Saturday, November 17, 2007

Kiss from the Strange Side

Hello Big Kitty Lovers, well yours truly, the Kougaress, has observed one of those strange sites in the sky. No, not exactly the ubiquitous UFO...not exactly. Picture it, shortly after the noon hour, a lovely warm autumn day, the shining blue sky. The scream-loud whine of a jet shoots past this Big Kitty's domicile, east to west. Now, how often has the Kougaress searched the sky after hearing this unique jet sound, and seen absolutely nothing, while hearing everything? Often enough. Meow! The frustrated complaining Meow, Meow!
Not this time, dear big kitty lovers, hearing the jet's sound suddenly shooting from west to east, in mere tiny moments, the intrepidly curious Kougaress peers out her office window...
Lo and holy heck behold! This jet-thing ( closest to the AirForce' Raptor) flashes straight across, zooming over the next-door pasture, flying just above the tree tops. What fifty feet, at most?
How many hours did the brave curious Kougaress search for the strange jet in question on the world wide web? Way too long! Until her little eyeballs burned, and squinched in pain. Only to experience the terrible vanishing loss of her prey.
Nothing. Nada. Not on the Air Force official website. And not on the Secret Military Aircraft sites.
Shhhhh...this is just our big kitty secret. The Kougaress does not look forward to a badly timed visit from the local Men In Black. Even if one of them looks like Will Smith.
Kisses from the Strange Universe

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