Meow-eerily and tail-tingly, there it was ~ 11:11 PM ~ as yours truly was about to hit the send button. For all those Kool Kats in the mystic 2012 know, this is a time and a number which will live in infamy ~ and is featured in moi's futuristic fantasy about December 21, 2012, the end date of the Mayan calendar.
In doubt, Big Kitties, just try Googling 11:11, and you could find all sorts of amazingly profound meanings and interpretations. And synchronicities...
Think 'strange universe' synchronicities. The Kougar gives you as evidence this e-mail sent to George Knapp when he hosted Coast-to-Coast am.
6/28/2008 at 10.45 PM
>Hi George, this was so synchronistic, I had to e-mail. I'm working on
my edits for When a Good Angel Falls, contracted by BookStrand
Publishing. The heroine's name is Sedona. So when I heard your
guests talking about being in Sedona, that hit home. Then when 2012
came up from one of the callers, that really hit home, since this novel is
a 2012 futuristic romance, that takes place during December 21, 2012.
Then, the socks about came off, when one of the callers said they were
of Mayan heritage, and talked about the endtimes, which is also
focused on during the story.
>No, it's not the first time this kind of synchronicity has occurred, but it's
still tingly cool.
>Smiles, Savanna Kougar ~ pen name
my edits for When a Good Angel Falls, contracted by BookStrand
Publishing. The heroine's name is Sedona. So when I heard your
guests talking about being in Sedona, that hit home. Then when 2012
came up from one of the callers, that really hit home, since this novel is
a 2012 futuristic romance, that takes place during December 21, 2012.
Then, the socks about came off, when one of the callers said they were
of Mayan heritage, and talked about the endtimes, which is also
focused on during the story.
>No, it's not the first time this kind of synchronicity has occurred, but it's
still tingly cool.
>Smiles, Savanna Kougar ~ pen name
AND! The Kougaress gives another 'strange synchronicity' while she lovingly paw-penned her revisions. This site was featured in the Coast-to-Coast news section on Monday, June 30, 2008. From whence the above pic comes from ~ not to mention moi's heroine's name is Sedona.
Monday, June 30, 2008Ancient crashed UFO claimed to be from dinosaur age, 150 million years ago (This article also appears on AmericanChronicle.com.)
By Steve Hammons
News released today about a secret U.S. Government project to analyze an allegedly extraterrestrial craft has a unique twist.
This craft did not crash in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico.
According to the anonymous sources, it crashed approximately 150 million years ago during the age of the dinosaurs.
By Steve Hammons
News released today about a secret U.S. Government project to analyze an allegedly extraterrestrial craft has a unique twist.
This craft did not crash in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico.
According to the anonymous sources, it crashed approximately 150 million years ago during the age of the dinosaurs.
Eleven eleven kisses from the Kougar...
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