Below is moi's sign off post...
Yeah, I did sign off for awhile. But you all are irresistible. I actually got about a page written --my supermen are slinging an attack ship back into space while my heroine is dazed, but not confused about how much she hates being collared, yet her pantheress side wants the hero for a mate...and the bad guys are about to make screen contact...
Savanna Kougar
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Savanna Kougar
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Over at the Liquid Silver SEx blog ~ liquidsilverbooks.com/blog ~ , Jeanne Barrack wrote a musically inspiring blog, featuring beautiful Irish ballads. Moi's mew-sings below.
Oh, I love the Irish/Celtic music and a lot of the hot sultry Latin music, also the romantic ballads.
The story I'm working on now has some of my fave old rock songs, which the hero uses to woo and seduce the heroine -- Black Magic Woman by Santana. Spooky, spooky little girl...I Put A Spell on You...Year of the Cat.
In fact as I writing on the story and typing the heroine's name, at that instant a song by The Animals played, It's Your Life...and her name was spoken in the song...
How's that for musical synchronicity? And no, I wasn't playing a CD. It was the bumper music on a radio show.
The story I'm working on now has some of my fave old rock songs, which the hero uses to woo and seduce the heroine -- Black Magic Woman by Santana. Spooky, spooky little girl...I Put A Spell on You...Year of the Cat.
In fact as I writing on the story and typing the heroine's name, at that instant a song by The Animals played, It's Your Life...and her name was spoken in the song...
How's that for musical synchronicity? And no, I wasn't playing a CD. It was the bumper music on a radio show.
A few minutes ago, my beloved Big Kitties, the Kougar heard the tame prairie coyotes, yipping loudly and carrying on in the neighbor's north pasture.
Message for everyone, Coyote Spirit?
Beware those who say they tell you the truth, but have been known to lie often...
Thank you, Coyote Spirit
It's a rough world out there. And since Coyote is known as the Trickster Spirit...well...use your own best judgement and intuition.
Late Saturday smooch from the Kougar...
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