Ooooh... purring, thanks to everyone who has purchased ‘Insatiable Dark’. Also, huge thanks to readers who have rated moi’s bookie... ESPECIALLY a big soft paw of thanks!!! to all of you who gave it a FIVE rating... lickie-kisses from the Kougaress. Her ego needs a stroke or two, sometimes. Mostly, she is thrilled you enjoyed reading her story.
A yowl of thanks to Lindsay Townsend, who let moi know Insatiable Dark’s status on the top-seller list.
It’s not quite the day of the full moon. However, the Kougar saw the evening rise of the moon. Beautiful Luna was a glorious shade of gold and an absolute enchantment of the heart.
Dearest extra spicy hot Kittens, if you want a plethora of paranormal excerpts romp on over to the Love Romances Café loop... yeppers and yeehaw, Dawn hosted quite a party... and, of course, purring-moi posted excerpts from all her erotic romance novels.
Grrrrr-ing comentary...
There is a core group of control-freak sickos ~ no surprise ~ in positions of power, who are determined to make everyone on the planet *except themselves* bad guys and bad gals. If your personal views are what T-H-E-Y label *EXTREME*. For example, if you would like to plant an organic garden without a so-called official coming onto your property and checking it for hemp, or if you dare let your grass grow beyond three inches *technically one blade could send you to jail*. Yes, this manner of insanity is occurring everywhere and only escalating.
According to this core group, Extremists are now considered thought criminals and should be labeled enemies of humanity. If you dare disagree with global warming, for example, or if you are what is being called a *hostile blogger* yep, your personal opinions are now being equated to Terrxxsm.
Gee, didn’t that happen in Soviet Russia? That’s what this cub student was taught. She was also taught freedom of speech is the cornerstone of our precious nation.
Extremism... the new Terrxxsm
Or one giant leap beyond PC ~ Political Correctness ...
Yes, you too might be a Terrxxst...
If you believe the borders should be respected.
If you believe technology should be used responsibly, but should remain free from government control.
If you believe immigration should remain in the realm of what is actually legal and sensible.
Oh oops... if you dare think for yourself.
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 131 ~
Sylva firmed her mouth. She’d blurted out her words. Not that she didn’t want to know. Not that he didn’t fill her in a way that made her extra glad she was a woman. Smiling inwardly, she savored the feel of his cock. Her cowboy lazily lifted one corner of his mouth in a grin. “As potent as you want. I promise.” He touched the tip of her nose with a brief kiss. “Why don’t I round us up some beverages after I escort you to the Ladies Lounge?” Sylva nodded. The Ladies Lounge... it loomed before her, an unknown.
Zeke eased his cock from his adorable Sylva, and covered himself. Straightening up to a sitting position, he gently clutched her waist bringing her beside him. “Stand up, darlin’, and I’ll do a touch up on your skirts.” She grasped his hand as he rose before her, and stood. “Touch up?” she asked. “Like this.” Zeke bent over picking up the hem of her gown, then billowed the voluminous material like a sail so it smoothed out. “Oh, that does make it look better.” She flashed him a smile, her eyes twinkling softly. “Turn,” he encouraged. “I want my woman beautiful.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 130 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogged about her strange love encounter with a Baby Bobcat.
Monday ~ Linda blogged about the happily ever after of ducks.
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogged about serial flashing and added to more installments to her Flash ~ The Heart’s Misunderstanding ~
Wednesday ~ Crystal Kauffman blogs about her release, THE COMBAT and Vampires as heroes and villains.
Tuesday ~ First, the Red Lioness by Savanna Kougar ~
Sun Morning snip-it... by Serena Shay ~ this is a fierce-wild tease you’ll definitely enjoy~
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Merry Month of May...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Happy dancing kisses from the Kougar...
A yowl of thanks to Lindsay Townsend, who let moi know Insatiable Dark’s status on the top-seller list.
It’s not quite the day of the full moon. However, the Kougar saw the evening rise of the moon. Beautiful Luna was a glorious shade of gold and an absolute enchantment of the heart.
Dearest extra spicy hot Kittens, if you want a plethora of paranormal excerpts romp on over to the Love Romances Café loop... yeppers and yeehaw, Dawn hosted quite a party... and, of course, purring-moi posted excerpts from all her erotic romance novels.
Grrrrr-ing comentary...
There is a core group of control-freak sickos ~ no surprise ~ in positions of power, who are determined to make everyone on the planet *except themselves* bad guys and bad gals. If your personal views are what T-H-E-Y label *EXTREME*. For example, if you would like to plant an organic garden without a so-called official coming onto your property and checking it for hemp, or if you dare let your grass grow beyond three inches *technically one blade could send you to jail*. Yes, this manner of insanity is occurring everywhere and only escalating.
According to this core group, Extremists are now considered thought criminals and should be labeled enemies of humanity. If you dare disagree with global warming, for example, or if you are what is being called a *hostile blogger* yep, your personal opinions are now being equated to Terrxxsm.
Gee, didn’t that happen in Soviet Russia? That’s what this cub student was taught. She was also taught freedom of speech is the cornerstone of our precious nation.
Extremism... the new Terrxxsm
Or one giant leap beyond PC ~ Political Correctness ...
Yes, you too might be a Terrxxst...
If you believe the borders should be respected.
If you believe technology should be used responsibly, but should remain free from government control.
If you believe immigration should remain in the realm of what is actually legal and sensible.
Oh oops... if you dare think for yourself.
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 131 ~
Sylva firmed her mouth. She’d blurted out her words. Not that she didn’t want to know. Not that he didn’t fill her in a way that made her extra glad she was a woman. Smiling inwardly, she savored the feel of his cock. Her cowboy lazily lifted one corner of his mouth in a grin. “As potent as you want. I promise.” He touched the tip of her nose with a brief kiss. “Why don’t I round us up some beverages after I escort you to the Ladies Lounge?” Sylva nodded. The Ladies Lounge... it loomed before her, an unknown.
Zeke eased his cock from his adorable Sylva, and covered himself. Straightening up to a sitting position, he gently clutched her waist bringing her beside him. “Stand up, darlin’, and I’ll do a touch up on your skirts.” She grasped his hand as he rose before her, and stood. “Touch up?” she asked. “Like this.” Zeke bent over picking up the hem of her gown, then billowed the voluminous material like a sail so it smoothed out. “Oh, that does make it look better.” She flashed him a smile, her eyes twinkling softly. “Turn,” he encouraged. “I want my woman beautiful.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 130 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogged about her strange love encounter with a Baby Bobcat.
Monday ~ Linda blogged about the happily ever after of ducks.
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogged about serial flashing and added to more installments to her Flash ~ The Heart’s Misunderstanding ~
Wednesday ~ Crystal Kauffman blogs about her release, THE COMBAT and Vampires as heroes and villains.
Tuesday ~ First, the Red Lioness by Savanna Kougar ~
Sun Morning snip-it... by Serena Shay ~ this is a fierce-wild tease you’ll definitely enjoy~
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Merry Month of May...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Happy dancing kisses from the Kougar...
Yay!! Number three is awesome!! Congrats my lady cat, it is well deserved. :-)
Purring... thank you!!!
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