged her help. He owed money to the Baron and needed more time. Regardless of her feelings she agreed to approach him on the subject of the loan. Zag agreed to forgive the debt if she would be his slave lover for one year. He would also help her with her project of a riding stable for children. She agreed. He needed her help to stop a corporation from possessing the Vettura lands and destroying the world as they knew it. Zag hoped to win back her love during that year. All Shades of Blue Paradise is part one of this series. Savanna Kougar is a talented author. The plot is extremely steamy. I would not mind being a slave lover for a year or maybe 20. Kougar has created a completely new world and culture. The characters are well-matched. Sheridan is strong and very sensual. Zag is incredibly sexy, dominating, and loving. Fans of erotic romance will enjoy All Shades of Blue Paradise: World of the Blue Pearl Moon." --Debra, Review Your Book
eBook by Savanna Kougar
eBook Price: $3.99
eBook Category: Erotica/Romance
eBook Description: Destiny and love can be denied for only so long...Except for her daring equestrienne competitions, Lady Sheridan lives a quiet life caring for her family's estate, staving off financial ruin and keeping her brother's misdeeds from ruining his marriage and the life of her beloved nieces. Despite all his desperate efforts, Baron Zaggry has never discovered why his Sherfantasy broke their engagement. Now, his ruse successful, Sheridan is finally his, his slave lover. He has ten years worth of denied pleasures to make up for, to savor however he erotic chooses.[Erotic Fantasy Romance,OtherWorld, Aristocratic Intrigue: Contains graphic sexual content and adult language.]
eBook Publisher: Siren Publishing, Inc., Published: 2008, 2008
All Other formats: Printing DISABLED, Read-aloud DISABLED
"5 Stars: Gryphiz is a world two dimensions from Earth. The people evolved differently from those on Earth. Their stamina and sexual ability increased. When Lady Sheridan saw her betrothed, Baron Zaggy, betray her, she ended the relationship without ever telling anyone why. Ten years later her brother, Brad, begged her help. He owed money to the Baron and needed more time. Regardless of her feelings she agreed to approach him on the subject of the loan. Zag agreed to forgive the debt if she would be his slave lover for one year. He would also help her with her project of a riding stable for children. She agreed. He needed her help to stop a corporation from possessing the Vettura lands and destroying the world as they knew it. Zag hoped to win back her love during that year. All Shades of Blue Paradise is part one of this series. Savanna Kougar is a talented author. The plot is extremely steamy. I would not mind being a slave lover for a year or maybe 20. Kougar has created a completely new world and culture. The characters are well-matched. Sheridan is strong and very sensual. Zag is incredibly sexy, dominating, and loving. Fans of erotic romance will enjoy All Shades of Blue Paradise: World of the Blue Pearl Moon." --Debra, Review Your Book
The Chimera effect ~ introducing Blu Cougar Cub. This cute little alien kitty kat was featured on Coast-to-Coastam with George Noory. How perfect is this little out-of-this world minx? The perfect synchronicity-blending of mois two e-novels, All Shades of Blue Paradise (Siren Publishing) & Red Lioness Tamed (Liquid Silver Books). Does Someone Up There love the Kougar or what?
Thought I would share a picture of my own little alien. Nothing like having her crawl up on you when you are sleeping, and awakening to those large green eyes staring at you. I think she is trying to telepathically communicate with me, but I guess I am not advanced enough yet. In all seriousness, this is my adorable hairless Sphynx cat called Blu Cougar Cub. She's a little menace, and the most talkative little thing. --Morassa Mohseni Morassa@jhmi.edu ~ http://www.coasttocoastam.com/gen/page2540.html?theme=light
Celebration smooches from the Kougar...
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