Monday, November 19, 2007

Kiss Upon the Angel Lady's Cheek

Oooh, the Kougar has been so financially naughty. She has succumbed to the Angels, the angels of author and angel reader, Doreen Virtue on Hay House Radio.
Yes, a big sniff! sniff! of the meaty holiday sale. The Kougar bit. Despite her financial woes. After universe all, the Kougaress adores all the Angels -- ever since her cubhood. All winged creatures being glorious, and not just tasty.
And rumbling about Angels, the Kougar's story, When a Good Angel Falls, needs a home. The first e-oublisher had glowing words for meow moi's story, just a little wish to make the love scenes, yowling, growling hotter. The Kougar just couldn't allow Sedona and Volcano's naughty romping love scenes to be changed.
The second e-publisher couldn't get into the story and complained about the dialogue tags. The third e-publisher liked the story, but considered the writing to be choppy, the world building poor.
Meow moi made the mistake of believing a story set in the upcoming December 21, 2012 end of the world, beginning of a new world -- was, well, blue-sky-above obvious. Not so! Not so! Beware, beware!
Beware of those among us who pretend to be angels...yet see the real angels among us...and see the angelic inside you.
Kisses upon your angelic nature...

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