Meow-sigh hopefully, the Kougaress will gain enough time to include the new Siren-BookStrand blog ~ http://blog.sirenbookstrand.com/ ~ and Aspen Mountain Press soon. Moi is tail-twitching working hard on her edits for Tangerine Carnal Dreams. Oh where yowling-where is the Kougar's very own handsome hero, who is a tech wizard, a handy man extraordinaire, who can bring home the bacon...moi will bake him brownies, and other tasty goodies...if he could only install snafu-free editing program...wish, wish...oh a huge heart wish...
Plus ~ no, not the plus size of fashion ~ the Kougar would adore designing a snazzy razzy feline header for her blog...ideas are only in the fuzzy stage of the moi's dreaming mind, however. Perhaps, as Helen suggests in her Title Magic blog today, the Kougaress should be on the prowl for that eye-delicious hunk of man to virile-grace her blog with his sexy I-want-you picture. Cat-woman purring yum - Clark Gable. Does Rhett want Scarlett or what?
Also, happy-roaring news, the Kougar will be participating in Celia Kyle's summer scavenger hunt, which begins the first of June. Pssst...hint, the treasure link for winning a whole bunch o' books is below...way below...
And! All Shades of Blue Paradise, Siren Publishing, will be offered by The Romance Studio as the book giveaway on May 24, 2008. If any Big Cat wants a novel-taste of the Kougar's writing. And an escape into the World of Blue Pearl Moon.
Pow! Bam! Smack it into the next dimension, Big Kitties ~ lope rapidly over to Title Magic. Helen's blog today ~ what the American Title V finalists should know ~ is chock full of vote-getting strategies. And is also a titillating insight into how Helen won with her entry, The Magic Knot ~ sorta like a behind-the-scenes of American Idol for romance writers. Mew-sings below.
Wowza, what you learn! Thanks, everyone, since the advice can be carried over to 'hopefully' a career as an author. And should assist the American Title V finalists.
Now, I'm even definitely more glad I didn't fully know what I was up against. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, or, at least, it keeps you going despite the odds.
Hey, I know I got ONE vote. 'Cause I voted for myself. Who knows? Maybe my entry was the lowest vote getter ever?
I can laugh now, which I'm doing...lol.
Wowza, what you learn! Thanks, everyone, since the advice can be carried over to 'hopefully' a career as an author. And should assist the American Title V finalists.
Now, I'm even definitely more glad I didn't fully know what I was up against. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, or, at least, it keeps you going despite the odds.
Hey, I know I got ONE vote. 'Cause I voted for myself. Who knows? Maybe my entry was the lowest vote getter ever?
I can laugh now, which I'm doing...lol.
Tangerine smooches from the Kougar...
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