If you have, you will be tolerant and empathetic toward the Kougar's plight. Or to her SEx Flash Fiction offering at ~ liquidsilverbooks.com/blog ~ and also offered below, just for us, my Exquisite and Adorable Cats.
The theme today was one of betrayal. And there are lots of absolutely FLASHING fabulous, emotionally deep ~ NO ONE UNDER 18 ~ entries. Parade on over, Big Kitties.
Hey all, loving the depth of emotion in all the flashes, and the variety!
Presented today for your non-enjoyment are three very uneven flashes. And remember, kiddies, this is HOW YOU SHOULD NOT WRITE!!! Consider this a valuable lesson in what it takes not to get published.
However, I couldn't RESIST, since I had such fun writing all the retaliation scenes in this novel, Risk-Fierce Ravishing Pilot ~ which was a writing experiment for me -- you know, writing on the road less traveled.
In my defense, whenever I entered it contests 30% of the judges loved it, 30% hated it, and the rest thought I needed basic grammar lessons. I had one judge rave for three pages over it. And when I entered it in RWA's Golden Heart contest, I received one score of 10, which was the highest score at that time. So, on the whole, I don't consider it a failure. Although, it's not publishable in today's market.
This is a space opera story set on another world and in a different space and time. I was going for culture and atmosphere, which is considerably different than our Earth culture.
Presented today for your non-enjoyment are three very uneven flashes. And remember, kiddies, this is HOW YOU SHOULD NOT WRITE!!! Consider this a valuable lesson in what it takes not to get published.
However, I couldn't RESIST, since I had such fun writing all the retaliation scenes in this novel, Risk-Fierce Ravishing Pilot ~ which was a writing experiment for me -- you know, writing on the road less traveled.
In my defense, whenever I entered it contests 30% of the judges loved it, 30% hated it, and the rest thought I needed basic grammar lessons. I had one judge rave for three pages over it. And when I entered it in RWA's Golden Heart contest, I received one score of 10, which was the highest score at that time. So, on the whole, I don't consider it a failure. Although, it's not publishable in today's market.
This is a space opera story set on another world and in a different space and time. I was going for culture and atmosphere, which is considerably different than our Earth culture.
"Is it sporting-sex safe?" Roshee asked, her gaze teasing-curious as she quick-glided beside Kazmaryk. They had been friends since middle childhood.
"So it sport-appears...for now. He claims he is marriage-properly vow-courting me," she desert-dry confided.
"And you ferocious-doubt his bar-words," Roshee probed, signaling for beverage service.
"Chuxor," they harmony-spoke together, memory-grinning at each other.
"That handsome dashing man played me for the heart-soft romantic fool...months of sweetest courtship...a few nights of marathon-glorious passion...and all he truly ambition-desired--"
"Was the commerce-expansion of his import business," Roshee flat-derided, accepting her tingle-elation drink. "Retaliation was fierce fun." She brilliant-dainty smiled.
"Goddess superiority reigns! Revenge was ambrosia. His mistake was in believing I would remain his passion-adoring puppet. His to command into the vast new market of space."
"I will never...holy convent never...forget the dazed desolate look on his face, when he disembarked from Grinkiv’s delivery ship."
Roshee erupted into loud giggles, sipping her drink to regain some composure.
"I know," Kazmaryk savored, lioness-wide smiling. "And eventually Grinkiv did forgive my tiny deception...especially since there were no repercussions...and as a woman she understood my ruthless rage."
Knowing Grinkiv, a Yeffig woman, salivated over erotic taming men of different races, with their permission, Kazmaryk had delivered Chuxor to the white-fur large primate pilot. She was leaving on a short Run, returning to Artusa within a few cycles of the moon. Kazmaryk had gift-delivered him in Yeffig sexual tradition--with his wrists cuffed before him, his lips clamped--and oiled-completely naked.
"Sex-besides!" Roshee wicked-smiled. "She did immensely enjoy slave-training him to her particular pleasures. That was the highest fun--listening to her tales of what she made him lusting-do to her. How she enjoyed whip-lashing his molasses smooth buttocks... threatening his male-limp sensitivity whenever he balked at dutiful performance–" Roshee burst into huge giggles.
"And the moral of our little story is: never confide to a woman you plan to ambition-use and heart-ruin, what manner of alien woman most disgusts your passion palate," Kazmaryk triumphed, touching her container to Roshee’s in mutual understanding of the misguided ego-monstrous male.
Experimental smooches from the Kougar...
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