As a tiny cub the Kougar adored family picnics. The food ~ baked beans, deviled eggs, potato chips, chocolate cake, lemonade. Racing around a huge grassy area beneath the wide blue sky, swinging enthusiastically on the swingset, playing tag ~ just being with Mom and Dad, and moi's siblings. Simple family pleasures, and some of the absolute best.
Deep in her heart, the Kougar has always treasured family, the idea, and the reality, despite the dysfunctions, the ones we all face. In today's world, so much of that is simply gone. Sure, there's the ever-popular family values rhetoric and the *it's for the kids* rhetoric -- yet, roaring-truth, the deep down feeling of family, of truly cherishing each other, of actually living those values from the heart, from the soul...yowling! not so much. No, not so much.
If this doesn't apply to you, Big Cats, you are the lucky, the bluebird-lucky ones!
Today, when the Kougar ventured forth in her wilding yard, small butterflies danced around her. The red rose bush with fat buds got a whole bucket full of delicious gray water. And the horse weed around the sunning daffodil leaves got jerked out of the rain-saturated ground. For, moi has gained a bit of strength and is encouraging her body to continue healing with physical activity, as she can manage.
Okay, Big Kitties, the Kougaress did paw-complete posting her blog, The Fun of Writing Red Lioness Tamed on ~ liquidsilverbooks.com/blog ~ Since moi wasn't familiar with the posting format, the cover art pic was a bit of a problem. Purring-however, it looks bee-u-tiful! And, when moi has time...when is that? Krazed Kat, Crazy Cat! she plans to give her Red Lioness more a presence on the Liquid Silver forum.
And, for her next blog on Siren-BookStrand blog, the Kougar is considering a scene where her Lady Sheridan first enjoys music and dancing with Baron Zaggry ~ music being the theme. Of course, there is also the blog idea of the lover gifts from the Baron to his Sherfantasy.
Ah, my Beautiful Big Cats, the Kougar has resorted to dated lists of everything to be done and accomplished now. Wowza! and it seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. Perhaps, that's why moi encountered that sweet tortoise on her drive. Message: Slow down? Moi slammed on the brakes, praying her van tire would not strike or crunch turtlie! Thank Bast, the turtle was still about two feet away, and was gently place on patch of dry thatch amid the high prairie grasses.
Ah-Ha! Two Lips Yahoo Loop tomorrow! is Liquid Silver Author day. The Kougar almost forgot to meow and roar about it the event! Come on by, indulge in our raucous racy chats. There just might be that book you have to reading-savor!
X-Rated!!! No Kitty Kats under 18! Grrrr...the Kougar means it! Fangs bared.
Run, run, run! Over to Title Magic. Eden Bradley is our guest blogger. And she is absolutely extraordinary. Mew-sings below.
Hi Eden, so glad to have you here with us! Turquoise or purple? Being a purple fanatic, yet also loving turquoise...I dunno, if it were my tattoo, I'm not sure which color I'd go for. Like I said before, I adore your White Tara. And if I ever got a tattoo, I'd like a swirly heart design on the back of my right shoulder, or a fairy on a Pegasus on my leg, near my ankle, where I got brown spider bite, when I was thirteen. Actually, I really want a belly button ring.
Your neck tattoos are very sexy. In fact, I'm reminded of a woman I saw once who had one of the sexiest tattoo placements I ever saw. Her skin color was a beautiful deep olive, and she just had a symbol in black, on the back of her shoulder, close to the base of her neck. I've never forgotten how impressed I was.
'Sploshing'? There's my ignorance showing.
Eden, you are absolutely amazing in your writing and all you've accomplished, and what you are accomplishing.
And, better days ahead.
Again, thanks, for being with us.
Eden, thanks for the 'sploshing' explanation. That makes sense. I have to admit I would find it enjoyable to lick chocolate or honey or whipped cream off a man's body. Hey, just make him into a giant banana split -- okay, that didn't 'come' out right. Yeah, I'll go with the banana being a certain part of his anatomy -- which I wasn't thinking of -- 'cause I love banana splits.
Oh, well, if I go on, it will just get decidedly worse...or better from your point of view.
Anitra, I like those tribal armbands also. The primal throbbing juices take over...for sure!
Your neck tattoos are very sexy. In fact, I'm reminded of a woman I saw once who had one of the sexiest tattoo placements I ever saw. Her skin color was a beautiful deep olive, and she just had a symbol in black, on the back of her shoulder, close to the base of her neck. I've never forgotten how impressed I was.
'Sploshing'? There's my ignorance showing.
Eden, you are absolutely amazing in your writing and all you've accomplished, and what you are accomplishing.
And, better days ahead.
Again, thanks, for being with us.
Eden, thanks for the 'sploshing' explanation. That makes sense. I have to admit I would find it enjoyable to lick chocolate or honey or whipped cream off a man's body. Hey, just make him into a giant banana split -- okay, that didn't 'come' out right. Yeah, I'll go with the banana being a certain part of his anatomy -- which I wasn't thinking of -- 'cause I love banana splits.
Oh, well, if I go on, it will just get decidedly worse...or better from your point of view.
Anitra, I like those tribal armbands also. The primal throbbing juices take over...for sure!
Picnic fun kisses from the Kougar...
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