Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sleepy Smooches

This is the Kougaress with her little eyelids propped up by toothpicks. The stress of life is her dire nemesis and a sleep killer today. Instead of walking her bizarre boldly ridiculous dreamland she is awake trying to get her old white van to live again. Probably a lost cause. Unless she could procure the machine and summon the lightening used on Frankenstein. He's alive! He's alive! It's alive! One can only hope.
However, dear Big Kittie Lovers, the sun is blaringly white overhead and the warmth blesses us all on the sweet brown prairie. No frozen paw-tips, no frozen back tosies. Yay! And the Kougar did enjoy the escaping flight of a blue jay. Mother Earth is a glorious place, a glorious being. Just the feel of her beneath moi's striding paws feels glorious, precious.
Hang onto your tail, Big Cats, 2008 may be roller coaster bumpy. Find your lair, stock to spare according to Barbara Hand Clow, expert on the Mayan calendar and also on those visiting us from elsewhere, like the galactic and Pleidian elsewhere. Having never been abducted by the notorious nasty Gray creatures, bow to Bast, the Kougar has no physical experience, so far, with those from another realm world. Not that she wouldn't want to meet the right Kougar virile man with access to all good methods of rejuvenation. Me-ooow, intergalactic dating!

A chat about our domestic cat cousins? Helen's blog on Title Magic today feature's her pet kitty and her English perspective which the Kougaress adores.
Below is sleepy-moi's comment:
Helen, an age ago I used to show our beloved breed of dog. I had no idea neutered was acceptable, fascinating. Anyway, I think the angel-faced attila-hearted cat should be one of your characters, her nemesis, the rodent family dynasty. Yep, I was giggling. And Mr. Sleek Sports Car guy, well, he might have inspired me. Certainly the sexy car would have inspired me, maybe more. Speed! yes, yes, yes.

Sleepy smooches from the Kougar...

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