For over a decade moi has been allergic or sensitive to chlorine, bleach to some. Anaphylactic shock type of sensitive. Could keel over type of sensitive. Unfortunately, where moi lives, the water company apparently believes huge doses of chlorine are the answer to every purification problem. Or, else they got a special deal on the stuff.
While moi can drink the purified water she purchases, still, given all that water is used for, washing the clothes, etc. ~ the stuff permeates the house because it evaporates out of water and off the clothes. Heck, no need to put any chlorine in the water moi has stored up over the years. It’s still crystal clear from the three years past.
So, the purchase ~ an Ecoloblue drinking water machine that was on special for Black Friday. It’s a super duper dehumidifier that has so many water purifying filters on it, the Kougaress didn’t bother counting. However, it’s takes nasty stuff like chlorine out of the water... and since, it takes the water out of the air, hopefully the chlorine will also be reduced significantly. Because this Big Cat is icky itchy from having done her wash, and is convinced the chlorine-saturated air is contributing to the skin condition on her leg.
No, not a fun or romantic topic, however if this Big Cat’s solutions help anyone else, then that’s what matters.
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...
Part 335 ~
Sylva hadn’t meant to speak her thoughts that way. But there they were, hanging in the air between them. Not that she didn’t value honesty and open communication in a relationship, especially marriage... however, they were in the initial stages of getting to know one another. Her cowboy husband smiled so wickedly she gasped in a breath. “What?” she breathed out. “If I ever turn that cold, a grave will be callin’ my name. Sylva, if I’ve got ‘wearin’ down’ thoughts on my mind, or I wore myself out working the ranch, I’ll let you know it’s not you, darlin’.”
Zeke stroked her soft flushed cheek with his thumb as she nodded her understanding. His woman. “It’ll take time,” she murmured. “Like we’ve talked about. Just be patient with me.” Zeke stole a quick kiss from her sumptuous lips, then gazed into her eyes. “I think it might be the other way ‘round. I’ll probably need some patient handling. Or, you could just throw something at me.” She smiled in a lovely tantalizing way, tripping his heartbeat. “I’ll look for something soft first. Maybe you should get a large supply of small pillows, and leave them around.” Zeke raised his brows, grinning.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 334 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ http://passionateink.org/forum ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, January through October 2009 flashes ~ http://theromancestudio.com ~ Click on the FORUMS
Thursday ~ Serena blogs ~ Why I Am Thankful... ~ “When I lay my head down at night, exhausted from the stress of everyday life and wondering just how much more I can take, I play a game with myself. It's called the I'm Thankful game and it goes like this...”
Wednesday ~ Jane B blogs ~ Reasons To Be Thankful! ~ “We don’t have a Thanksgiving celebration here in the UK which I always think is such a pity.”
Tuesday ~ Lindsay blogs ~ Reasons I am grateful, one, two, three... ~ “1. My husband. He is my best friend, an all-round amazing bloke and blog supremo (and took the pic on the left, in a village on the Northumberland coast).”
Monday ~ Linda Blanche blogs ~ Turkey Tales ~ “Here are two turkey (or turkel, as we call them) sightings around my house.”
Sunday ~ Linda Blanche blogs ~ Turkeys I Have Known ~ “I'm talking about the ones with feathers, not the non-feathered variety that plague us all everyday.”
Saturday ~ Bekki blogs ~ Life’s Not So Bad Afterall ~ a wonderful Thanksgiving post!
Friday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Gratitude and Romantic Sassitude
Wednesday ~ Linda Blanche blogs ~ Turkeys I Have Known ~ “I'm talking about the ones with feathers, not the non-feathered variety that plague us all everyday.”
Tuesday ~ Lindsay blogs ~ Special things: Meet my lucky duck ~ “He hasn't a name but he is definitely male.”
Monday ~ Cheryl Pierson ~ THE HELP YOU GET ALONG THE WAY ~ “I’m blogging today about becoming a finalist in the EPIC Awards. Now wait, don’t go yet. This is not “all about me”—I promise.”
Sunday ~ Kimm Walker: Special people ~ “You know how sometimes you can look at a sunset and think, if someone tried to paint the sky that colour no one would believe it. My relationship with my husband is a bit like that...”
Thursday ~ L.K. Hunsucker ~ Off The Moon: Home – A Special Fit ~ “A big Hello to Lindsay and all the Romantics. Is it me or does that sound like a music group?”
Friday ~ Serena blogs ~ Five Benefits To Being A Shapeshifter On Black Friday ~ “Yep, I'm coming at you with another Friday Five, but I do so enjoy them and today being Black Friday and all, I thought it appropriate. :)”
Wednesday ~ Crystal blogs ~ Happy Thanksgiving from Crystal ~ “In honor of the holidays I’m going to share with you a sweet treat that’s been a tradition in my family since I was grown and married and making the decisions for myself : )”
Tuesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Five Angels Worth of Gratitude & ...Here I come, Shelley.
Saturday ~ Paris blogs ~ Rules...or no rules? ~ “I've been watching the discussions lately on the value of social networking and after Serena's blog about dining with a werewolf, I started wondering about the social aspects of being a shifter.”
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ The Magic Slippers by Barb Starmer ~ “Stay back, I said,” Odric shouted again and held both hands out toward the advancing crowd.’ ~ RomanticSynonymous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
PLEASE! Darling KitKats, if you have any thought about taking the flu shot/swine flu shot, please! Read the insert first, not just the info sheet.
ALSO! *Private* contracts with the vaccine suppliers require that any deaths or injuries not be reported. Plus, all the vaccine companies are immune from being sued for injuries and death due to their vaccines.
Yes, please! Let the privileged have the Kougar’s designated flu shot.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny ~ http://drtenpenny.com/the_truth_about_the_flu_Shot.aspx ~
Have a Splendid Holiday Season...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Hugs and smoochies from the Kougar...
What an awesome sounding water purifier! Best of luck with it, I hope it does the trick for the leg!
Serena ~ thanks! I'm just hoping for any good thing at this point.
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