Find out for yourselves. There's plenty o' research and documentation out there!!! Claw through it. To get you started check out last night's program on Coast-to-Coastam with George Noory. ~ http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2008/07/17.html#recap ~ moi has stolen...er...paw-lifted the Recap...
Alcohol-Based Fuels
Ecological biologist David Blume discussed the importance and benefits of alcohol-based fuels, and how the petroleum industry has suppressed their development. Some of the earliest cars such as the Model T were flex fuel (running on either gas or alcohol), and Henry Ford was an advocate for alcohol fuel. However, he was opposed by John D. Rockefeller who pushed for Prohibition, which stopped the manufacture of alcohol for any purpose, Blume detailed.
Cheaper than gas, alcohol is a superior fuel, as it leaves no carbon behind, engines last longer, and it can free us from foreign dependence, he noted. There are some twenty different crops that can produce alcohol, and many of them, such as sugar beets, yield more alcohol per acre than corn.
Most cars can actually run with up to 50% alcohol in their tanks, without using any kind of conversion device, Blume declared, and kits can be added to vehicles for less than $300. People can get permits to create home distilleries to brew their own alcohol fuel, which enables them to be eligible for tax credits, he said. An advocate for community organizing, Blume said in many locales residents have set up driver owned stations which offer alcohol pumps.
Alcohol-Based Fuels
Ecological biologist David Blume discussed the importance and benefits of alcohol-based fuels, and how the petroleum industry has suppressed their development. Some of the earliest cars such as the Model T were flex fuel (running on either gas or alcohol), and Henry Ford was an advocate for alcohol fuel. However, he was opposed by John D. Rockefeller who pushed for Prohibition, which stopped the manufacture of alcohol for any purpose, Blume detailed.
Cheaper than gas, alcohol is a superior fuel, as it leaves no carbon behind, engines last longer, and it can free us from foreign dependence, he noted. There are some twenty different crops that can produce alcohol, and many of them, such as sugar beets, yield more alcohol per acre than corn.
Most cars can actually run with up to 50% alcohol in their tanks, without using any kind of conversion device, Blume declared, and kits can be added to vehicles for less than $300. People can get permits to create home distilleries to brew their own alcohol fuel, which enables them to be eligible for tax credits, he said. An advocate for community organizing, Blume said in many locales residents have set up driver owned stations which offer alcohol pumps.
Okay, Kittens, if you want your own let-freedom-ring moonshine still, if you want to outshine the revenuers like Uncle Jesse, remember Daisy Dukes? ~ here's the link for the book pictured ~ http://www.permaculture.com/ ~
For pure tickle-your-fancy enjoyment lounge on over to Title Magic. Guest blogger, Jade Lee, discusses the pros and cons of entering contests for published authors. And, my elegant Big Cats, eye the cover art~ Moi's mew-sings below ~
Hi Jade, your sense of humor is a scream and a huge day brightener!Thanks for giving us the benefit of your experience. It really helps me make better decisions.If I had the extra time/money I would consider entering some of the pubbed contests.But, alas, I can't keep up with promo and writing my wips, as it is.BTW, the cover is gorgeous! Who's your cover artist?Terry, follow your heart, but don't be intimidated by the RITA's. After all, they're only authors like the rest of us. Yeah, brilliant and talented, and maybe best selling, but really, if you can handle the scores...who knows, you could gain a lot by the experience, and by the results.
Moonshine kisses from the Kougar...
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