Back to the future and beyond, my Big Beautiful Cats. The Kougar has an enduring fondness for all three Back to the Future movies. What's not to love about that *Dorlean ` the car*, that time travel adventuring in that offbeat fun way? Often, when writing one of moi's stories, meow-however, that's what it feels like, since past events make the heroine and hero who they are, no matter what part of their sizzle romance adventure the Kougar is writing. And the moi also flicking-tail happily adores writing futuristics, which always mean knowing the past as well, regardless of culture the novel set in ~ the space of Red Lioness Tamed or another dimension like World of the Blue Pearl Moon.
To tell Lady Sheridan and Baron Zaggry's story in All Shades of Blue Paradise, the past was often referenced since the novel began ten years after Sher broke their engagement. And that is where backstory enters the story picture. And for that craft topic visit Title Magic and soak up today's Guest Blogger, Terry Odell's words of writerly wisdom.
Moi's opening and intro...
Happy Summer All. Grab those special books you love to escape with, and head out to the pool or to your backyard lounging chair, and indulge your reader's appetite. Terry Odell's romantic suspense novels are a perfect fit for summer. Her clear descriptive writing style will carry you away effortlessly into a story packed with hang-onto-your-teeth twists and turns. But, most importantly, ends with the triumph of love.For all of us authors and aspiring authors Terry discusses a topic that is vitally important to a successful novel, how to use backstory. What does your reader need and want to know about the main characters? How much is too much? And when is there too little backstory?Welcome Terry, thanks for joining us today.
Meow-then, a snippet from Starting Over by Terry Odell ~ just because moi loves it.
In the steamy cocoon of the shower, Colleen’s fingers found the dimpled scar the bullet had left on her thigh and the long, straight one where they’d repaired her femoral artery. She knew they were no longer a garish red, but she refused to look at them. Thankfully, the exit wound on the back of her leg was out of sight unless she really worked at seeing it. The ugly reminders that screamed "failure" remained, long after the physical pain had gone.
She watched the sudsy water swirl down the drain, willing it to take her memories along.
Get a grip. It’s over. Forget Pine Hills. You made your choice, so get on with your life.
She declared yesterday a do-over. Hell, as long as she was changing the rules of time, the last three months never happened. But then, she’d still be a cop in Pine Hills, Oregon, instead of a basket case in Orlando, Florida.
She watched the sudsy water swirl down the drain, willing it to take her memories along.
Get a grip. It’s over. Forget Pine Hills. You made your choice, so get on with your life.
She declared yesterday a do-over. Hell, as long as she was changing the rules of time, the last three months never happened. But then, she’d still be a cop in Pine Hills, Oregon, instead of a basket case in Orlando, Florida.
Back to the future kisses from the Kougar...
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