Currently, the Kougar is working on the final edits. Okay, it may sound like a mere hype or a case of arrogance... but, the truth will out. The more this Big Cat author works on this story, the more she falls in love with it.
That’s not to say it’s every readers cup of ‘erotic romance and shapeshifter’ tea. It’s simply rewarding at a deep level to create a story that feels this way. Certainly, it’s a lot more fun to work on than if moi had become tired or bored with it, and was now slogging through just to get it done. Heaven and yowling forbid!
Oh, Kittens, for a brief dark trip to Paris you must give a glimpse to Graham Aliborne’s blog ~ Paris: the dark side ~ at THE PINK BLOG. This travel theme has been spectacular, so far, with more to come.
Omy! Does this Big Cat feel like she’s on pins and needles... and not in a good way. The world, at large, feels as though its teetering, on the brink. Of what? Moi doesn’t know since there’s so many ways for things to go wrong these days. It just doesn’t feel good. Meeeooowww... as though someone stepped on her tail with spiked heels.
Perhaps, the prayers and meditations of us all would help avert whatever lays in wait. The Kougaress is definitely doing her part. Blessings to one and all.
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...
Part 265 ~
Sylva smiled in return and knotted her fingers together. “I’ve already told Zeke I love to ride. I haven’t gotten to do it that much, so I’m not a horsewoman. But, I want to learn.” Marina’s eyes positively glittered. “I know big brother will find just the right mount for you. If it’s one thing he knows, it’s horseflesh. Dad couldn’t be prouder of how he’s taken the reins of our horse operation, improvin’ it. Since he’ll be out workin’ on ranch business and tendin’ the horses during the day, I’ve got some ridin’ trails we can try out together.”
Zeke considered, checking his gut. “Why don’t you join us for dinner, then follow. Might look better overall.” Ranson dipped his chin in a nod. “We’ll stay in contact, acting like old friends. I’ll keep you updated. I figure you got a stake in knowing what the Secret Circle is plannin’.” Zeke averted his face, murmuring, “Long as my wife is in danger, I got more than a stake. I aim to help take these bastards down.” Ranson remained silent for a small spell. “That’s big doin’s.” Zeke sucked in a breath. “Is that a problem?” Ranson growled, “Could be.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 261 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ http://passionateink.org/forum ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, January through August 2009 flashes ~ http://theromancestudio.com ~ Click on the FORUMS
Friday ~ Jane Beckham blogs ~ I’m Juggling as Fast as I Can! Excerpt from TO KISS AN ANGEL.
Thursday ~ Courtney blogs ~ The Music of My Writing
Wednesday ~ Lindsay blogs ~ The romance of uniforms ~
Thursday ~ Katie Reus: if it's TBB, it must have an HEA... Neato blog about Romance Novel acronyms.
Friday ~ Graham Aliborne blogs ~ Paris: the dark side ~ a must read also.
Thursday ~ Jane blogs ~ Table for Two... oh, you have read this one!
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ ROMANCE MIND TRAVELS
Tuesday ~ Barry Kellington blogs ~ Brittany: the writer's house ~ really description-cool.
Monday ~ Tara blogs about her dip in a Manitoba lake... good stuff!
Saturday ~ Traveling with L.K. Hunsaker
Sunday ~ Chelle Cordero ~ Travel Through Books... wonderful New Orleans scene!
Friday ~ Serena blogs ~ How Do I Get There...
Wednesday ~ Crystal blogs ~ Writer, Love Thyself
Tuesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Cover Art for Stallion of Ash and Flame
Saturday ~ Paris blogs ~ AT LAST! A blog about her upcoming release ~ ASSASSIN’S KISS.
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ Save the Prince of Hearts! ~ RomanticSynonymous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
HATE!!! > DTV> it’s a ripoff.
Have a Happy End of Summer...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
September 24th smooches from the Kougar...
Can't wait for you Stallion of Ash and Flame, Savanna!!!
Love Lindsay
Woo Hoo!! Sept 24th will be a very good day indeed. Congrats on the release date!!
Congratulations on your new release at Siren. I knew you'd corral this stallion and ride him home.
Great post on Sylva and Zeke too.
He's a horseman she can cherish.
Lindsay ~ oh, thank you! thank you!
Serena ~ thanks! it's coming fast and furious.
Gem ~ yep, Seneca certainly corraled him!
Zeke is a horseman to be cherished.
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