For the story behind this pic check out SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~
After midnight meows, my Springtime stormy KitKats... muggy hot on the tame prairie until the storm finally hit, and it may not be over... geez, this Big Cat has a case of the willie-weirds... like she’s claw-scraping a chalkboard all the time... ~shakes and shivers~
Incredibleness... the Kougaress has always been about, like most of us, expressing her full potential... children, young animals naturally reach and stretch for their fullest expression with each movement and thought... you can see it as they play and explore their world... sadly, in this world, being your most ‘incredible self’ is NOT possible at this time. There is no ‘space’ for each individual’s INCREDIBLENESS within the weave of culture itself. The Kougaress has learned this the very, very *head banging against the brick wall* hard way!!! it’s been a whole lifetime of learning that her incredibleness is not wanted. Nor, is anyone’s wanted. This despite all the endless words to the contrary. It’s one big fat lie. Explaining the dynamics behind this would take pages. So, nope, that won’t happen in this bloggie.
Inventions, innovations don’t just happen. There has to be the thought first, the dream, then the bringing forth. The bringing forth is usually the tricky part because you can dream about creating a new widget, or writing that book... but, if society as a ‘whole matrix’ has ‘not’ opened a space for that widget, or book... if society is not ready, you’re out of luck. The trick to living now, is discovering ways to open up that space. This will become progressively easier as we move forward in the Aquarian Age. The future is about each individual’s INCREDIBLENESS, and our future as humanity depends on it.
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~ Al Capone
2:12 pm... 2:22 pm... 1:11 am... this Big Cat has never been into the whole gangster/mobster thing because it’s never held a big allure for her... yes, she saw the classic film, The Godfather... and as a youngin’ she watched the Untouchables TV show... of course, that era is part of our American culture... however, who doesn’t know Al Capone... the name, anyway... and his ‘supposed’ story in Chicago... and, hey, there was that famous ‘empty vault’ Geraldo Rivera opened... well, last night on COAST TO COAST nighttime radio, the Kougaress heard a side of the story that most don’t know... here’s blurb of the show:
Growing Up Capone
First hour guest, Deirdre Marie Capone, the grand niece of Al Capone, described what it was like growing in the famous crime family. Raised in Chicago, she was ostracized by her classmates because of her name, and later moved to Minnesota where no one knew about her background as a Capone. After the death of all the members of her family involved in the Mob, she decided to come clean about who she was, with the publication of her book Uncle Al Capone. In the book, she defends his role as a successful businessman, and characterized him as a "mobster rather than a monster."
Big Cat Commentary... this blurb DOES NOT do justice to Deirdre Capone, or the part of her story she revealed about her Uncle Al Capone... NOT AT ALL!!! Just as the blurb did not do her justice, so any manner of justice has been denied to Al Capone, to who he truly was... let’s just be honest and say history is written by the so-called victors. Plain and simple, Al Capone, along with his family, was Robin Hood, in many ways, to the people of Chicago. Al Capone was taken down by THOSE who feared his power and popularity. THOSE who feared his honor. You could say, it was honor among thieves. That is, if you like. This Big Cat is not certain about that. More, it was honor for what he was, a human being, a member of the human community. We’ve lost that as a culture. We’ve lost honor.
Al Capone was about to run for mayor of Chicago. THOSE who wanted control, those who were far, far worse in any act of villainy, the real killers of the human spirit, got rid of Al Capone by false charges. The famous tax evasion crap. This was simply one more situation where evil triumphed over good, and made it appear as though THEY were the good that overcame evil.
Deirdre Capone’s book site ~ unclealcapone.com ~
This twitter message on the site tickled the Kougaress’s funny bone ~
I will be the guest of honor @ grand opening of The Gangster Museum of America May 20, 21, 22 in Hot Springs, Arkansas. for "Capone Days"
Authoress news and mews ~
The Kougar accomplished writing biz stuff today. Yay, for her!
Holy Smurfing Tea Bags!
by Rebecca Gillan
Marissa had had it up to there with the little blue twerps! What was the point of having a cat in the house if he couldn’t keep the smurfs away? Ok, technically, they were pygmy dwarfs but they were blue, annoying and were constantly getting into the tea leaves. Didn’t matter that she didn’t keep sarsaparilla around; they still got into it and made a mess.
Amazon starts its own Romance publishing line
Posted by: "Lindsay Townsend"
Tue May 10, 2011 8:20 am (PDT)
~ ereader-zone.com/kindle-community/amazons-new-publishing-imprint-montlake-romance ~
Amazon Launches Romance Imprint, with More Genre Lines to Come Amazon is launching another imprint, Montlake Romance (named for a Seattle neighborhood), which will publish "a broad range of frontlist titles in popular romance sub-genres, including romantic suspense and contemporary and historic romance novels, as well as fantasy and paranormal."
The first announced author is two-time RITA winner Connie Brockway, whose THE OTHER GUY'S BRIDE will be published this fall. They say it will "be available to North American readers in Kindle, print and audio formats at www.amazon.com, as well as at national and independent booksellers," and Amazon tells us her print edition will be published as a trade paperback, though in the future they expect to publish romance authors in trade paper and mass market.
Interestingly, Brockway herself recently said in a recent interview that her next few books would be "available solely as ebooks."Amazon declined to comment on how many titles they expect to publishing, saying only that they will "announce more books as part of the Montlake Romance list soon."
Montlake joins Crossing (works in translation), Encore (reissued self-published books, and some originals), and Powered by Amazon (the Domino Project, and who knows what else)-and is the most significant overlap with the territory of traditional publishers. Amazon makes very clear this is the first of multiple genre imprints.
VP of Publishing Jeff Belle notes "romance is one of our biggest and fastest growing categories, particularly among Kindle customers. We also know our customers enjoy genre fiction of all kinds, so we are busy building publishing businesses that will focus on additional genres as well." Belle adds to us, "Having an in-house publishing business allows us to innovate on behalf of authors and readers in ways we think will be good for the publishing industry as a whole." Alex Carr is Brockway's editor at Amazon.
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
~ Happy Flower-blooming days of May ~
And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times...
Incredibleness kisses of the Kougar...
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Incredibleness kisses of the Kougar...
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