Monday, February 18, 2008

My Purty Lioness Girl

Big Kitties all, it has arrived! Da, da, da...drumroll please. The official cover of Red Lioness Tamed. Included here for your rumbling perusal.
Here's my purty lioness girl, Sun Rocket Kahoqua of the Windgrass Clan.
And here's her handsome loner space captain, Draxen Z of the Venture.
Yep, lust on love on the high dangerous cosmic sea.
Coming soon from Liquid Silver Books.

The blurb:
What does a lioness shifter do when she’s suddenly trapped in an unknown space cruiser’s cargo hold? Then, despite her ability to savagely defend herself she’s trapped beneath the handsome human Captain.
And next, cat-scratching ridiculously, she finds herself carnal-trapped, and meow yowl! bound by leather straps in his bed?
Answer: She fights tooth and claw. Problem: The loner Captain is nova-hot at seducing her.

Huge congratulations to Trish and Helen for being the top two finalists in the American Title IV contest in Romantic Times magazine. Now is the time to indulge your fantasies, vote for your fave love scene.

Beautiful Cats, Trish has written a great blog on the mighty or not so mighty impact of reviews. Take a leisurely run on over to Title Magic. Moi's meowings below.
Great perceptive blog, Trish.
So true, everyone, what's already been said, although, I must disagree about Tom Cruise, not that he's a particular favorite actor of mine. I think the bad rap he's gotten is highly over-rated.
But, actually, that's just a side issue. I'm having a thought -- what if I read someone else's reviews, and they read mine, and we acted like filters for each other?
From an objective perspective reviews are sometimes a writing art unto themselves, whether they reflect the quality and content of the book, or not.
Naw, I don't pay attention to reviews except as their own campy art, or if they hit certain themes in movies I like, or are the types of stories I'm interested in.
As Sylvia Day said, she goes for the story itself, not the rating of the book. That's me too.
It could be the highest-rated book since a Nora Roberts, but if it's got the secret baby them...forget about it!
With the caveat that there are excellent enjoyable 'secret baby' romances. It's just so ubiquitous, makes my tummy queasy.

Excited kisses from the Kougar...


Lynda K. Scott said...

Same here, Savannah. Reviews just don't mean much to me.

Love your blog, btw!

And you need to email me. You won the prize for my Valentine's Contest :D (See my comment announcing your win for my e-addy)

30 Days to Spring!

Savanna Kougar said...

Lynda, thanks, will e-mail, been enjoying your blog!