The suspense will probably kill the Kougar, metaphorically meowing, my Big Sassy Cats, will HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES hit the bestseller list’s top spot, or not?
Today, yes and purr! NUMBER TWO.
The one downturn of the Kougar’s lips... someone gave her Dark Heroes a ‘one’ review. Although, the FIVE’s are the highest, currently. Now, moi is forced to wonder if this the notorious person who loves giving menage’s and other good authors a ‘one’ rating, or is it a reader who truly didn’t care for the story?
Whatever the truth, the Kougar strides on, claw-penning her erotic romance novels and knowing you can’t please everyone... as Taige Crenshaw’s blog at the Liquid Silver SEx blog discusses... here’s the beginning of excellent bloggie... and the comments, so far, including moi’s mew-sings ~
A rousing debate
Taige Crenshaw wrote this terribly early in the morning:
I’ve mentioned a few times at various places I enjoy a good natured rousing debate when it comes to books. Since me and my friends are avid readers we have these talks often. If we like a book we can go on for hours about it and each get something different from the story. Anyway back to this current debate. Since I went to RT last month. I came back with books from various authors I have not tried. I had a good natured debate about a book a mutual friend and I had both read. She didn’t like it and I loved it.
Gem Sivad Says:
May 9th, 2009 at 5:29 am
A reader of my book Intimate Strangers told me the other day, that Ambrose Quince was a real s.o.b. in the first scene and it took her a long time to forgive him.
That was the nicest compliment she could have given me.
Trina Lee’s Once Bitten is a stride through a tough neighborhood, all defenses on alert. Adrenaline is pumping and I’m there too with Alexa. I get to be an armchair urban woman in a werewolf world.
Savanna Kougar is erotica zinging into ribald humor and back to spicy poignant. It’s incredible how one or two of her sentences paints picture so vivid that I have to stifle my own moans.
Gem Sivad Says:
May 9th, 2009 at 5:40 am
I’m not finished with the e-books, couldn’t even begin on the print…
Alanna Coca starts her magic before you turn the first page. Even the title, Wyoming Solace, I’m already having that finding sanctuary…ahhh…kind of feeling. I’m in the country…*grin* and Alanna lets me smell the clover.
When I go back to the city, it’s to read Born of Fire, about a Phoenix. Before i read the book i can’t imagine a shape-shifting bird being sexy. As soon as i finish the book, i’m ready for its sequel and rush to buy Hailey Edwards From the Ash.
Books that i love are books that make me change my mind, grow new awareness, push the limits of my imagination. FEEL.
Michelle Hoppe Says:
May 9th, 2009 at 11:10 am
Interesting topic, Taige. My main book debate partners are my daughter, my son and two of my sisters. I think the last time we all agreed on a novel was the last book of Harry Potter.
I agree - give me emotion over apathy any day.
Savanna Kougar Says:
May 9th, 2009 at 4:16 pm
Taige, thanks for bringing up this topic and presenting it so well. Yeah, apathy is a killer. If someone doesn’t like my book, okay, I got it and understand it, especially given my style of writing. If they do enjoy it, of course, I’m in seventh heaven.
Gem, you have such a phenomenal way of expressing yourself about the books you’ve read… ‘course, being human, *I think?*, I’m tingly happy over your words about my writing.
Ever think of being a reviewer… unless, you already are… or, if you have the time… that’s my downfall. I enjoy reviewing. I just run out of time.
Emotion. Yep, I remember a clear point of awareness, long long ago, where I knew what I wanted to do was have readers *feel* my stories, experience them. Not merely read them.
I think that’s one downfall of so-called ‘literary fiction’ … you can’t live it, or it’s simply aimed at wrenching some emotion out of you. But, did you get to live the story?
What I particularly adore about Gem’s writing, is that I’m right there. Back in that time, getting to live it as if I’m time traveling… not to mention I find her characters fascinating and deeply complex, which I enjoy. Shallow doesn’t do it for me in a book, unless it’s just a fun romp of a story ~ which is also a good thing.
I won’t go into details about other books I’ve fiercely liked and disliked… what I will say, is that as an oldster, I find a disturbing trend toward immaturity in the heroes and heroines and in the story itself. Also, often, in the writing style itself. It’s as though I’m suddenly stuck back in kindergarten, that level of simplistic thinking… what’s sexy about that? It’s fine if it’s a novel about kindergarten children… but, romance?
On the other hand, what I find wondrous and off-the-charts wonderful is the wide variety of subgenres. It revs up my happy excitement juices seeing, reading and learning about all the different kinds of stories there are now, and all the styles of writing that are emerging. I adore that level of creativity and revel in it. More, please.
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 133 ~
Sylva mentally shook herself. Here she was, apparently, in the modern-day land of the chauvinistic cowboy. The words, ‘since you are my wife’ bounced around inside her like an old-fashioned pinball machine. Boing... boing... boing... Yet, and it was an enormous ‘yet’... there was how her ‘husband’ cared for her, so far, and appeared to cherish her. Not to recall their scorch-the-sheets passion. She blushed, involuntarily shivering a bit. “I won’t be far away,” he purred, his hand stroking hers. They neared a grand double door in pearly white. Gold trimmed the scrollwork while ‘Ladies Lounge’ was spelled using emeralds.
Zeke furrowed his brow. His bride was skittish as a filly loosed into a corral by herself for the first time. He comforted himself with the thought that she would soon learn his ways. Pivoting to her, he embraced the side of her face with his palm, then bent to her willing lips. They kissed with a languid intensity that made his head spin, as if he’d indulged in too much strong fine liquor. Ignoring the stud-eager lengthening of his cock, Zeke leisurely tangled his tongue with hers and encouraged her sensual enjoyment. Her hand stroked up his chest, passion-bold.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 132 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~ ~~~~~~
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogged about her strange love encounter with a Baby Bobcat.
Monday ~ Linda blogged about the happily ever after of ducks.
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogged about serial flashing and added to more installments to her Flash ~ The Heart’s Misunderstanding ~
Saturday ~ Paris introduced herself and tempted us with her EC novel and first shapeshifter story.
Friday ~ Serena Shay posted a verra naughty teasing excerpt from THE CHALLENGE, her first release coming soon from Liquid Silver Books.
Wednesday ~ Crystal Kauffman blogs about her release, THE COMBAT and Vampires as heroes and villains.
Tuesday ~ First, the Red Lioness by Savanna Kougar ~
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Merry Month of May...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Number Two happy smooches from the Kougar....
Today, yes and purr! NUMBER TWO.
The one downturn of the Kougar’s lips... someone gave her Dark Heroes a ‘one’ review. Although, the FIVE’s are the highest, currently. Now, moi is forced to wonder if this the notorious person who loves giving menage’s and other good authors a ‘one’ rating, or is it a reader who truly didn’t care for the story?
Whatever the truth, the Kougar strides on, claw-penning her erotic romance novels and knowing you can’t please everyone... as Taige Crenshaw’s blog at the Liquid Silver SEx blog discusses... here’s the beginning of excellent bloggie... and the comments, so far, including moi’s mew-sings ~
A rousing debate
Taige Crenshaw wrote this terribly early in the morning:
I’ve mentioned a few times at various places I enjoy a good natured rousing debate when it comes to books. Since me and my friends are avid readers we have these talks often. If we like a book we can go on for hours about it and each get something different from the story. Anyway back to this current debate. Since I went to RT last month. I came back with books from various authors I have not tried. I had a good natured debate about a book a mutual friend and I had both read. She didn’t like it and I loved it.
Gem Sivad Says:
May 9th, 2009 at 5:29 am
A reader of my book Intimate Strangers told me the other day, that Ambrose Quince was a real s.o.b. in the first scene and it took her a long time to forgive him.
That was the nicest compliment she could have given me.
Trina Lee’s Once Bitten is a stride through a tough neighborhood, all defenses on alert. Adrenaline is pumping and I’m there too with Alexa. I get to be an armchair urban woman in a werewolf world.
Savanna Kougar is erotica zinging into ribald humor and back to spicy poignant. It’s incredible how one or two of her sentences paints picture so vivid that I have to stifle my own moans.
Gem Sivad Says:
May 9th, 2009 at 5:40 am
I’m not finished with the e-books, couldn’t even begin on the print…
Alanna Coca starts her magic before you turn the first page. Even the title, Wyoming Solace, I’m already having that finding sanctuary…ahhh…kind of feeling. I’m in the country…*grin* and Alanna lets me smell the clover.
When I go back to the city, it’s to read Born of Fire, about a Phoenix. Before i read the book i can’t imagine a shape-shifting bird being sexy. As soon as i finish the book, i’m ready for its sequel and rush to buy Hailey Edwards From the Ash.
Books that i love are books that make me change my mind, grow new awareness, push the limits of my imagination. FEEL.
Michelle Hoppe Says:
May 9th, 2009 at 11:10 am
Interesting topic, Taige. My main book debate partners are my daughter, my son and two of my sisters. I think the last time we all agreed on a novel was the last book of Harry Potter.
I agree - give me emotion over apathy any day.
Savanna Kougar Says:
May 9th, 2009 at 4:16 pm
Taige, thanks for bringing up this topic and presenting it so well. Yeah, apathy is a killer. If someone doesn’t like my book, okay, I got it and understand it, especially given my style of writing. If they do enjoy it, of course, I’m in seventh heaven.
Gem, you have such a phenomenal way of expressing yourself about the books you’ve read… ‘course, being human, *I think?*, I’m tingly happy over your words about my writing.
Ever think of being a reviewer… unless, you already are… or, if you have the time… that’s my downfall. I enjoy reviewing. I just run out of time.
Emotion. Yep, I remember a clear point of awareness, long long ago, where I knew what I wanted to do was have readers *feel* my stories, experience them. Not merely read them.
I think that’s one downfall of so-called ‘literary fiction’ … you can’t live it, or it’s simply aimed at wrenching some emotion out of you. But, did you get to live the story?
What I particularly adore about Gem’s writing, is that I’m right there. Back in that time, getting to live it as if I’m time traveling… not to mention I find her characters fascinating and deeply complex, which I enjoy. Shallow doesn’t do it for me in a book, unless it’s just a fun romp of a story ~ which is also a good thing.
I won’t go into details about other books I’ve fiercely liked and disliked… what I will say, is that as an oldster, I find a disturbing trend toward immaturity in the heroes and heroines and in the story itself. Also, often, in the writing style itself. It’s as though I’m suddenly stuck back in kindergarten, that level of simplistic thinking… what’s sexy about that? It’s fine if it’s a novel about kindergarten children… but, romance?
On the other hand, what I find wondrous and off-the-charts wonderful is the wide variety of subgenres. It revs up my happy excitement juices seeing, reading and learning about all the different kinds of stories there are now, and all the styles of writing that are emerging. I adore that level of creativity and revel in it. More, please.
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 133 ~
Sylva mentally shook herself. Here she was, apparently, in the modern-day land of the chauvinistic cowboy. The words, ‘since you are my wife’ bounced around inside her like an old-fashioned pinball machine. Boing... boing... boing... Yet, and it was an enormous ‘yet’... there was how her ‘husband’ cared for her, so far, and appeared to cherish her. Not to recall their scorch-the-sheets passion. She blushed, involuntarily shivering a bit. “I won’t be far away,” he purred, his hand stroking hers. They neared a grand double door in pearly white. Gold trimmed the scrollwork while ‘Ladies Lounge’ was spelled using emeralds.
Zeke furrowed his brow. His bride was skittish as a filly loosed into a corral by herself for the first time. He comforted himself with the thought that she would soon learn his ways. Pivoting to her, he embraced the side of her face with his palm, then bent to her willing lips. They kissed with a languid intensity that made his head spin, as if he’d indulged in too much strong fine liquor. Ignoring the stud-eager lengthening of his cock, Zeke leisurely tangled his tongue with hers and encouraged her sensual enjoyment. Her hand stroked up his chest, passion-bold.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 132 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~ ~~~~~~
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogged about her strange love encounter with a Baby Bobcat.
Monday ~ Linda blogged about the happily ever after of ducks.
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogged about serial flashing and added to more installments to her Flash ~ The Heart’s Misunderstanding ~
Saturday ~ Paris introduced herself and tempted us with her EC novel and first shapeshifter story.
Friday ~ Serena Shay posted a verra naughty teasing excerpt from THE CHALLENGE, her first release coming soon from Liquid Silver Books.
Wednesday ~ Crystal Kauffman blogs about her release, THE COMBAT and Vampires as heroes and villains.
Tuesday ~ First, the Red Lioness by Savanna Kougar ~
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Merry Month of May...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Number Two happy smooches from the Kougar....
You're headed for the top spot, Lady Cat! Woot!
Holding my breath... metaphorically...
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