Pictured is what is called a Wishing Santa. For more of the story see the beginning of the article below.
Also, the Kougar read an interview, erotic romance author, Francesca Hawley, did with an astrologer friend of hers... about ten NEW MOON WISHES [see Authoress news and mews for the linkie]... okay, maowsa, moi did her ten wishes for the month... hmmm... we’ll see if fruition occurs.
Purring plus! Romance author, Jane Richardson is having a little holiday contest at her blog ~ what is your CHRISTMAS WISH? ~ http://janerichardsonhomethoughts.blogspot.com ~
So, having seen this ~ holiday wishing ~ trend show up in the blogosphere around her, the Kougar took proper advantage, penning about it for her blog at THE ROMANCE STUDIO BLUE, on Thursday, December 17th ~ titled, Wish Upon a Holiday Star ~
Yep and tail-swishing purrs, if you’d like a peekie at a new, more romantic version of TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS, come on over.
ROARING GOOD NEWS, talk about wishes coming true, if you’re a new author. Gem Sivad, western erotic romance author of INTIMATE STRANGERS is currently in the running for The Best Western Romance of 2009... see Authoress news and mews for much more info and to vote for your fave.
World's Oldest Santa Figurine Believed Found
By Jennifer Viegas
Mon Dec 14, 2009 09:15 AM ET
Archaeologists working in Akron, Ohio, claim to have found the world's oldest three-dimensional representation of Santa Claus.
Known as the "Blue Santa," the object was made circa 1884 by The American Marble & Toy Manufacturing Company, which burned to the ground in 1904. The figurine is 2.5 inches tall.
Project leader Brian Graham said, "It's a wishing Santa. You hold it in your hand and wish for the present you want for Christmas."
More... ~ http://news.discovery.com/human/worlds-oldest-santa-figurine-believed-found.html ~
Authoress news and mews ~
Francesca Hawley’s Interview at The Raven Happy Hour ~ http://ravenhappyhour.com/ravenblog/?p=1360&cpage=1#comment-5697 ~
Interview with professional astrologer, Deana Gast
My guest today is professional astrologer, Deana Gast. Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed.
So tell me about yourself. How long have you been an astrologer and what prompted your interest in astrology?
It’s time to vote for the Love Western Romances Best Western Romance of 2009! Books that received a 5 spur review from Love Western Romances reviewers and published between December 2008 and December 2009 are eligible for consideration.
So read through the list and cast your vote for the Best Western Romance of 2009 and you could be a winner too!!!! Only one vote per person so make it count!
A Cowboy Christmas (Janette Kenny)
A Hearing Heart (Bonnie Dee)
Alaskan Renegade (Kate Bridges)
Destiny's Captive (Kate Lyons)
Her Colorado Man (Cheryl St. John)
Intimate Strangers (Gem Sivad)
Miner in Petticoats (Paty Jager)
Mountain Wild (Stacey Kayne)
My Heart Will Find Yours (Linda LaRoque)
Never Love a Lawman (Jo Goodman)
Rachel and the Hired Gun (Elaine Levine)
Someone Like You (Leigh Greenwood)
Texas Wedding for Their Baby's Sake (Kathryn Albright)
The Bridegroom (Linda Lael Miller)
The Cattleman's Unsuitable Wife (Pam Crooks)
The Lone Texan (J. Thomas)
Where Eagles Fly (L. Narato)
Guess what the Kougar found from her Googlie Alert ~ALL SHADES OF BLUE PARADISE at ~ http://ebook-library.co.uk/ebook-1606010131.htm ~
This Big Cat author wonders if her bookie is selling... hmmmm...
Razor Claw RANT for the Vi-Spammers ~
Kayelle, thanks for the heads' up... no, I don't mean that kind of 'head'... whatever...
Yeah, those spammers seem to think everyone in the universe is interested in this particular drug. The sneaky ads for Vi***agra get by my email spam filter. I always report them as SPAM!!! And they are disgusting.
Come on, get a life... Vi-Spammers... and not as in 'come' as the word is used in erotic romance novels... not all of us give one good damn about this kind of in-your-face pornography (no, I don't want it in the face). Because that's what it is. Legalized ad pornography.
Anyone who truly wants to use this drug can find it by doing an internet search or by going to their doctor. You know, with some kind of discretion involved.
Personally, I wish Mr. Dole had never discussed his dick deficiency in a national TV ad, lo those many years ago.
Yes, gentleman, oh gee, this kind of ad pornography is just so sexy I can't stand it... yeah, give me more... more... MAY MY SARCASM SLICE IT OFF ~ ONLY AFTER THE USE OF SAID ABOVE DRUG, OF COURSE!!!
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...
Part 354 ~
Sylva reached her breaking point. Her panic moved out of the way, replaced by a tide of anger that surfaced as if pulled by the new moon. Mentally, she shouted, “Okay, if you’re so smart, where the hell am I?” Her rage growing, she waited. “Just as I thought. You don’t know where I am. You want me to tell you. Well, screw you! Screw you!” Sylva calmed herself a bit, focusing on ‘wherever’ she was. Performing a gradual spin, she looked up and down, as well. Now, there were no more mountains. Only an eerie dark gray floating mist.
Zeke squeezed his eyes with some relief and a great mountain of gratitude. At least, his precious Sylva had warmed up, her skin temperature feeling closer to normal. Still, she remained lost to him, her body unmoving. As the thought popped inside his head, Zeke did it, he concentrated on joining his mind with his wife’s consciousness. Nothing seemed to happen until he saw a grayish substance, as if clouds of heavy smoke combined with a dense fog. “Sylva.” He yelled her name over and over in his mind. Hoping. Wishing for anything. “Sylva, where are you? I need you!”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 353 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ http://passionateink.org/forum ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, January through October 2009 flashes ~ http://theromancestudio.com ~ Click on the FORUMS
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Romance, the Night Before Christmas ~ “For some holiday fun, here’s my version the popular Christmas poem ~ “Twas the night before Christmas”
Friday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Romancing Those Holiday Hotties & Wolf Shifters Celebrate, Too
Wednesday ~ My Characters run the show ~ “I know that for most authors who I have talked with it seems characters take on a life of their own.”
Friday ~ Bekki blogs ~ Are You Wallowing in Promo Hell? ~ “It’s never ending, isn’t it? Like you don’t have enough to do, right?”
Wednesday ~ Jane R blogs ~ I’ve been running a Christmas Wishes contest at my blog, and it’s been fascinating. ~ Christmas Wishes
Tuesday ~ Linda Blanche blogs ~ Snow
Monday ~ Jan Bowles blogs ~ How I fell in love with poetry ~ “Sometimes opinions change.”
Thursday ~ Chelle blogs ~ Happy Holidays to all & to all a good night! CHANUKAH: BEHIND THE TRADITIONS… ~ A wonderful and enlightening blog.
Tuesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Tiger Man Beneath Your Tree
Monday ~ Francesca blogs ~ Yaktrax are a good thing...if I had any. ~ “My version of the twelve days of Christmas (if I had a version) would be: on the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...”
Friday ~ Serena blogs ~ An Unusal Christmas Gift Request From My Jaguars... ~ “Picture it, Tuesday morning, one darling diva, two cute little dachshund pups, five shapeshifting cats and I piled into the authormobile for a field trip.”
Wednesday ~ Crystal blogs ~ Christmas is a'comin! ~ “As we get closer to the holidays, I start thinking about Christmas shopping, and how I hate it because I never know what to get anyone.”
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~The Dance by Pixie ~ “Kallyn stared at Odric's outstretched hand, unsure of how to proceed.”~ RomanticSynonymous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Splendid Holiday Season...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
New Moon Wish kisses from the Kougar...
What a cool blue Santa!
Ooh the best western awards...I just know I'll be seeing a Kougar original there one of these days!!
Serena ~ it's cool the Wishing Santa popped up when he did...
Oh, ya never know. I hope so. Truthfully, I don't know if they include menages.
I'm hoping Gem will win, even with such stiff competition.
Oh once they get a hold of your story, menages will soooo be included! ;)
Fingers crossed for Gem! Her story rocked!!
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