Most excellent news! Big Kitties all. The Kougar's happy dance ensues. And she has a big smile on her furry mug. Book II in her World of the Blue Pearl Moon series, Pleasures of Blue Lotus Oil, is being contracted by Siren Publishing. Indeed, Lady Sheridan and Baron Zaggry will continue their sizzle-fierce love story. Yay! Joyfully roaring! Yay!
And the news gets better! When does that happen in our current dark-mood world? Siren Publishing's sister company, Bookstrand, will be the new home of When A Good Angel Falls. Yes, the fictional truth about 2012 will be told. Oh! Happy Days! and lots of Endtime Hurrays! Butch Volcano and the Sundance Angel save the world astride heaven's super-powered black motorcycle.
Yep, coming to an e-book near you!
Dilemma...dilemma, oh what to do about a website. More and more the Kougar feels the need to create one, or have it created, since her tech skills are still severely limited. Oh, rumbling-yowl, what to do...
Cold, dear Big Cats! The arctic cold swept in like a lion wind, and the prairie ground freezes while the sun blazes warmth from the blue, streaming-cloud sky. And the Kougaress has made good writing progress...so far...on her WIP, Wolf Kill. Below is the current first paragraph, and remember this is under copyright, meow-mine's.
Mother Moon hung in the western midnight sky, a slim silver-white crescent. Duke Zon of the Virgo Clan, wolf shifter, paused on a high grassy ridge located just inside the Crow Indian Reservation near Billings, Montana. After howling his reverence to the all-guiding Mother, he sniffed the gentle crosswinds of early autumn, then scanned the cattle range below. Although, the cattle weren't in his wolf sight, the odor of the thin herd burned rank and potent inside his nostrils. Two full humans, also rank in smell, camped nearby, the crackling of their fire tiny bursts in his ears.
Happy dance kisses from the Kougar...
And the news gets better! When does that happen in our current dark-mood world? Siren Publishing's sister company, Bookstrand, will be the new home of When A Good Angel Falls. Yes, the fictional truth about 2012 will be told. Oh! Happy Days! and lots of Endtime Hurrays! Butch Volcano and the Sundance Angel save the world astride heaven's super-powered black motorcycle.
Yep, coming to an e-book near you!
Dilemma...dilemma, oh what to do about a website. More and more the Kougar feels the need to create one, or have it created, since her tech skills are still severely limited. Oh, rumbling-yowl, what to do...
Cold, dear Big Cats! The arctic cold swept in like a lion wind, and the prairie ground freezes while the sun blazes warmth from the blue, streaming-cloud sky. And the Kougaress has made good writing progress...so far...on her WIP, Wolf Kill. Below is the current first paragraph, and remember this is under copyright, meow-mine's.
Mother Moon hung in the western midnight sky, a slim silver-white crescent. Duke Zon of the Virgo Clan, wolf shifter, paused on a high grassy ridge located just inside the Crow Indian Reservation near Billings, Montana. After howling his reverence to the all-guiding Mother, he sniffed the gentle crosswinds of early autumn, then scanned the cattle range below. Although, the cattle weren't in his wolf sight, the odor of the thin herd burned rank and potent inside his nostrils. Two full humans, also rank in smell, camped nearby, the crackling of their fire tiny bursts in his ears.
Happy dance kisses from the Kougar...
Hey, Sav! Congrats!
I don't know what Siren does in the way of promoting, but if you can have copies sent to reviewers, definitely consider The Long and Short of It. I can't review your work there myself because I know you. But there are several girls there who I think would enjoy your work. Just FYI. :P
Doing the happy dance with ya, girl! :-)
Aahh, Mel, thanks! I know Siren does send out to reviewers. I need to check out your site, and find out if they do send to you. Or just drop Diana a line suggesting it. Thanks!
Awesome! I think the best thing about Long and Short is that they only post about books the reviewers recommend. 3 out of 5 rating or above. And, even if a reviewer has something negative to say, she generally will say it in the most diplomatic way possible. So there's no snarkiness or meanness or attitude. It makes for a great atmosphere to work in, too!
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