Thursday, November 22, 2007

Grateful Kisses

What is the Kougar most *purr...rumble...purr* grateful for? At the most basic Bast soul level, she is grateful for every act of kindness ever given, ever performed, ever provided -- since our time on Blessed Mother Earth began. She is yowling-meow grateful for every act of kindness being done in this very moment...this Thanksgiving present. And, she is blissfully grateful for every act of kindness, every caress of kindness yet to be given in our sacred-entwined futures.

A gentle loving pat on the head. A sweet affectionate kiss on the cheek. A tender caress of understanding, of real caring.

A hug. Yes, the Kougaress loves hugs -- hug her and her furry face scrunches up, her eyes squinch happily, and a smile of cat nirvana appears.

Often the Kougaress is forced to contemplate on how our world would be, could be, if true kindness reigned instead of greed and tyranny.

Kindness where kindness is needed most. Kindness where kindness is simply needed. Kindness only to be kind.

We all need it. We all need to give it.

It is the angelic nature within us, the nature where we leap high, as if on wings, above the lesser expressions of our world -- as if we soar, beautifully soar, winged creations of the Great Divine.

Grateful kisses from the Kougar

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