Saturday into Sunday maows, my Springtime beautiful Kittens... warmer on the tame prairie, but wet and drying out... of course, with all this rain, the greenery is exploding happily, and the birdies are wing-bounding about... wow, what a crazy wacked-out day... the rapture would have been preferable... however, this Big Cat is still standing and yowling.
Wow, rapture... and now a UFO hoax... First, it was a CIRCUS CIRCUS, end-of-the-world diversion called ‘the rapture’, which will be used in the coming days to vilify certain groups of people, and possibly round them up for their own good, and supposedly ours... meanwhile, the psychopath global wackos, who should be rounded up and imprisoned for all of their horrific unspeakable crimes against humanity, are still pressing ever forward in their bid to totally rule the planet.
Okay... the above was not planned. It just burst out. So, have you heard about the UFO hoax? Here’s an article from UNKNOWN COUNTRY ~
Massive UFO Hoax on Sunday
Friday, May 20, 2011
The online group "Anonymous" is planning a worldwide hoax about UFO sightings, using members scattered in many countries. Starting on Sunday, May 22, at about 8 pm EST, you may start seeing reports on all sorts of websites about sightings of triangle-shaped UFOs, but these will all be bogus. The motivations of these hackers aren't clear, and they may be mixed: Some may be into it for the fun, some because they favor UFO disclosure, and for others, it may be a form of conceptual art.
Now to the topic at hand. This appears to be a perfect psy-ops opportunity for THOSE who want everyone to believe that ‘any’ reported sighting of a UFO *must* be a hoax. This is incredibly stupid simply because there are genuine reports all the time. It’s not like the real UFOs... whatever they are, or are not... won’t show up. “Hey, it’s hoax day, let’s not go about our business on Earth.”
One question becomes: What are THEY hiding? It’s well known that many of the UFO sightings are black ops projects. The Stealth used to be reported as a UFO before it was finally rolled out to the public. Still, there are so many possible scenarios, to outline them all, would take time and energy and too many pages.
Then again, what a perfect opportunity for these not-black-project UFOs to go about their business. “Hey, we’re not real. You’re not seeing what you think you’re seeing.”
Some, who are deep into the UFO community, are rightly concerned that if an otherworld race did want to make contact, and planned to do so, with an obvious aerial display... well, they’re out of luck, and so is humanity. Because, after all, it’s all just a hoax, isn’t it?
Not to mention, the black project community has perfected the ability to project holo images in the sky. And, probably, about anywhere. Oh, the endless possibilities for deception.
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
4:44 pm... 5:55 pm... 10:00 pm... the pressure cooker is about to explode... bigger than ever...
Authoress news and mews ~
Hopefully, the Kougar will get the next chapter of her WIP ~ White Fang, Ace Reporter ~ done later tonight... claws crossed...
Homesick and Inner Thoughts
by Solara
Tavia slipped into the deep end of the natural hot tub. The heat of the water warmed her out layer though deep inside she shivered. Strange dreams and cravings haunted her nights. No one could calm her jittery innards even if they wanted too. She had more than just herself to worry about.
Featured at Lindsay Townsend’s THE PINK BLOG ~
Shorts with a Military Edge, and then some: LK Hunsaker
Fred Dawson yanked his face from the onslaught of cold water thrown by a passing car, but otherwise, TowardTheSky-covermdhe didn’t bother to acknowledge it. After what he’d been through the past few months, icy dirty water gushing over him was almost laughable. Except he’d yet found a good reason, or even the tiniest excuse, to laugh since he’d been home.
Sinful Saturday - More Chocolate
by Mary Quast
From Astrology.com ~
The Sun Shines on Neptune: Time for a Break!
On May 22, almost immediately after arriving in Gemini, the Sun will shine a bright light on Neptune. What does this mean for you? Dreams, spirituality and creativity galore!
Neptune likes to create a dreamy fog to veil you from the hardships of reality, so you'll see your world through rose-colored glasses during this transit. At the same time, however, this fog can also sap your energy and make dealing with mundane realities more difficult.
Neptune knows you can't deal with real life effectively until you take time to really appreciate yourself. The best way to take advantage of the shimmering mist surrounding your world will be to spend time reacquainting yourself with ... you! Enjoy an escape from the rush of the everyday by doing something creative that represents who you are. You'll surely emerge feeling more relaxed and on top of your game.
Then on May 23, as the fog clears, you'll feel the fiery, passionate energies of Venus and Mars coming together in Taurus. Whether your main goal is finding romance, filling your social calendar or making progress on a major work project, you'll throw yourself into your endeavors with everything you've got. You'll have a lust for life that can only lead to fun and success!
Remember, Neptune wants you to understand and accept yourself for who you are.
No end-of-the world disappearance for most of us... however, an erupting volcano and small earthquakes...
By GUDJON HELGASON, Associated Press – 27 mins ago
REYKJAVIK, Iceland – Iceland's most active volcano has started erupting, scientists said Saturday — just over a year after another eruption on the North Atlantic island shut down European air traffic for days.
Scientists: Iceland's Grimsvotn volcano erupting
Iceland's Meteorological Office confirmed that an eruption had begun at the Grimsvotn volcano, accompanied by a series of small earthquakes. Smoke could be seen rising from the volcano, which lies under the uninhabited Vatnajokull glacier in southeast Iceland.
A no fly zone has been designated for 120 nautical miles (220 kilometers) in all directions from the eruption. Isavia, the company that operates and develops all airport facilities and air navigation services in Iceland, described this as standard procedure around eruptions.
"The plume of smoke has reached jet flying altitude and plans have been made for planes flying through Icelandic air control space to fly southwardly tonight," said Hjordis Gudmundsdottir, the spokeswoman for Isavia.
Grimsvotn last erupted in 2004. Scientists have been expecting a new eruption and have said previously that this volcano's eruption will likely be small and should not lead to the air travel chaos caused in April 2010 by ash from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano.
For the rest of the story ~ news.yahoo.com ~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
~ Happy Flower-blooming days of May ~
And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times...
UFO hoax kisses from the Kougar...
Personally, I'm very dissapointed that the Rapture didn't occur. I think that the sudden dissapearance of all those evangelical tight-asses would have made life much simpler. ;)
Corinne, I couldn't agree more! Also, if they had taken a bunch o' politician tight-corrupt asses with them... well, my mom and I were rooting for that one.
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