Friday, October 23, 2009

Halloween Cat Funsies

Scoping out all those great lurking spots, my Big Prowling Cats... as those innocent little trick or treaters walk by, you can choose your target... leap in front of them like Mr. or Ms. Fright Cat with eyes like ping-pong balls and a huge brush tail ... yaoowww! scare the bejeezus out of them... maybe an ankle looks particularly tempting for your fangs or a swift grab of your claws as you streak by... how about one of those rubber demon masks many humans seem particularly fond of... spring and sink your claws in... hang on for a fun whirling ride... just remember to jump clear before someone gets you... oh, and pretending to be a shadow apparition at the witching hour, such satisfying shrieks from the humans, young and old, as you creep alongside them, then vanish suddenly...
Purring-yes, it’s coming closer and closer... halloween cat funsies!


Authoress news and mews ~

Serena Shay ~ the Halloween Thursday Thirteen... it’s time for some chuckles.
Another ranch hand interview at Gem Sivad’s blog and he’s all wet ~ ~
The Kougar posted her next installment of the Never-Ending Story ~ When you see it, say ‘Rachel’ ~ Kallyn flew faster, yet saw nothing ahead of her, except the driving sheets of rain.

Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~

Happy Courtship on another Earth

X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...

Part 299 ~

Sylva hadn’t realized how much she missed her cowboy’s mouth on hers. Hungrily, she pressed herself against his lean muscle-sculpted body. Stroking upwards, he caught the back of her head, and kissed her with a fierceness that had her standing on tiptoe with her hands madly running through his hair, in the lower waves that felt utterly sexy and vibrantly silky. Once their mouths quit clinging, Sylva danced the swollen shape of her lips over his hot firm mouth that partnered hers. They kissed to the sultry rhythm of the tango for long delicious moments, until their mouth’s parted slightly.

Zeke touched the tip of his tongue to his woman’s little tongue tip and let her lead them both in an artful finesse of pleasure. Their tongues stroked more and more boldly over each other, and finally twined together in a sensual hold that had his cock straining against his pants like a stallion pulling at the bit, eager to race over the prairie. “Damn,” he uttered, once their tongues caressed each other for awhile, and their lips rubbed a sweetfire parting. “Damn?” she whispered. Her eyelids were half-closed, her arms tightly wound around his neck. “Damn, you can kiss.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 296 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, January through September 2009 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS
Wednesday ~ WHAT SCARES YOUR SHIFTERS? By Pat Cunningham ~ Oooo, you’ll smile big time at Pat’s take on this question.
Monday ~ Bekki blogs ~ End of the Romance: How Do You Like It? ~ “Romance novels with happily ever after endings are pretty much a given. But are we…have we become too cliché?”
Thursday ~ Lindsay blogs ~ The Paranormal in my fiction ~ fascinating!

Thursday ~ The Haunting of Keena Kincaid ~ “All of us authors talk about "hearing voices" but how many of you are haunted by your characters? In the bathroom, no less?”
Wednesday ~ Moons and Wolves: Metaphorical Symbolism in Reality Fiction – LK Hunsaker ~ “Why do wolves howl at the moon?”
Tuesday ~ WHAT SCARES YOUR SHIFTERS? By Pat Cunningham ~ Oooo, you’ll smile big time at Pat’s take on this question.
Monday ~ Lindsay blogs ~ The Paranormal in my fiction ~ fascinating!
Saturday ~ Judah blogs ~ Romantic Getaways - Into the Heart of Africa... ~ “Need some time out and long to visit faraway places?”

Thursday ~ Welcome, Roxanne Rhoads! ~ “Today we have self-described story strumpet, tome loving tart and eccentric night owl”
Wednesday ~ Crystal blogs ~ It’s All About the Romance ~ Even When It’s Not A Romance
Tuesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ The Top Ten Reasons *Not* to Read BLACK CAT BEAUTY
Monday ~ Francesca blogs ~ You have to kiss some frogs...
Friday ~ Serena blogs ~ Devlin and Miss Josephine...

For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ Phoebe ~ Dragons in Oz ~ “That’s all YOU know,” Kallyn muttered. “Stay there in the rain, auntie, and I hope you’re getting wet feet and swine flu.”~ RomanticSynonymous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~

No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...

Have a Wonderful and Wild Halloween...
May your most romantic dreams come true...

Funsies smooch from the Kougar...


Jolie Cain said...

Oh, my. Zeke just might be my new fantasy man.

Savanna Kougar said...

Jolie ~ Zeke seems to have that affect on several women.