Happy First Day of Summer from the middle of tame cattle-landia...
Before the blistering heat of summer, before the tensions of our time builds up to non-stop, remember Big Kitties all, the Kougar loves you...
Moi has two happy little surprises to share. First, her author's page at Siren Publishing tickles her tummy delightfully. Thank you so much, Diana and Stella. Take a stroll on over to ~ sirenpublishing.com/savannakougar ~
And two! the Kougaress, while stalking the wildlands of the cyber world with Google, found an absolutely lovely page devoted to her aristocratic fantasy, All Shades of Blue Paradise, at ParaNormal Romance ~ paranormalromance.org/reviews/book ~ glimpse the titles under 'A'.
Last Wednesday Lunabelle was full and in her apricot golden splendor near the horizon. What would we do without her, my Kitties all? For she helps to keep our beloved Earth on a more even keel while we whirl around Sol, Father Sun.
Ah...and the world of the romance author does spin with trends and twists, with women's fantasies new and old. Xandra Gregory at Star-crossed Romance ~ star-crossedromance.blogspot. com ~ has done an exceptional blog and furthered the terrific discussion begun at Title Magic with Monica Burn's blog ~ Sex, Language and Readers. The title of Xandra's blog, Erotic Romance's Slutty Reputation (moi quirky and kinky luvs this title) should be enough to get your paws fast-loping in that direction.
Today. ah today and through the weekend, Fantabulous Cats all, romance author, Diane Whiteside ~ with all those delicious cowboy stories and the cover art to match ~ is with us at Title Magic ~ titlemagic.blogspot.com ~. Her subject is the Sure-Fire Six Point Pitch, wonderful info for authors and aspiring authors. Think six gun held at the ready as an attention getter, but then, it's your story that peacefully sells to the right publisher. Moi's mew-sings below.
Diane, thank you so much for being with us today. That's an excellent approach for pitching, as I understand it so far. Also, it looks like a good way to organize your own thoughts around your novel.And out of that the 'sucky' middle gets going under its own steam.
Actually, I just hit that middle in my current WIP.
Powerful cover art. 'Course I always have a soft spot for cowboys. Who is your cover artist?
And, silver bullets for vampires ~ or the Lone Ranger's silver bullets ~ on the Liquid Silver Sexpressions blog ~ liquidsilverbooks.com/blog ~ romance author, Jeanne Barrack, is talking food and hot food romance. Just for a purr-tease, moi's comment below.
Well, cucumbers are always good for a laugh or a salad. But, the hero was more into plucking her berries than having his banana peeled.
If ya know what I mean...
First day of Summer smooch from the Kougar...
Hi Savanna. I came to check out your books and going to go to Siren shortly! Wanted to let you know that none of the links on this post worked so I didn't know the locations for All Shades Of Blue Paradise, etc. I can probably find with a search, but just wanted to let you know I couldn't press anything on this post but the side ones are working so I can go directly to your book!!
Glad to meet you and looking forward to reading yours! Have a great weekend.
tbranxiety @ Yahoo . com
Hi caffey, so glad you came by. I often have trouble getting the links in the blog to work right. So I always include the addy.
Hope you can be with us on June 28for the Siren-Bookstrand membership drive -- lots of fun and prizes.
Sure Savannah! Where will it be? Right here at the blog?
Hi Caffey, it's at the Siren-BookStrand Yahoo loop. If you click on the promo banner on the left hand side, it should take you there. And if you want to, just sign up, then join all of us Siren BookStrand authors on June 28. It begins at 9:30 am East Coast time and goes to 11:30 pm at night, so you have the whole day to check in whenever you want. I checked the link. It should work, if not, I'll post it here.
Thanks for asking.
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