Okay, meow... moi just doesn’t feel good. If she did she would yowl a bit about the curse of being Sleeping Beauty.
After all, a real prince, a man of integrity who kisses awake his beloved, having gone through all the trials and tribulations to find her. Yes, the much touted happily ever after is his and her reward. Yet, why would a woman be cursed to a death sleep just to gain her prince and happy ending?
Tomes, papers, articles have been written analyzing the underlying symbology. But, really, what’s true here? What if it’s not all about women and their lesser and passive role in society. What if it’s actually based on a true incident.
Yep, use your paranormal imaginations here. Perhaps Sleeping Beauty was rescued by aliens and it took them that long to heal her. Or she was taken care of by a fae race and this was the way they brought her back, in a sleep of forgetfulness...
Hmmm... and maybe magic lived in way we don’t understand currently. Or, a whole lot of us don’t understand because we were raised in the world of logic and machines and technology. We’ve been sold this reality... when it may not be reality at all, or merely a small slice and dice of it.
Authoress news and mews ~
Dorchester/Textnovel contest ~
~ Chronicles of an Earth-bound Goddess ~
CHAPTER ELEVEN ~ Choice, Doll Face
He released his seat belt, a zipping snap of sound, loud in the following silence. Draping one arm over the steering wheel, his gaze penetrated like some sort of invincible steel weapon. “You aren’t infected with any venereal disease.”
“So...” Keziah shrugged, an exaggerated lift of her shoulder. “I don’t have a disease. What about that other horror, so often ignored, whenever ‘sex’ is involved?”
“What?” He bit like a hungry trout.
“Pregnancy!” she triumphed.
More... http://textnovel.com/home.php ~
Who Rescues Sleeping Beauty?
Talk about a bad dream. This had to be one. Kallyn struggled against the choking fog, flailing her arms and legs. Over and over, she repeated, “I am the Guardian. The red diamonds obey only me... obey only me... only me.”
Someone roughly shook her body and Kallyn fought through the fog again. She attempted to force her eyelids open. She tried to call out. Yet, the strangling fog prevailed while someone continued shaking her shoulders, trying to awaken her.
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonymous ~
At THE PINK BLOG the HEROINES HAVE ARRIVED and keep arriving! Do they ever make themselves heard.
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 241 ~
Sylva inhaled a large breath and marched toward the lounge area. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust what Zeke had told her. She felt uncertain about her surroundings. The fish out of the pond thing. Plus, she never knew what was around the corner, not really. Who knew if Sally waited for them outside? Or Ranson searched for them now? Smiling at Bethanne, she asked, “Where do I stand?” Bethanne returned her smile. “I’ll just aim where you’re standing. With your arms extended. That’s it. Give me a slow rotation, please.” Sylva turned and ignored an attack of severe impatience.
Zeke sauntered closer to the display window. Keeping his stance casual, he surveyed the surrounding area. With the sun lowering, elongated shadows crossed the street and a golden sheen had taken over the town. There were several blind spots now on the way to the diner, mostly darkened entrances to the alleyways. Seeing his brother-in-law’s sky car atop a nearby roof, Zeke’s tension eased some. Because of the stylized brand emblazoned on the door, created by Marina and Grant, it was not to missed. Hearing his Sylva’s light step he spun around. “Time, yet?” she asked. Zeke offered his arm.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 239 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ http://passionateink.org/forum ~
IT’S HERE!!! ~ *The ROOM theme*
Monday ~ Serena blogs ~ Room With a View ~ and what an inner view...
Friday ~ Bekki blogs ~ Room Within a Room ~ the intimacy of falling in love...
Thursday ~ Jane blogs ~ Room to Breathe, Room to Grow ~ this is a gorgeous trip to Umbria, Italy.
Tuesday ~ Chelle blogs ~ THE ROOM ADDITION ~ how that makes a hero.
Tuesday ~ Celia Yeary blogs ~ My Heroine ~ Come read this hero’s view of his heroine.
Moi’s comment mew-sings ~
Ah, Ricardo, you are the man. And you express your admiration and love for your Cynthia in such a masculine and beautiful way. I am in awe of your penning prowess.
I must confess, though, the men whose stories I write would have fallen in love with Starr.
However, as is the way of life upon this wonderful spinning world, we all choose to our own pleasure and satisfaction. And so it is now.
May love always be yours.
Sunday ~ Sarah Simas ~ Not Your Mama’s Heroine
Saturday ~ LK Hunsaker ~ Generational Heroines ~ a beautiful blog about strong heroines and their families.
Friday ~ Linda Swift ~ Single Status ~ her strong blonde heroines.
Thursday ~ Jane blogs ~ A Girl’s Best Friend ~ you must read the Pixie scene!
Wednesday ~ Keena Kincaid blogs ~ From secondary character to not-so-spunky heroine ~read her beautiful medieval excerpts.
Tuesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Shifter Super Solder... I stare at his sin-tempting mouth.
Monday ~ Francesca blogs ~ Fab analysis of the Bachelorette/Bachelor show.
Saturday ~ Paris blogs about how clothes make the heroine and hero...
Friday ~ Serena blogs about the joy of school supplies and more time to write.
Thursday ~ Guest blogger ~ Pat Cunningham ~ STUPID THINGS TO THINK ABOUT
Wednesday ~ Guest Blogger ~ Mel Tescho ~ meet her gargoyle hero.
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story the Kougar blogs ~ Who Rescues Sleeping Beauty? ~ RomanticSynonymous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
HATE!!! > DTV> it’s a ripoff.
Have a Happy End of Summer...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Sleeping Beauty smooch from the Kougar...
Hmmm, I like the thought of Sleeping beauty being captured by alien's. Or perhaps she was really a vampire who'd put herself into a long rest, because she was bored with her existance? Or a Shapeshifter going through her initial change, but it took a drugging like sleep to make it happen. LOL This is fun, I could come up with so many more!
Curses Rocked!! Mr. Sexy Copper is just so teasable!
Serena, that's true... maybe, she really was a vampire... or a shapeshifter. Imagine if Sleeping Beauty was aroused with a kiss and the Prince got a nasty bite...
Thank you, about Curses. It took me forever to get the TextNovel formatting thing to accept it as written.
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