May 12, 2009 ... Joyce Riley continued her call with Dawn Welsh of Hillsboro, Missouri even though the show scheduled ending had passed. ...
The Kougar rarely thinks in terms of heroines and heroes, except while penning her romance novels, and reading romance novels. In meowing fact, when moi was a cub kidlet in school she never quite got the whole ‘who is your hero?’ question. As this Big Kitten grew up she came to understood the concept of having heroes and heroines, yet it still never really resonated.
~ The exception, and there’s always an exception... the Kougaress believes every woman who has walked this Earth is a heroine at some level... some being at a higher level of heroine-hood than others... only this feline’s humble opinion, of course. ~
That has changed. The Kougar has a heroine, Dawn Welch.
FIVE DAYS AT #2... yowling whoop-di-dooooo... HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES... this Big Kitkat is dancing-paws and tail-frisky thrilled. And a big roar of thanks to all the readers who have purchased and rated Insatiable Dark... THANK YOU! licking-smoochies...
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 137 ~
Sylva watched Lydia’s lovely light brown eyes sparkle before she answered. “The third time we meet, I will speak your first name. For now, it is the proper etiquette for me to address you as Wife of Zeke.” She smiled, taking the edge off the formality of her words.. “Then, I am to address you as Wife of Bryce?” Sylva asked. Lydia gave a dainty nod. “May I show you the lounge?” Sylva figured that was definitely to her advantage. “Please, Wife of Bryce.” Her tongue nearly tripped over the unfamiliar way of speaking. “The ‘use’ area would be great.”
Zeke knew the game. The Judge wanted to talk with Sylva, but he also wanted something key from Zeke, or perhaps, from both of them. “I’ll have a proposition to offer you. One I’m still gathering information about.” Carlson puffed enthusiastically on his cigar, his thumbs hooked in his jacket lapels. “Care to give this cowpoke a clue or two?” Zeke perused the diminishing length of his cheroot, keenly aware he needed to be careful about how much time he spent away from his Sylva. “We have a situation brewing that requires cool heads to diffuse. I’m countin’ on yours.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 136 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~
Monday ~ Bekki blogged about the Acer and a Dell netpad. Great info, kitkats.
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogged about her strange love encounter with a Baby Bobcat.
Monday ~ Linda blogged about the happily ever after of ducks.
THE PINK BLOG ~ http://lindsaysromantics.blogspot.com ~
Animal blogs are featured this week First wass Lindsay’s delightful posting about her pet dragon.
The Kougar will be posting her Baby Bobcat blog with some additions on Tuesday.
SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS blog ~ http://shapeshifterseductions.blogspot.com ~
Wednesday ~ Crystal Kauffman’s intro
Tuesday ~ The Kougar’s Intro bio
Monday ~ Francesca Hawley’s intro... a blurb and excerpt of her wolf shifter EC release...
Sunday ~ Paris give us a sexy delicious blurb and excerpt.
Saturday ~ Paris introduced herself and tempted us with her EC novel and first shapeshifter story.
Friday ~ Serena Shay posted a verra naughty teasing excerpt from THE CHALLENGE, her first release coming soon from Liquid Silver Books.
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Merry Month of May...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Blessing kisses to Dawn from the Kougar...
Animal blogs are featured this week First wass Lindsay’s delightful posting about her pet dragon.
The Kougar will be posting her Baby Bobcat blog with some additions on Tuesday.
SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS blog ~ http://shapeshifterseductions.blogspot.com ~
Wednesday ~ Crystal Kauffman’s intro
Tuesday ~ The Kougar’s Intro bio
Monday ~ Francesca Hawley’s intro... a blurb and excerpt of her wolf shifter EC release...
Sunday ~ Paris give us a sexy delicious blurb and excerpt.
Saturday ~ Paris introduced herself and tempted us with her EC novel and first shapeshifter story.
Friday ~ Serena Shay posted a verra naughty teasing excerpt from THE CHALLENGE, her first release coming soon from Liquid Silver Books.
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Merry Month of May...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Blessing kisses to Dawn from the Kougar...
Wow...what a scary thing to go through! It makes this kitten want to curl up and weep...
Go Dawn Welch!! Stay strong!
Yeah, it does... Dawn is receiving a lot of help, Thank God.
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