Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Claws Crossed !!!

Claws crossed ! What a difference a day makes...maybe...hang onto your furry fast tails, my Big Beautiful Cats... will the Kougar get to see her bloggie, The Aquarian Age of Love, up at the TRS Blue blog tomorrow ~ ~?
Yes, today, desperate kitty kat *moi* installed FireFox ~ twice ~ why twice? Yowl, because the first time she made it the default browser which really doesn’t work for the way things are set up, and she couldn’t figure out how to change that setting, despite her best brain-burning efforts.
So, currently using FireFox as the browser *IS* working to view the TRS Blue blog with the adult content far, cautious meow... and, no roaring-thanks to Blogger.
And! Good news.
The Kougar was able to comment on sister romance author, Gem Sivad’s blog – some cute hunky cowboys over there!!! And do indulge in the snippets from Gem’s upcoming release from Liquid Silver ~ INTIMATE STRANGERS

Good goddess mew...only the Divine knows what was dropped out. What a chaotic, a-thousand-different-directions day !!! How about you, my Lovely Kittens?


Purring-here are two blogs currently on the TRS Blue blog ~ which this kat girl found spellbinding, informative and fun ~

Magickal Love: Spellcrafting Passion
Love Spells
by Cassandra Curtis

Chocolate, elixir of the gods


Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~

Happy Valentine’s Day... courtship on another Earth

X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...

Part 46 ~

Sylva stared, her mind in a spin. Even though she was a galaxy away from being a techno geek, the sleek screen-phone was obviously more advanced than the electronics she knew about. And was that man Garth Brooks here, on a parallel Earth? Or... “Why the curtain?” she asked. Deliberately, Zeke closed it over the screen. “Garth Brooks?” he asked, instead of answering. The penetrating gleam in his eyes warned her. “Was he your lover?” Sylva’s mouth gaped open for an instant, before she glared, feeling the fire flash in her eyes. “No, you jealous cowpoke! He’s a country singing star.”

Zeke surely liked the blazes leaping at him from her sky-bright eyes. “Country singing star?” He tried a smile. She huffed beautifully, planted one hand on her hip, then flipped her hair back and forth. “Don’t you have famous singers here?” Approaching her, he drank in the lively flush of her cheeks. “We have well-known singers and musicians performing at the saloons this evening, darling.” Zeke stroked over her haunches, his palm slipping over the satin fabric. “Sylva,” he praised. Her body yielded a bit, and her eyes darkened, but her the line of her lips remained defiant. Not his.


Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 45 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~

Yesterday, my Precious Kittens, on the HAPPILY EVER AFTER blog, Bekki Lynn penned a loverly blog about the origins and old traditions of Valentine’s Day.
Also, for the next part of the Never Ending Story ~ ~ Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ ~

TOMORROW... the Kougar will announce her Valentine Day’s chat celebrations... and The Naughty Valentine Tour ~


May your most romantic dreams come true...

Claws and kisses from the Kougar...

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