Okay, the Kougar had a yowl-huge laugh fest over this one. And did moi ever need it after compiling her six scavenger hunt questions for the BIG DAY! When? About what? you politely mewing-ask? Why roar and prepare to fun-soar, it's the Siren-BookStrand membership drive on June 28. And yours truly Kougar Kat will being playing hostess with the least mostest on the chat loop for a few hours, which is accessible by claw-clicking on the Siren-BookStrand banner, located on the left.
Big Cat Congrats to Valerie T, who won a PDF copy of Red Lioness Tamed, because she successfully answered moi's trivia question about the animated version of Catwoman.
Just for your entertainment, my exceptional enchanting kitties, the beginning and only the first draft of moi's WIP ~ Absolute Sacrifice
Heroine: Karlisamio of the Sujyon World ~ Kar ~ Karlisa
Hero: Prince Commander Dronth Zexxer of the Vault-Realm
May 2, 2008
Kar bit the inner flesh below her lip drawing blood as she regally strode through the generous corridors of the Vault-Realm’s flagship. She was about to lose a piece of her soul. She was about to do what she never believed in a million yerrns she would ever do. Not in her worst scenario thoughts. Her outward appearance was one of utter calm and utter resolve, even as she continued biting her sore bloodied flesh. Even as her heart pounded too loudly, too rapidly. And all she wanted to do was close her eyes and collapse. Be dragged somewhere. Anywhere.
Still, her feet moved with flowing precision. Her shoulders were back, and her body moved proudly, a natural showing of her heritage and her nature. Her long stately gown, of the purest platinum thread, gracefully swept the floor behind her. Her blood thrummed through her, yet it felt as though ice particles owned her flesh.
Behind her, three of the flagship officers followed in attendance, a custom she didn’t understand, but seemed of utmost importance to the Yuilgurri, an ancient celestial peoples with god-like abilities and advanced technologies far beyond the comprehension of her world’s scientists and engineers, even the Union’s hidden technologies.
With icicles stabbing her drumming heart, Kar entered the formal chamber. Since the Yuilgurri were all so similar to her eye, her gaze flicked to the badge rank of the One hearing her beseechment, the One standing with serene power on the plain half-circle dais, a pale luminous gray. Taller, slimmer than her race, they were radiant silvered-flesh beings without one hair on their physiques. Their heads were perfect elongated ovals and their eyes, as she had witnessed, were minimally varying shades of deepest midnight purple.
Because of the emerald tint of his platinum hide, The One Who Decides, as the badge revealed, was of a male gender. Her heart leapt into her throat, hope and a severe anxiety, given he was of highest rank, and could offer an immediate decision or pronouncement. The Yuilgurri were strict in enforcing merit advancements as opposed to political or popular appointments. And while on duty wore the same body skimming uniforms, pearled white with a sheen of stardust. Off duty, they often indulged in the most outrageous colors and color combinations, with fashion designs that could have rivaled the galactic gypsy outpost parties.
Refusing to shut her eyes briefly as she approached, Kar attempted to swallow down the thump thump of her heart in of her throat. She squared her her shoulders, lifted her chin a fraction higher, and stiffened her resolve. Her life was no doubt over. At least, as it had been. Most of her own people would turn against her, once they learned...whatever the outcome of her fiercely desperate plea. It was for this reason, she had donated most of her possessions and not renewed the life spans of her beloved pets.
Halting upon the small lit circle before the One Who Decides, she waited, not meeting his gaze. Yet, she felt the energy flow of his perusal, deliberative, assessing. Patient. Annoyingly, her heart still hammered, and she noticed in the corner of her eye a humanoid male. He was of impressive bulk, his natural carriage one of command.
A race unknown to her, his physique was similar to the men of her race, as she could observe. The difference, he was larger in build, his height taller. The breadth of his bull-muscled chest would have been the envy of many men in her world. And the coloring of his skin reminded her of deeply tanned rawhide. Whereas her own skin coloring was nearly as the pale as the white pearl uniforms of the Yuilgurri.
Why he was allowed this attendance she could not own one guess. At least, he was a focal point, a distraction from her wildly thrumming nerves. His hair was thick, springing boldly up from the crown of his head. Cropped neatly below his ears, it was a dark deep shade of copper. The carved prominence of his jaw caught her eye next, and she wondered about the color of his eyes.
"Karlisamio of the Sujyon World, why have you come to us?" the One addressed her, speaking her language flawlessly.
"I would beg your assistance in aiding the innocent and good people of my world against those of blackest heart and soul. The current ruling darkness, the evil that has swept across every continent of my planet-world, has become an infestation in every individual state. And so oppressive, it becomes impossible to effect change without taking up gun and sword, or any available defense and weaponry. Even if the evil is eradicated, and justice restored. The horrors brought to bear against them, the innocent, would be a massive slaughter. In truth, I cannot bear the thought. And in further truth, my anger could rival any volcano. I grow weary of the innocent suffering at the hands of those who should know the suffering of a justice claimed against them, instead. Therefore, I come before you. I bow before your wisdom." Kar bowed at the waist, waved her hand in a gesture of ultimate respect, as was the custom of the Yuilgurri.
Long moments passed as Kar waited. She knew her breaths arrived and departed, yet she could not feel her body, nor the satin formal stiffness of her gown against her skin. What she could hear was the breathing of those around her, the three attendants, two other Yuilgurri officials standing on either side of the dais, and him, the man. Their breathing seemed to roar in her ears, or perhaps, it was the sound energy of their telepathic conference.
"Karlisamio of the Sujyon World, indeed, it is never our way to interfere with the growth lessons of any sacred-conceived world. True, at the invitation of a world’s citizens and the divine counsel of our own High Mind, we have taken certain actions deigned to restore a more spiritual balance. However, such an action is decidedly rare. I will tell you, daughter of the Interplanetary Ambassador Grevorz, we, and several other of the Confederate Worlds, are exceptionally concerned with the unbalance of your world. Not only for the welfare of your innocent citizens, but how the ‘unbalance’ now takes it toll on our Galaxy Whole. That being spoken, how would you have us proceed?"
Heroine: Karlisamio of the Sujyon World ~ Kar ~ Karlisa
Hero: Prince Commander Dronth Zexxer of the Vault-Realm
May 2, 2008
Kar bit the inner flesh below her lip drawing blood as she regally strode through the generous corridors of the Vault-Realm’s flagship. She was about to lose a piece of her soul. She was about to do what she never believed in a million yerrns she would ever do. Not in her worst scenario thoughts. Her outward appearance was one of utter calm and utter resolve, even as she continued biting her sore bloodied flesh. Even as her heart pounded too loudly, too rapidly. And all she wanted to do was close her eyes and collapse. Be dragged somewhere. Anywhere.
Still, her feet moved with flowing precision. Her shoulders were back, and her body moved proudly, a natural showing of her heritage and her nature. Her long stately gown, of the purest platinum thread, gracefully swept the floor behind her. Her blood thrummed through her, yet it felt as though ice particles owned her flesh.
Behind her, three of the flagship officers followed in attendance, a custom she didn’t understand, but seemed of utmost importance to the Yuilgurri, an ancient celestial peoples with god-like abilities and advanced technologies far beyond the comprehension of her world’s scientists and engineers, even the Union’s hidden technologies.
With icicles stabbing her drumming heart, Kar entered the formal chamber. Since the Yuilgurri were all so similar to her eye, her gaze flicked to the badge rank of the One hearing her beseechment, the One standing with serene power on the plain half-circle dais, a pale luminous gray. Taller, slimmer than her race, they were radiant silvered-flesh beings without one hair on their physiques. Their heads were perfect elongated ovals and their eyes, as she had witnessed, were minimally varying shades of deepest midnight purple.
Because of the emerald tint of his platinum hide, The One Who Decides, as the badge revealed, was of a male gender. Her heart leapt into her throat, hope and a severe anxiety, given he was of highest rank, and could offer an immediate decision or pronouncement. The Yuilgurri were strict in enforcing merit advancements as opposed to political or popular appointments. And while on duty wore the same body skimming uniforms, pearled white with a sheen of stardust. Off duty, they often indulged in the most outrageous colors and color combinations, with fashion designs that could have rivaled the galactic gypsy outpost parties.
Refusing to shut her eyes briefly as she approached, Kar attempted to swallow down the thump thump of her heart in of her throat. She squared her her shoulders, lifted her chin a fraction higher, and stiffened her resolve. Her life was no doubt over. At least, as it had been. Most of her own people would turn against her, once they learned...whatever the outcome of her fiercely desperate plea. It was for this reason, she had donated most of her possessions and not renewed the life spans of her beloved pets.
Halting upon the small lit circle before the One Who Decides, she waited, not meeting his gaze. Yet, she felt the energy flow of his perusal, deliberative, assessing. Patient. Annoyingly, her heart still hammered, and she noticed in the corner of her eye a humanoid male. He was of impressive bulk, his natural carriage one of command.
A race unknown to her, his physique was similar to the men of her race, as she could observe. The difference, he was larger in build, his height taller. The breadth of his bull-muscled chest would have been the envy of many men in her world. And the coloring of his skin reminded her of deeply tanned rawhide. Whereas her own skin coloring was nearly as the pale as the white pearl uniforms of the Yuilgurri.
Why he was allowed this attendance she could not own one guess. At least, he was a focal point, a distraction from her wildly thrumming nerves. His hair was thick, springing boldly up from the crown of his head. Cropped neatly below his ears, it was a dark deep shade of copper. The carved prominence of his jaw caught her eye next, and she wondered about the color of his eyes.
"Karlisamio of the Sujyon World, why have you come to us?" the One addressed her, speaking her language flawlessly.
"I would beg your assistance in aiding the innocent and good people of my world against those of blackest heart and soul. The current ruling darkness, the evil that has swept across every continent of my planet-world, has become an infestation in every individual state. And so oppressive, it becomes impossible to effect change without taking up gun and sword, or any available defense and weaponry. Even if the evil is eradicated, and justice restored. The horrors brought to bear against them, the innocent, would be a massive slaughter. In truth, I cannot bear the thought. And in further truth, my anger could rival any volcano. I grow weary of the innocent suffering at the hands of those who should know the suffering of a justice claimed against them, instead. Therefore, I come before you. I bow before your wisdom." Kar bowed at the waist, waved her hand in a gesture of ultimate respect, as was the custom of the Yuilgurri.
Long moments passed as Kar waited. She knew her breaths arrived and departed, yet she could not feel her body, nor the satin formal stiffness of her gown against her skin. What she could hear was the breathing of those around her, the three attendants, two other Yuilgurri officials standing on either side of the dais, and him, the man. Their breathing seemed to roar in her ears, or perhaps, it was the sound energy of their telepathic conference.
"Karlisamio of the Sujyon World, indeed, it is never our way to interfere with the growth lessons of any sacred-conceived world. True, at the invitation of a world’s citizens and the divine counsel of our own High Mind, we have taken certain actions deigned to restore a more spiritual balance. However, such an action is decidedly rare. I will tell you, daughter of the Interplanetary Ambassador Grevorz, we, and several other of the Confederate Worlds, are exceptionally concerned with the unbalance of your world. Not only for the welfare of your innocent citizens, but how the ‘unbalance’ now takes it toll on our Galaxy Whole. That being spoken, how would you have us proceed?"
Launch on over to Title Magic ~ titlemagic.blogspot.com ~ , Big Kitties. Anitra is talking about an astoundingly prolific reviewer residing at Amazon Books. Yeah, and check out the puking pumpkin. Moi's mew-sings:
Shows you where my head is -- I didn't even a 'Harriet Klausner' existed.
Gee, if she ever reviews one of my books, I'll know to hit the ignore or giggle button.
I did do a Google search last night because Rachel at Liquid Silver recommended to do a check every month, to see if your books are reviewed. I didn't find any reviews, but I did find All Shades of Blue Paradise listed beautifully and with it's own page on ParaNormal Romance ~ paranormalromance.org/reviews/book ~ with an Amazon link. My book was awaiting it's review, a possibility which may never occur. But it looked darn cool there.
It seems to me Harriet Klausner is a perfect name for a reviewer, designed to stick in your memory banks. So, gosh only knows what's really going on -- one mad hair-frazzled librarian who is going for infamous status -- or just a fluff promo designed to sell books???
Neat blog, Anitra
Gee, if she ever reviews one of my books, I'll know to hit the ignore or giggle button.
I did do a Google search last night because Rachel at Liquid Silver recommended to do a check every month, to see if your books are reviewed. I didn't find any reviews, but I did find All Shades of Blue Paradise listed beautifully and with it's own page on ParaNormal Romance ~ paranormalromance.org/reviews/book ~ with an Amazon link. My book was awaiting it's review, a possibility which may never occur. But it looked darn cool there.
It seems to me Harriet Klausner is a perfect name for a reviewer, designed to stick in your memory banks. So, gosh only knows what's really going on -- one mad hair-frazzled librarian who is going for infamous status -- or just a fluff promo designed to sell books???
Neat blog, Anitra
Siren smooch from the Kougar...
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