Summer evening meows, my Beautiful Big Cats. The Kougar sacrificed sleep time to go shop-hunting today. Flopping-down purrs... yawn, yes, the lair must be kept stocked. Who knows when those stealthy flu germs will make an appearance and lockdown will be initiated. Or, just some everyday problem that hits at the wrong time... paw-knocking on wood... that doesn’t occur.
Yep, KitKats, the fireworks tents were up... and this is the first year, moi has seen hay baled so early ~ huge golden bales beneath the morning sun most of the way into town. With all the rain and storms, seas of grass have shot up. On the way, the Kougar spied a songbird of some kind that had long lovely tail feathers. Songbird flew up to a low electric line, perching, as moi passed by.
One piece of good shopping news. Breyer’s Ice Cream, the only brand moi purchases, right now, was on sale... oh, for the good ole’ days. For a time, back in the early seventies an ice cream place opened, called Goodrich Dairy... Omygosh. The ice cream was made with rich cream and other just plain old-fashioned ingredients. Yum! The milk was heavenly. And, of course, the heavy cream whipped up beautifully... just add honey and vanilla, the real stuff.
Oh, for an organic ice cream parlor on the tame prairie... do those kind of dreams come true?
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 187 ~
Sylva jumped in with her question when her cowboy paused, taking a swig of his coffee. “Didn’t you get too dehydrated to continue?” His brandy-colored eyes lit up with amusement. “What’s so funny?” she demanded. “The group egging us on started giving us water elixirs whenever we’d become too fatigued to continue brawling. Ranson and I were so stallion-enraged with each other we didn’t think to quit. At times, we were on our knees only slugging the air between us. Once he fell face first into the mud. I was about whoop victory. But he moved, crawled toward me, growling.”
Zeke watched the laughter flicker in her eyes before she spoke. “That must have been a hilarious scene.” Zeke smiled. “Oh, it was. But by that time I wasn’t hearing anyone and I doubt Ranson was either.” Dancing a smile, she asked, “What happened next?” Zeke glanced at his palm-sized message device, propped against the sugar bowl. Yep, Ranson was still headed his way. He had a whisper of a hope Ranson traveled on business or for a pleasurable reason. “What is it?” she asked. His darling Sylva was sharp as a tack. “Nothin’, so far.” Zeke flashed a playful grin.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 170 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ http://passionateink.org/forum ~
Monday ~ Night Owl Romance Review for BLACK CAT BEAUTY
Saturday ~ Judah Raine discussed the power of the romance novel and her love for reading writing romances. She also addressed the issue of how romance authors are often disrespected.
Friday ~ Bekki presented a beautiful tribute to Fathers.
Check out Linda Blanche’s Romantic Times Review, and the story behind it.
Tuesday ~ The Kougar - “I slowly reach for the hammer...”
Monday ~ Francesca blogs about her upcoming trip to DC for the RWA Nationals.
Saturday ~ Paris blogged about the BBC show, Primeval... where and when is the happy ending?
Friday ~ Serena blogs ~ Better run through the jungle, er Minnesota north woods?
Thursday ~ Our second guest blogger ~ Nina Pierce, author extraordinairre ~
Wednesday ~ Crystal blogged about the lack of shapeshifters in shows and movies.
For the next part of the Never-Ending ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Nicole, action-packed excitement ~ yep, the Dragoness is back!
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
HATE!!! > DTV> it’s a ripoff.
Have a Happy Summer...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Ice cream kisses from the Kougar...
Yum, Goodrich Dairy ~licking my kitty lips~ sounda good! There were no special places to get ice cream, except DG, in my area while growing up. Nope, it was the grocery store for us...;)
There is a Cold Stone Creamery by us now, but you know I was less than impressed with the flavor I got last time...maybe I need to try something different.
Home made ice cream, turn the crank, throw in the ice and salt, flavor with fresh strawberries...doesn't get much better than that.
As for Zeke and Sylva, they are a summer treat every day.
Serena ~ hmmm... Cold Stone Creamery, I haven't heard of them. Great name, though, I hope they improve their flavors.
Gem ~ you are so right. Growing up, we used to do that. Only my Dad would usually throw in fresh peaches. Yum for the tum!
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