Lion opens family's car door with his teeth
In the comfort and security of their car, a family thought there was nothing to worry about as they drove through a South African safari park - until a lion calmly opened their back door with his teeth.
Late evening mews, my Beautiful Big Cats, it’s been wet with a wintry feel on the tame prairie for the last few days. What do you think about this talented feline beast? Probably, a shapeshifter who wants a ride.
Talk about making the Kougar hurl her small dinner, Harlequin as a corporate entity, makes this Big Cat sick!!! Yeah, she’d like to hurl them into the boiling stench pits of hell.
In fact, if it weren’t for the authors, she would suggest a buying boycott against Harlequin. And, really, authors, at this point, what is Harlequin doing to you?
On down the road this scenario could develop. Say, enough aspiring authors are willing to pay out the huge bucks... well, all Harlequin has to do is scoop up the cream of the crop and print-publish them instead of you. No more need for advances or a contract with any real merit and meaning to it. No more need to pay for as large of a staff to handle their authors, yep, you.
Yowl and Growl ferociously! What a vanity-press rip off... the Kougaress wouldn’t mind ripping off a few faces ~ yeah, those Big Wigs who believe they’ll be laughing all the way to the bank with their fraudulently immoral-gotten gains from those poor souls who actually believe this is their ticket to publishing success. Please, DO NOT BELIEVE THAT!!!
Because, even if you are one of the very few chosen, in the long run, it means the demise of your career and the career possibilities of other aspiring authors.
Also, realistically, at this point, you’d make more mullah by simply self-publishing on Kindle. Not to mention publishing with good small print/e-publisher is more likely to grow your career, even it isn’t that lucrative, at first.
Besides, the Kougaress is certain Harlequin could find you on Kindle, if you started hauling in the big money. Then, why would you need them for anything? All they’d want is complete control over your work to sell it, or not sell it, however they chose. Yeah, that big ole movie deal wouldn’t be yours. Get a good agent.
Even, if they did get your book prime exposure to readers, well, you might have more sales. It’s doubtful those sales would make up for the hard-earned money you paid them.
Believe me, you don’t want or need Harlequin Horizon. You don’t need the so-called prestige of the Harlequin name, which, at this point, will be going down fast.
Really, are the majority readers so attached to their Harlequin imprints they won’t purchase somewhere else? The publishing field is wide open, right now. If they can find the stories they want elsewhere, they will. They’ll certainly follow their favorite authors elsewhere.
Gosh and grrrr... what the fat hell happened to all the hoopla over Harlequin Carina, their new e-publishing division? Oh, wait, Harlequin is infamous for attempting to stomp out its competitors by what this Big Cat considers to be devious carpet-bagger means.
Yeah, that’s right, they’ll just grow their e-publishing enterprise, then undercut all their competitors... and then, voila, they’re the only publishing game in town. Or, the only big one. Thus, readers, will once again, be limited in their choices and authors will be severally limited in their opportunity to be published and remain published.
The Kougar savagely meows ~ bring on the laser-aimed comet, it’s time for this nasty mean-spirited corporate dinosaur to hit the dirt, dead.
Authoress news and mews ~
Wow, those Australian ranch hands know where to show up... at Gem Sivad’s place ~ http://gemsivad.wordpress.com ~
Here it is, the response from Romance Writers of America...
RWA Alert: RWA Responds to Harlequin Horizons
Dear Members:
Romance Writers of America was informed of the new venture between Harlequin Enterprises and ASI Solutions to form Harlequin Horizons, a vanity/subsidy press. Many of you have asked the organization to state its position regarding this new development. As a matter of policy, we do not endorse any publisher̢۪s business model. Our mission is the advancement of the professional interests of career-focused romance writers.
One of your member benefits is the annual National Conference. RWA allocates select conference resources to non-subsidy/non-vanity presses that meet the eligibility requirements to obtain those resources. Eligible publishers are provided free meeting space for book signings, are given the opportunity to hold editor appointments, and are allowed to offer spotlights on their programs.
With the launch of Harlequin Horizons, Harlequin Enterprises no longer meets the requirements to be eligible for RWA-provided conference resources. This does not mean that Harlequin Enterprises cannot attend the conference. Like all non-eligible publishers, they are welcome to attend. However, as a non-eligible publisher, they would fund their own conference fees and they would not be provided with conference resources by RWA to publicize or promote the company or its imprints.
Sometimes the wind of change comes swiftly and unexpectedly, leaving an unsettled feeling. RWA takes its role as advocate for its members seriously. The Board is working diligently to address the impact of recent developments on all of RWA's members.
We invite you to attend the annual conference on July 28 - 31, 2010 in Nashville, TN, as we celebrate 30 years of success with keynote speaker Nora Roberts, special luncheon speaker Jayne Ann Krentz, librarian speaker Sherrilyn Kenyon, and awards ceremony emcee Sabrina Jeffries. Please refer to the RWA Web site for conference registration information in late January 2010.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Gaylord Opryland!
Michelle Monkou
RWA President
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...
Part 326 ~
Sylva whimpered with the feel of her cowboy’s cock filling her even more. “Zeke,” she whispered. Still, she couldn’t move or open her eyes. Her body was a molten heap of satiated bliss. Gradually, a slow slippage of time, he let his body fully cover her and he sank down on top of her. His weight felt sensually delicious. Sylva slipped her arms around his neck. “No, don’t move,”she uttered, when he began to lift away from her. “You feel perfect.” Her naked cowboy rumbled a small chuckle. “You certain, darlin’?” Hugging him languidly, she replied, “For now, yes.”
Zeke smiled inside, every last atom of him. They lay joined together, husband and wife, feeling the glow of their extraordinary passion. Out of habit, he eventually listened for the rain. A minimal splatter still struck the nearest window. Zeke frowned a bit. This amount of rain was unusual. At the gentle invitation of his woman’s lips on his, he kissed her. Their mouths tenderly placed kisses on each other with a lazy sweetness he’d never known before. “Mmmm... so nice.” Her lips curved into a smile against his. With deliberate slowness her tongue traced the seam of his mouth.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 325 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ http://passionateink.org/forum ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, January through September 2009 flashes ~ http://theromancestudio.com ~ Click on the FORUMS
Tuesday ~ Linda Blanche ~ Lady of the Stars is a Finalist in the EPIC 2010 EBook Competition! ~ My big news! ~
Monday ~ Guest Blogger ~ Gem Sivad ~ Why Read a Western?
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ How Special is December 21, 2012... the end of the Mayan Calendar?
Tuesday ~ Linda Blanche ~ Lady of the Stars is a Finalist in the EPIC 2010 EBook Competition! ~ My big news! ~
Monday ~ Kimm Walker: 'A Life Less Lost' - a memoir ~ ‘You should consider carefully how you wish to spend what time you might have left with James.’
Sunday ~ Chelle Cordero ~ Final Sin was selected as a 2009 Pushcart Nominee
And I am soooo excited I wanted to share the news.
Friday ~ Lindsay blogs ~ What's your tipple? “I love tea (well, I am English!). I drink lots of tea, especially when I'm writing.”
Wednesday ~ Crystal blogs ~ Making Our Heroines Endearing ~ “A couple of days ago I started reading a book by a well known author.”
Tuesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Gratitude or Assitude? ~ “This is a time of gratitude, of being thankful for those individuals and things that make our lives worthwhile.
However, to go with my thought, gratitude or assitude?” ~
Monday ~ Francesca blogs ~ Seeking Truth finaled in the EPPIES!!!
Friday ~ Serena blogs ~ Do you suffer from paraskevidekatriaphobia? “Psst...Did you get the evil eye today?”
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ Have the red diamonds been corrupted? By Desiree Holt ~ “Kallyn was both confused and frightened.” ~ RomanticSynonymous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
PLEASE! Darling KitKats, if you have any thought about taking the flu shot/swine flu shot, please! Read the insert first, not just the info sheet.
ALSO! *Private* contracts with the vaccine suppliers require that any deaths or injuries not be reported. Plus, all the vaccine companies are immune from being sued for injuries and death due to their vaccines.
Yes, please! Let the privileged have the Kougar’s designated flu shot.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny ~ http://drtenpenny.com/the_truth_about_the_flu_Shot.aspx ~
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Not so sweet smooches from the Kougar...
There is something that seems very off about this new Harlequin Horizon deal. It goes against the main idea every newbie writer hears when they step into this publishing world...money should always go from the pub to the author. Never the other way around. I hope those who choose this route, go into it with their eyes wide open! :(
I agree, Serena and Savanna! To me this whole harlequin horizon venture looks very off.
Serena ~ I so hope aspiring authors will take care. The amounts of money Horizon is talking about in their various packages... mygosh, it's insane!!!
And truly, as things stand, I think they'd make more money self-pubbing on Kindle, or even going with Lulu, especially if they have a book readers want.
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