Piasa Painting
An image of the Piasa Bird that is painted on the bluffs in Alton, IL. Of course, this is a full sized reproduction painting as the painting Lewis and Clark saw has long since weathered away. Makes one wonder what the native Americans really did see to give them the idea for this painting. More on the "Legend of the Piasa Bird" ~ http://altonweb.com/history/piasabird ~
--John W.
Hey, Summer-lounging Big Cats, warmer day on the tame prairie, but so beautifully green and nice. The Kougar actually managed a little yard work. She wishes she had a way to re-plant the little trees that spring up, but her energy just doesn’t extend that far.
Guess what? Summer spidey is back. Last summer there was a spider who kept a web close to where moi lets her doggie babes in and out. Yep, a smaller version of the same spider is back, cozily stationed in the center of his/her web.
Thank you to Whipped Cream Reviews for removing their review at the Kougar’s request. Moi asked because the story was mis-characterized and she didn’t want potential readers to be mislead and believe they were getting a ‘light, sexy fantasy romp’. Yes, there is a fun side. However, there is a deeply serious and intense side to the plot and the emotions of the heroine and hero. Truthfully, no one in their right mind, if they actually read the story, would think it fits the reviewer’s final description.
Curiosity and opportunity, yep it motivated this Big Cat girl.
So, what did she accomplish today? The Kougar re-wrote the first page of her WIP, ALL THAT STAR GLITTERS, an Earth-based sci fi, adventure/suspense, erotic romance story, for the workshop on the Passionate Ink forum ~ http://passionateink.org ~ that Raelene and her two editors are having on query letters and the first page.
So, meow, it may be ripped to shreds, but, oh well, that seems to be going around these days.
Here it is, just for the Big Kittens ~
An image of the Piasa Bird that is painted on the bluffs in Alton, IL. Of course, this is a full sized reproduction painting as the painting Lewis and Clark saw has long since weathered away. Makes one wonder what the native Americans really did see to give them the idea for this painting. More on the "Legend of the Piasa Bird" ~ http://altonweb.com/history/piasabird ~
--John W.
Hey, Summer-lounging Big Cats, warmer day on the tame prairie, but so beautifully green and nice. The Kougar actually managed a little yard work. She wishes she had a way to re-plant the little trees that spring up, but her energy just doesn’t extend that far.
Guess what? Summer spidey is back. Last summer there was a spider who kept a web close to where moi lets her doggie babes in and out. Yep, a smaller version of the same spider is back, cozily stationed in the center of his/her web.
Thank you to Whipped Cream Reviews for removing their review at the Kougar’s request. Moi asked because the story was mis-characterized and she didn’t want potential readers to be mislead and believe they were getting a ‘light, sexy fantasy romp’. Yes, there is a fun side. However, there is a deeply serious and intense side to the plot and the emotions of the heroine and hero. Truthfully, no one in their right mind, if they actually read the story, would think it fits the reviewer’s final description.
Curiosity and opportunity, yep it motivated this Big Cat girl.
So, what did she accomplish today? The Kougar re-wrote the first page of her WIP, ALL THAT STAR GLITTERS, an Earth-based sci fi, adventure/suspense, erotic romance story, for the workshop on the Passionate Ink forum ~ http://passionateink.org ~ that Raelene and her two editors are having on query letters and the first page.
So, meow, it may be ripped to shreds, but, oh well, that seems to be going around these days.
Here it is, just for the Big Kittens ~
All That Star Glitters
Savanna Kougar
Security Agent Drovv Zeghet of the V-Force scowled at the contact screen in the formidable manner he usually reserved for his fiercest enemies.
“The princess has run off again.” He growled the words under his breath, not wanting to alter the smooth operation of his orb ship with his voice.
Returning his expression to neutral, he pressed two fingers on the circular green-glowing button, opening contact with Theszious, the Regional Commander of his home sector.
“Commander, I’m due rec, relaxation and the revelry of my choosing,” Drovv reminded in a clipped, somewhat respectful tone.
“Princess Brazanatta has departed on another adventure of her choosing, Security Agent Zeghet.” Theszious’ expression said it all, he was worried about his daughter and the carnal havoc she could wreak.
“Let me hazard a guess, Commander. The Princess has invaded the innocent population of males on Earth.”
Theszious gave a curt nod. “Security Agent, you are scheduled for the recreational opportunities of our Earth base. Locate the Princess. Bring her to base. I will personally extend your ‘opportunities’ to double your current allotment.”
Drovv mentally growled with a fierceness that reached his gut. Princess Brazanatta of the Fourth Rose Realm had proven a royal enormous pain in the rear of his anatomy on several occasions, all of which he preferred to forget. However, the offer to double his rec allotment tempted him, especially because it was on their Earth base.
“Location details, Commander.” Drovv failed to disguise his high annoyance.
“Two sun revolutions ago on Earth, the Princess landed her disposable pod in the Sandia Mountains of New Mexico State, perhaps to enter the metropolitan area of Albuquerque. May I inquire your flight position, I will send her beacon frequency.”
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 193 ~
Sylva nodded, considering what she learned about this Earth’s culture. “I still don’t understand. Why is he after you?” Zeke shrugged thoughtfully. “I got a message from him not long after he’d departed the university. He swore my reckoning would come at his hand. He’s confronted me a few times over the intervening years, but my gun hand was always faster’n his, and he’d leave peaceful enough. Never said, though, what his specific beef was... sent him a few messages askin’.” Sylva stroked his hand. “He’s on the way and close, isn’t he?” Her cowboy’s whiskey-colored eyes darkened, telling the truth.
Zeke reluctantly swivelled his gaze toward his message device. “Yep, he’s landed on the hotel roof.” He quirked a grin at his wife. “He won’t knock on the door. Knows he’d be met by my cocked forty-five.” Her eyes flared a bit with concern. “Come on, darlin, if you’re finished, why don’t I draw you a bath? Then, we’ll decide how we want to enjoy the town.” She scrutinized his expression. “You’re going to try contacting him, aren’t you?” Zeke gave a nod. “Well, there’s always that mud puddle I landed in... unless it’s dried up, you could have a re-match.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 170 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ http://passionateink.org/forum ~
Sunday ~ Lindsay begins with a ‘shy kiss’ from her historical romance novel, BRONZE LIGHTNING.
Monday ~ Francesca Prescott features a KISS scene from MUCHO CALIENTE, jellyfish included.
Tuesday ~ The Kougar blogs ~ A Kiss is Just a Kiss, or is it?
Lots of good author entries!
Wednesday ~ Crystal presents an excerpt from her next release.
Tuesday ~ The Kougar - Lunar Eclipse, Triple Cross
Sunday ~ Sneak Preview: Coyote Moon by Pat Cunningham
Saturday ~ Paris blogged about the process of writing her novels.
Friday ~ Serena blogs ~ The release date of the THE CHALLENGE.
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
HATE!!! > DTV> it’s a ripoff.
Have a Happy Summer...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
All that glitter kisses from the Kougar...
I think a mud wrestling re-match on New Year's Day sounds like a heck of an idea.
Purr, All That Star Glitters sounds good. I'll be very interested to see what the EC editors have to say about it as well. :)
Gem ~ I dunno, those boys might have somethin' better on their minds.
Serena ` I'm not holding out much hope for anything that positive. But, I thought I'd play and learn something.
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