Friday, February 8, 2008

The Kiss of Rebellion

Roar, a lazy roar...the Kougar is still waking her brain up, enjoying her daily dose of chocolate. Meow yum! Have you ever been accused of something you didn't do? Silly purr-question, moi knows. Who hasn't at some time in their life upon the Blessed Mother.
Imagine this scenario, Beautiful Big Cats, what if the level of false accusations increase all around you...maybe including you, maybe not including you.
Consider -- what if more and more of us are accused falsely, then harassed, thrown into confinement for something we never did, and no matter what proof we provide, we are still considered guilty. Consider -- what manner of world will that create for all of us?
Roar upon roars...the very bowels of hell itself will be released. That is the Kougar's contention and eye-ferocious observation.
In this world of false accusation, this world of endless snowballing laws creating new criminals everyday...there will be those of us who simply lay down and die from a broken heart, a broken spirit. Or because our bodies are too broken.
There will be those of us who go insane with grief and hopelessness, causing whatever damage we can -- because our very lives are lost, cruelly injustly taken from us, and we have nothing else to lose. Nothing...
There will be those of us who fight, who battle back like George Washington and his troops against the British. There will be those of us who throw tea into the harbor. There will be those of us who cunning-fight back like the Swamp Fox -- remember? The Wonderful World of Disney TV series from way back when...Tinkerbelle appeared with her star-sprinkling wand?
Yep, that's our world today. Justice has been defeated by injustice. And freedom has been lost. Cruelty reigns, becoming ever more brutal in its ravenous appetite.
Yep, without justice there is no peace. No true peace. And thus, no freedom.
And, no freedom of spirit.
The human spirit, like the Big Cat spirit, yearns for freedom, that measure of freedom which insures and brings about our real peace, always nourished and fed by the waters of justice. Precious justice. The precious justice that does not let us stand accused when we are innocent.

For, true justice and true freedom, running-the-prairie freedom, encourages love and kindness and caring in our treasured world, among us all.
Indeed, the spirit of freedom and justice created our beloved republic. Our America. Our land of the free, home of the brave. The home we adore, the home many of us will fight for.
Remember, darling Big Kitties, our freedom of spirit nourishes the angelic work of many light-workers upon the Mother, all those blessed ones who bring about the Divine. Who assist in bringing about heaven upon Earth. For us all.

Big Cats all, the kiss of rebellion is upon us. Prepare and be prepared.

For a wonderful blog about a writer's inspiration and her road to publishing and staying published, rush on over to Title Magic. Patricia Sargeant is a sweetheart. Below moi's comments.
Hi Patricia, that is a sensual beautiful cover, the tones and shades are gorgeous. The Sound of Music was my Dad's favorite movie, I think mostly because of Julie Andrew's singing, and the whole idea of hope. The first time I saw it, I found the movie very inspirational.What a wonderful way of explaining how to add more subplots to your story by using the Star Wars' analogy. I never thought of it like that. I think it's just because I do it naturally. Usually, I have to narrow my scope, go in reverse.It's so wonderful to see your success and your willingness to share how you arrived and what it takes to keep on publishing. Mucho success.

Rebel kisses from the Kougar...

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