Saturday, August 15, 2009

Quiet, is it too quiet?

Loveliest Kittens, it’s been a quiet Friday for the Kougar after several stormy-type days. With summer winding down for some, especially those with kidlets, moi wishes the Big Beautiful Cats a happy weekend.
Well... meow, there was the awful cologne incident today, shortly after the Kougaress awakened. Every now and then, those who do missions for their church find moi’s lair . Holding their bibles they come to what looks like a front door.
So, this time it was a woman and man. The man was drenched in cologne. Thus, an instant allergic reaction for this Big Cat. She was about to go down for the count while struggling for breath, but managed to say she was allergic and had to get her ‘stuff’.
Okay, that was one way to end a conversation moi didn’t want to have... yet, it took several hours to recover and the headache is no fun.
In fact, the Kougaress hasn’t encountered that much cologne in a long time on her shopping and hunting excursions. Thank you, Bast. Yep, not all of us Big Cats can handle perfume and cologne... one reason moi lives out on the tame prairie.


Authoress news and mews ~

The July flashies of COURTSHIP ON ANOTHER EARTH are now at THE ROMANCE STUDIO FORUM ~ Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~ ~

Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~

Happy Courtship on another Earth

X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....

Part 230 ~

Sylva figured she could go several directions with what Zeke had said. She settled for asking, “Is that so?” After assisting her onto the lovely wood plank sidewalk, obviously coated by some type of weatherproofing, her cowboy guided her toward a large storefront. “Yep, that’s so. Looks like I’ll have to prove it to you.” Around her, were low-slung buildings made out of rosy-colored brick. Barrels acted like planters. Some of them overflowed with annuals she knew like marigolds and zinnias. Others were incredible cactus gardens. “Is this typical of towns here? The design? It’s different than what I’m used to.”

Zeke eyed the position of the sun, sliding behind the worship center’s spire. A couple more hours until sundown. Quelling the tension growing inside him, he focused on his Sylva. “Typical of the towns in this area... from the Kansas prairies on west. Though, southwest towns and cities are mainly adobe and always have a central plaza with a fountain. Cultural and historical influences make every town unique. Two Springs began as a waystation in 1875 for those moving from the East to settle the open lands. Many of the indigenous populations suddenly perished or traveled to the northern territories.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 229 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~
Friday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Romance and Rooms ~ It’s the open road. It’s the sky. It’s the galaxy.
Wednesday ~ Bekki blogs ~ Happily Ever After Beyond the Story
Monday ~ Serena Shay guest blogs ~ What Almost Killed My Happily Ever After?
Coming soon!
The ROOM theme is on HEA and is anything about rooms - your own inner space and psyche, the rooms you inhabit in your imagination, a room that holds a pivotal place in one of your novels, the room where you write, a room where something romantic happened to you or yours or one of your characters. Your own favourite room. Whatever you fancy. It could be a perfect room that you devise and share with us.
Whatever you fancy!
Cheers, Lindsay
Sunday ~ Cheryl Pierson ~ Plotting the Wounded Hero
Saturday ~ The Kougar blogs ~ Eight Reasons His Future Wife Refused Him

Friday ~ Serena blogs ~ Inquiring Noob, Wants To Know...
Thursday ~ Guest blogger ~ Rebecca Royce... it’s all about her wolves.
Wednesday ~ Crystal blogs ~ Write What You Know... hippies included.
Tuesday ~ The Kougar ~ My Prince of a Stallion
Monday ~ Francesca blogs ~ Going Viral... the good and the bad
Saturday ~ Paris blogs about ‘Something Different’, the ugliness of commercials

For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~

"The Big Guy?" Kallyn asked, fear and dread swirling around her. Please don't mean whom I think you mean...
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~

No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
HATE!!! > DTV> it’s a ripoff.


Have a Happy Summer...
May your most romantic dreams come true...

Lazy Saturday smooches from the Kougar...


Gem Sivad said...

And who would those indigenous populations be? hmmmmm.


Savanna Kougar said...

Gem ~ more follows... and The Other Earth Turns...