In meow-truth, my Beautiful Big Cats, Debbie is the very first winner for one of the Kougar's e-novels. Remember ~ way back when, or a couple of moons ago ~ if you comment in 100 words or less on the Kougaress's blog with your character idea ~ and if the Kougar favors it enough, she will reward you with a PDF copy of either Red Lioness Tamed or All Shades of Blue Paradise ~ and if your character makes it into one of her future novels ~ yowl! We have another winner! You will be granted a free PDF copy of that novel. Not a claw-quick or easy contest. Growling-obvious, but fun for the Kougar, and an opportunity to cat-stretch your imagination.
On another prowling tangent, now that Helen Scott Taylor, winner of American Title IV, has revealed her cover art for The Magic Knot ~ moi is in love with the font and Celtic knot design especially ~ the pic is on Title Magic ~ titlemagic.blogspot.com ~ the Kougar will show off her new cover art for When A Good Angel Falls, coming from Siren-BookStrand. Roar-yes, December 21, 2012 is finally revealed, even if it's disguised as fiction ~ hehehe...
Today on Title Magic Evonne's guest blogger is Sarah Mallory, romance historical author extraordinaire. Take a leisurely stroll over and enjoy. Moi mew-sings below.
Sarah, how utterly fascinating. I always love to know how authors create and why. The whole matter of the weather and how that is worked into your novel as another character, wonderful!
BTW your cover art has a sensual sweet loveliness to it that I just adore.
Boy, do I know what you mean. I just submitted a novella to one of my e-publishers. But I have no clue if it's what they're looking for. Nerve-wracking time.
Thanks for being with us today. Like Evonne mentioned what a lovely contrast between you and yesterday's guest author. Being very eclectic in nature, I appreciate both of you, and the different types of stories/genres you write in.
BTW your cover art has a sensual sweet loveliness to it that I just adore.
Boy, do I know what you mean. I just submitted a novella to one of my e-publishers. But I have no clue if it's what they're looking for. Nerve-wracking time.
Thanks for being with us today. Like Evonne mentioned what a lovely contrast between you and yesterday's guest author. Being very eclectic in nature, I appreciate both of you, and the different types of stories/genres you write in.
Purring back to contests and being a winner. Yes, it's absolutely true! Dorchester has changed it's mind and will now sponser American Title V in the Romantic Times Magazine. Here is the official blurbage:
Due to popular demand, the American Title competition is returning for one last round. Dorchester Publishing has agreed to co-sponsor the contest, which pits unpublished writers against each other in five rounds of competition. RT readers vote online for their favorites each round, and the last contestant standing wins the ultimate prize: Their book will be published by Dorchester!
To enter, send the first three chapters (no more than 50 pages), a two- to seven-page synopsis and a cover letter (aka query letter) to: American Title Contest, Dorchester Publishing, 200 Madison Ave., Suite 2000, New York, NY 10016. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY JUNE 15, 2008.
For American Title V, we’re opening up the categories to include: historical, paranormal, romantic suspense, urban fantasy, etc. Sorry, no young adult, women’s fiction or straight contemporary manuscripts this time around.
Manuscripts must be completed prior to entering, and they should run 80,000 to 90,000 words. Finalists must agree to participate in each of the five competition rounds -- first line; hero and heroine; story summary; dialogue scene; romantic scene --and must submit copy for all five categories by Aug. 15, 2008. The entries are published in RT, and readers vote online for their favorite. With each round, the two contestants with the lowest amount of votes are eliminated.
Get your novel ready and you could be the next American Title champion!
To enter, send the first three chapters (no more than 50 pages), a two- to seven-page synopsis and a cover letter (aka query letter) to: American Title Contest, Dorchester Publishing, 200 Madison Ave., Suite 2000, New York, NY 10016. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY JUNE 15, 2008.
For American Title V, we’re opening up the categories to include: historical, paranormal, romantic suspense, urban fantasy, etc. Sorry, no young adult, women’s fiction or straight contemporary manuscripts this time around.
Manuscripts must be completed prior to entering, and they should run 80,000 to 90,000 words. Finalists must agree to participate in each of the five competition rounds -- first line; hero and heroine; story summary; dialogue scene; romantic scene --and must submit copy for all five categories by Aug. 15, 2008. The entries are published in RT, and readers vote online for their favorite. With each round, the two contestants with the lowest amount of votes are eliminated.
Get your novel ready and you could be the next American Title champion!
A smooch to Debbie from the Kougar....
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