Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lightning Dreams

From Coast-to-Coast am ~ Lightning Strikes Close to Home

On 7/3/09 a thunderstorm rolled through Avondale, AZ. I had noticed that lightning was striking close to my house, so I decided to snap a few pictures in hopes of capturing a strike. I never thought I would actually get one hitting my back yard. I wanted to share it with the Coast to Coat AM family. I hope you all enjoy it.

--Christian Henriquez

Happy weekend, Kittikins, purr and sleek summer fur. Wrap yourself around some fun and sun, just let everything hang for awhile. Ignore the bang-ing of life, take a snooze or leisurely cruise around your yard. Shake those civilized inhibitions loose and go on a midnight prowl. If anyone dares to get in your way ferociously scowl and go about your yowl-ing pleasures.

Lightning dreams, my dangerous and darling Big Cats, the Kougar was awakened by the shrieking crash of thunder and by fierce flashes of lightning outside her north-facing window. Somehow her dream as she woke up, whatever it was precisely, except it had to do with moi’s writing, was punctuated dramatically by these bizarre streaks of lightning. Bizarre, because it wasn’t branched lightning striking the horizon or zigzagging bolts of lightning. It was close-to-blinding tubes of yellowish light that had the appearance of going off like a bomb.
Nope, this Big Cat ain’t seen nothing like that before, except for the night she watched the fireflies and the lightning... and that blaze of lightning hit the night horizon.
What was strange, too. The Kougaress kept trying to recall the dream because it felt as if it was in union with the bizarre lightning. She’d fall asleep, only to dream a scenario, wake up and not remember what she was trying to remember. This occurred four times. Four different dreams that were highly meaningful as she dreamed them, then poof. Gone.
Gone With the Morning Storm ~ a time travel story back to the Old South? To the Plantation-landia of Tara, home of Scarlett and Rhett.
Grrr-inng... there must be a significant message, but dang it if moi can get a claw-hold on it, right now.
And! How about the synchronicity of the pic above? Moi found it after paw-penning about her lightning dream.

Commenting fun today, over at Fangtastic Friday, where the Kougar’s interview with Dawn McClure, author of HEAVEN SENT, was featured. THANK YOU MEWS to everyone over at EMBRACE THE SHADOWS blog ~ ~

Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~

Happy Courtship on another Earth

X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....

Part 195 ~

Sylva devoured his lips with sultry strokes of her mouth. She knew her cowboy wanted more of her, but held back because of the current situation with Ranson. “Bath time,” she whispered, breaking their kiss for his sake. Her breath joined his breath as they clung to each other, reveling in how their bodies passionately fit together. “Dang,” he murmured, “if you aren’t the most sweet tastin’ woman.” After tenderly nuzzling her nose with his, he circled her shoulders with his arm. “I think you’re gonna enjoy the things ladies use here.” Feeling light-hearted, Sylva bantered, “Am I now, cowboy?”

Zeke put Ranson out of his thoughts for now, deciding to take care of his wife so she would continue feeling close to him, and begin to feel at home with him and his world. Besides, he darn well wanted this private sweetness with her. Her every touch of him blazed his body to wild pleasure. Certainly his cock raised like the devil himself, and that was just triple-brand fine with Zeke. He had a sun-scorching intuition, deep down, their couplings would be often, and intense as could be between a man and a woman. “Yep, my Sylva, you are.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 170 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~
Sunday ~ Lindsay begins with a ‘shy kiss’ from her historical romance novel, BRONZE LIGHTNING.
Monday ~ Francesca Prescott features a KISS scene from MUCHO CALIENTE, jellyfish included.
Tuesday ~ The Kougar blogs ~ A Kiss is Just a Kiss, or is it?
Thursday ~ The KISS excerpt from THE LOOK by Judah Raine ~ Book of the Week at LASR
Friday ~ An honest kiss ~ Jane Richardson’s excerpt is a beautiful inner portrait of her hero.
Lots of good author entries!

Friday ~ Serena blogs ~ How many words are there for ‘shifter’?
Wednesday ~ Crystal presents an excerpt from her next release.
Tuesday ~ The Kougar - Lunar Eclipse, Triple Cross
Sunday ~ Sneak Preview: Coyote Moon by Pat Cunningham
Saturday ~ Paris blogged about the process of writing her novels.

For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~
Siren-BookStrand blog ~

No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
HATE!!! > DTV> it’s a ripoff.


Have a Happy Summer...
May your most romantic dreams come true...

Lightning dream kiss from the Kougar...


Gem Sivad said...

their couplings would be often, and intense as could be between a man and a woman

It doesn't get much better than that.

Good one.


Serena Shay said...

Gone With The Morning Storm...with a Lady Kougar heroine original, sounds puuurrfect!! :)

Four times...there is definitely meaning there somewhere!

Lindsay Townsend said...

Savanna, I agree with Serena - deep, deep meaning here. I hope you discover the dreams: they sound worth recalling.

Savanna Kougar said...

Gem ~ yep, nothing better!!!

Serena ~ the lightning came back in a big way.

Lindsay ~ I'll keep pondering on the dreams... smiles to you, hope you're feeling better!